22 research outputs found

    The cultural and creative function of moving image literacy in the subject of English in the Greek secondary school

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    Teaching media literacy as a separate school subject or as part of another school subject is lacking from the Greek educational reality, despite the international academic research and the development and application of media literacy teaching models. This thesis is an analysis of two case study research projects carried out in groups of students in two Greek secondary schools with the aim to study the students’ response to media projects, which are totally new for the Greek educational reality, realized in the English as a Foreign Language class. The data is analyzed according to Burn and Durran’s 3-Cs model of media literacy, and more precisely its Cultural and Creative functions are the aspects used that include the concepts of Cultural Taste, Identity, and Creativity. These concepts are interpreted within the framework of Cultural Studies and Psychology theories. Important theoreticians considered are Bourdieu, Bennett, Giddens, Vygotsky, Jenkins and Bakhtin. The examination of students’ participation in the media projects and their production work suggest that their cultural taste is a combination of global and local influences, a glocal result, in which the family, the peers, the media and the education play an important role. Their identity is multi-faceted, as a reflection of various aspects of their selves, and it is closely related to their cultural taste and their cultural capital. Students’ creativity is also expressed as a complex process, affected both by the guidance of the official educational context and the youth popular culture tendencies. The tensions that emerge in the expression of the students’ cultural taste, identity and creativity during moving image projects characterize the Greek adolescents’ response to the newly-learnt moving image literacy, and raise important questions for educators and researchers

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Functional role of dimerization and CP190 interacting domains of CTCF protein in Drosophila melanogaster

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    (A) Glutaraldehyde cross-linking of different dCTCF N-terminal derivatives as indicated (see also schematic in Fig. 1). Also included in panel A is glutaraldehyde cross-linking of the dCTCF-CTD sequence 612–818. (B) Limited proteolysis of the thioredoxin-fused dCTCF[1–205] protein with proteinase K or trypsin. Proteolysis-resistant fragments (indicated by the frame) were excised from the gel and subjected to MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Peptides found in these bands are indicated in the dCTCF N-terminal amino-acid sequence. Peptides recovered in the proteinase K digestion are underlined while peptides from trypsin digestion are shown in bold. (TIFF 4642 kb

    The phenotypic effects of <i>Fab-7</i> replacement by dCTCF or Su(Hw) binding sites, with and without PTS.

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    <p>In all shown homozygous mutant males A6 is transformed into A5. The phenotypic effects are the same as in the case of <i>gypsy</i> or <i>scs</i><sup><i>min</i></sup> swapping. In all shown homozygous mutant females, the transformation of A6 to A5 is evident from the appearance of a uniform trichome pattern on the entire surface of A6 tergite (dark field images).</p

    Patterns of Abd-B expression in <i>CTCF</i><sup><i>Ă—4</i></sup>, <i>Fab8</i><sup><i>337</i></sup>, <i>Fab8</i><sup><i>284</i></sup>, and <i>Fab8</i><sup><i>337R</i></sup>.

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    <p>Embryos were stained and marked as in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006188#pgen.1006188.g003" target="_blank">Fig 3</a>. Like wild type, Abd-B expression in PS10-13 in <i>F8</i><sup><i>337</i></sup> embryos increases in a stepwise pattern from one parasegment to another. In <i>F8</i><sup><i>284</i></sup> embryos, the level of Abd-B in PS12 is elevated and close to that of PS13. In <i>F8</i><sup><i>337R</i></sup>, expression levels of Abd-B in PS13 and PS12 are nearly equal, while the Abd-B expression in PS11 is reduced. The lower panels show plot profiles of relative fluorescence intensity in the respective images from the upper panels, red lines for Abd-B and green lines for En. Parasegments are numbered from 8 to 14; approximate positions of segments are shown on the left side of the wild type (<i>wt</i>) panel and marked A4 to A8 (see <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006188#pgen.1006188.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1A</a> for the adult segment numbering).</p

    The effect of the relative orientation of insulators on the interaction of <i>cis</i>-regulatory elements.

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    <p>In (A) and (B) the insulators pair with each other head-to-head. (A) In the insulator bypass transgene assay, a stem-loop is formed when the two insulators are in opposite orientation. This configuration is favorable for communication between regulatory elements located outside of the stem-loop. (B) When the insulators in the transgene are in the same orientation, pairing leads to the formation of a circle-loop that spatially separates regulatory elements. (C, D) The effect <i>F8</i><sup><i>337</i></sup> orientation on formation of chromatin loops. <i>Abd-B</i> regulatory region is shown at the top as green lines of different shades, with dark reflecting higher level of Abd-B expression. Insulators are shown as pentagon arrows, that indicate orientation of Fabs, with the same color as the <i>iab</i> domains they delimit. (C) In <i>F8</i><sup><i>337</i></sup>, <i>Fab-8</i> insulators are in the same orientation and head-to-head pairing between them would lead to the formation of a series of circle-loops. In this illustration the circle-loops are wound (arbitrarily) in a clockwise direction giving a right-handed helix. (D) The reversal of Fab-8<sup>337</sup> insulator in <i>F8</i><sup><i>337R</i></sup> disrupts this helical structure and introduces two stem-loops. These loops correspond to <i>iab-6</i> and <i>iab-7</i>.</p

    An effect of <i>Fab-7</i> orientation on the <i>Abd-B</i> expression.

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    <p>Molecular maps of the <i>iab6</i>-<i>iab7</i> region, and <i>Fab-7</i> boundary replacement fragments. The <i>Fab</i>-7 insulator is represented by wide white bar on the molecular coordinate line. The part of PTS-6 is marked by dark gray. <i>Fab-7</i> has four DNase hypersensitive sites (HS*, HS1-3) shown as light gray boxes. Two variants of <i>Fab-7</i> deletions are indicated by gaps in black lines. In our experiments, <i>F7</i><sup><i>858</i></sup> and <i>F7</i><sup><i>858R</i></sup> fragments were inserted in <i>F7</i><sup><i>attP50</i></sup>, with a restored HS3 <i>iab-7</i> PRE in both cases. Known protein binding sites are indicated with colored ovals and rhombi. Binding factors, common with Fab-8, are shown as ovals: blue–GAF, orange–Elba/Insv. The non-common factors–as rhombi: rose–Pita, green–Zipic. Cuticles of <i>F7</i><sup><i>858</i></sup> and <i>F7</i><sup><i>858R</i></sup> males and females look essentially as wild type.</p

    The phenotypic effects of <i>Fab-7</i> replacement by <i>Fab-8</i>, with part of PTS, and by the <i>Fab-8</i> boundary inserted in the reverse orientation.

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    <p>All abdominal segments in <i>Fab8</i><sup><i>337</i></sup> males and females have essentially a wild type identity. The removal of the 53 bp of PTS in <i>Fab8</i><sup><i>284</i></sup> causes a weak LOF phenotype in A5 and A6. <i>Fab8</i><sup><i>337R</i></sup> induces much stronger LOF phenotypes in A6. In males, bristles appear on the A6 sternite and trichomes cover the entire surface of the A6 tergite. There is also depigmenation of the A5 tergite. In females, trichomes cover the entire A6 tergite and the pigmentation pattern resembles that of A5.</p