2 research outputs found

    Enduring Neuroprotective Effect of Subacute Neural Stem Cell Transplantation After Penetrating TBI

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the largest cause of death and disability of persons under 45 years old, worldwide. Independent of the distribution, outcomes such as disability are associated with huge societal costs. The heterogeneity of TBI and its complicated biological response have helped clarify the limitations of current pharmacological approaches to TBI management. Five decades of effort have made some strides in reducing TBI mortality but little progress has been made to mitigate TBI-induced disability. Lessons learned from the failure of numerous randomized clinical trials and the inability to scale up results from single center clinical trials with neuroprotective agents led to the formation of organizations such as the Neurological Emergencies Treatment Trials (NETT) Network, and international collaborative comparative effectiveness research (CER) to re-orient TBI clinical research. With initiatives such as TRACK-TBI, generating rich and comprehensive human datasets with demographic, clinical, genomic, proteomic, imaging, and detailed outcome data across multiple time points has become the focus of the field in the United States (US). In addition, government institutions such as the US Department of Defense are investing in groups such as Operation Brain Trauma Therapy (OBTT), a multicenter, pre-clinical drug-screening consortium to address the barriers in translation. The consensus from such efforts including “The Lancet Neurology Commission” and current literature is that unmitigated cell death processes, incomplete debris clearance, aberrant neurotoxic immune, and glia cell response induce progressive tissue loss and spatiotemporal magnification of primary TBI. Our analysis suggests that the focus of neuroprotection research needs to shift from protecting dying and injured neurons at acute time points to modulating the aberrant glial response in sub-acute and chronic time points. One unexpected agent with neuroprotective properties that shows promise is transplantation of neural stem cells. In this review we present (i) a short survey of TBI epidemiology and summary of current care, (ii) findings of past neuroprotective clinical trials and possible reasons for failure based upon insights from human and preclinical TBI pathophysiology studies, including our group's inflammation-centered approach, (iii) the unmet need of TBI and unproven treatments and lastly, (iv) present evidence to support the rationale for sub-acute neural stem cell therapy to mediate enduring neuroprotection

    Drug-Induced Liver Injury in Latin America: 10-year experience of the Latin American DILI (LATINDILI) Network

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    Background and aims: Latin America is a region of great interest for studying the clinical presentation of idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (DILI). A comprehensive analysis of patients enrolled into the LATINDILI Network over a decade is presented. Methods: Demographics, clinical presentation, histological findings and outcome of prospectively recruited DILI cases in the LATINDILI Network were analyzed. Suspected culprit drugs were classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification. Causality was assessed using the Roussel Uclaf Causality Assessment Method (RUCAM) scale. Results: Overall, 468 idiosyncratic DILI cases were analyzed (62% women, mean age 49 years). Hepatocellular injury predominated (62%), jaundice was present in 60% of patients and 42% were hospitalized. 4.1% of the cases had a fatal outcome, and 24 (12%) patients developed chronic DILI. The most common drug classes were systemic antiinfectives (31%), musculoskeletal agents (12%), antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents (11%), and herbal and dietary supplements (HDS, 9%). Notably, none of the patients with DILI due to antibacterials or immunosuppressants had a fatal outcome. In fact, Hy's law showed to have drug-specific predictive value, with anti-tuberculosis drugs, nimesulide and HDS associated with the worst outcome, whereas DILI caused by amoxicillin-clavulanate, nitrofurantoin and diclofenac that fulfilled Hy's law did not have a fatal outcome. Conclusion: Features of DILI in Latin America are comparable to other prospective registries. However, the pattern of drugs responsible for DILI differs. An increasing incidence of HDS, with high mortality rate, and likewise nimesulide and nitrofurantoin was noted. Thus, public health policies should raise awareness of the potential adverse effects of these compounds.This work was supported by grants of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), cofounded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional – FEDER, cofounded by European Union (grant number PI21/01248; PT20/00127; PT23/00137), and by the Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios. CIBERehd and Plataforma de Investigación Clinica are funded by ISCIII. JMPB holds a Rio Hortega contract (CM21/00074) and JSC a Juan Rodés contract (JR21/00066) from ISCIII and cofounded by the European Union. HN holds a postdoctoral research contract funded by Junta de Andalucía (POSTDOC_21_00780). This project has received funding from the European Horizon´s research and innovation program HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-02 under agreement Nº 101095679. This study is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The funding sources had no involvement in the study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report or in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication