1,485 research outputs found

    Macrocyclic Antibiotics as Separation Agents

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    Macrocyclic antibiotics having ring structures with at least 10 members act as separation agents in crystallization, precipitation, filtration, electrophoresis and chromatography. The macrocyclic antibiotics include ansamacrolides, macrolides, macrocyclic peptides, polyenes and derivatives thereof. The process has been found to be especially advantageous for separation of optical isomers by electrophoresis and chromatography

    Macrocyclic Antibiotics as Separation Agents

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    Macrocyclic antibiotics having ring structures with at least 10 members act as separation agents in crystallization, precipitation, filtration, electrophoresis, and chromatography. The macrocyclic antibiotics include ansamacrolides, macrolides, macrocyclic peptides, polyenes and derivatives thereof. The process has been found to be especially advantageous for separation of optical isomers by electrophoresis and chromatography

    Macrocyclic Antibiotics as Separation Agents

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    Macrocyclic antibiotics having ring structures with at least 10 members act as separation agents in crystallization, precipitation, filtration, electrophoresis, and chromatography. The macrocyclic antibiotics include ansamacrolides, macrolides, macrocyclic peptides, polyenes and derivatives thereof. The process has been found to be especially advantageous for separation of optical isomers by electrophoresis and chromatography

    Stereoselective Adsorptive Bubble Process

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    Process for enriching the concentration of an enantiomer (or a diastereomer) in a mixture of optically active isomers. The process includes preparing a solution containing the mixture of the optically active isomers and a chiral collector in which the chiral collector and the enantiomer (or diastereomer) are associated with each other. A gas is bubbled through a pool of the solution to form a foam, the surfaces of the bubbles in the foam having the chiral collector and the enantiomer (or diastereomer) preferentially adsorbed thereto so that the concentration ratio of the optically active isomers at said bubble surfaces differs from that in the bulk of the pool. The foam is moved vertically through a column above the pool such that during said movement at least a portion of the bubbles comprising the foam break thereby allowing liquid to drain toward the pool to provide an internal reflux within the column

    Coronatine Facilitates Pseudomonas syringae Infection of Arabidopsis Leaves at Night.

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    In many land plants, the stomatal pore opens during the day and closes during the night. Thus, periods of darkness could be effective in decreasing pathogen penetration into leaves through stomata, the primary sites for infection by many pathogens. Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) DC3000 produces coronatine (COR) and opens stomata, raising an intriguing question as to whether this is a virulence strategy to facilitate bacterial infection at night. In fact, we found that (a) biological concentration of COR is effective in opening dark-closed stomata of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves, (b) the COR defective mutant Pst DC3118 is less effective in infecting Arabidopsis in the dark than under light and this difference in infection is reduced with the wild type bacterium Pst DC3000, and (c) cma, a COR biosynthesis gene, is induced only when the bacterium is in contact with the leaf surface independent of the light conditions. These findings suggest that Pst DC3000 activates virulence factors at the pre-invasive phase of its life cycle to infect plants even when environmental conditions (such as darkness) favor stomatal immunity. This functional attribute of COR may provide epidemiological advantages for COR-producing bacteria on the leaf surface
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