1,831 research outputs found

    Rapid Quantitative Analysis of Toxic Norditerpenoid Alkaloids in Larkspur (Delphinium spp.) by Flow Injection - Electrospray Ionization – Mass Spectrometry

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    A rapid flow injection - electrospray ionization – mass spectrometry (FI-ESI-MS) method for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of norditerpenoid alkaloids in larkspur plants was developed. The FI-ESI-MS method was calibrated for alkaloid concentrations with larkspur plant samples against an existing Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FTIR method. There was a strong correlation (r = 0.9926, r = 0.9891) between the FTIR and FI-ESI-MS methods. The relative standard deviation (RSD) for all measurements were ≀ 6.2 % except for the sample with the lowest concentration which was 19%. The sample throughput of the FI-ESI-MS method is much higher than the FTIR method due to simpler sample preparation, autosampling capabilities, and short analysis times. Finally, the FIA-ESI-MS can be used to qualitatively analyze the alkaloids in larkspur samples since the data allows the observation of all ions that comprise the alkaloid signals

    Dynamics of Larkspur (Delphinium barbeyi) Pellet Consumption and Tolerance of the Inhibitory Effects of Larkspur Alkaloids on Muscle Function in cattle.

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    Larkspurs (Delphinium spp.) are toxic native plants on foothill and mountain rangelands in western North America, which poison cattle grazing on those rangelands. The purpose of this study was to examine in a laboratory setting, the subclinical effects of larkspur intake and toxicosis, by allowing larkspur susceptible and resistant cattle to self-select the amount of larkspur consumed in pellet form. We hypothesized that there would be differences in short term (9 – 11 day) pellet consumption between susceptible and resistant animals. Two trials were completed, each with larkspur resistant and susceptible Angus steers, and larkspur-alfalfa pellets at a 12% and 6% larkspur for trial 1 and trial 2, respectively. There were no differences in pellet consumption between the two groups in either trial. The cattle were averted to the 12% larkspur-containing pellet in trial 1. During trial 2, the susceptible and resistant steers differed in serum concentrations of methyllycaconitine (MLA) on days 9 to 12 but did not have significantly different exercise times (38.0 ± 3 min and 27.2 ± 6.5 min for resistant and susceptible steers, respectively). Larkspur alkaloids were potent aversive agents in cattle when fed as a 12% larkspur-containing pellet. The lack of differences in responses between susceptible and resistant cattle were attributed to the development of pharmacodynamic tolerance to larkspur alkaloids by the actions of larkspur alkaloids at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

    Livestock preference for endophyte-infected or endophyte-free Oxytropis sericea, Ipomoea carnea, and Ipomoea asarifolia

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    Fungal endophyte-infected forages have been shown to alter herbivore feeding preferences. The objective of this experiment was to compare the preference of cattle, sheep, and goats for plants containing (E+) and not containing (E-) fungal endophytes using freshly harvested Oxytropis sericea, Ipomoea carnea, and Ipomoea asarifolia. Goats and sheep rejected all forage choices regardless of endophyte status except for grass and alfalfa hay. Endophyte status had no influence on cattle forage preferences. Cattle rejected all Oxytropis sericea E+ and E- choices. Cattle discriminated between Ipomoea species, preferring Ipomoea carnea to Ipomoea asarifolia (P = 0.004). In all comparisons, Ipomoea carnea was selected over Ipomoea asarifolia. Cattle did not discriminate between E+ and E- plants of either species (P \u3e 0.33). Cattle preferred E+ Ipomoea carnea over E- Ipomoea asarifolia (P = 0.03), E- Ipomoea carnea over E- Ipomoea asarifolia (P = 0.003), E- Ipomoea carnea over E+ Ipomoea asarifolia (P = 0.001), and E+ Ipomoea carnea over E+ Ipomoea asarifolia (P = 0.01). Nutritional composition, including nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations, did not explain cattle preferences, as Ipomoea asarifolia contained higher total carbohydrate concentrations than did Ipomoea carnea. The presence of ergot and indole diterpene alkaloids in E+ Ipomoea asarifolia, or swainsonine in E+ Oxytropis sericea and E+ Ipomoea carnea did not influence cattle preference because cattle did not discriminate between E- and E+ plants. This study suggests that for these specific toxic plants, endophyte status plays no part in preferences of grazing cattle. For grazing animals, selection by livestock is related to forage scarcity or low nutrient content in the other available forage

    An Evaluation of the Susceptibility of Goats to Larkspur Toxicosis

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    Larkspurs (Delphinium spp.) are a major cause of cattle losses in western North America, whereas sheep have been shown to be resistant to larkspur toxicosis. Goats are often used as a small ruminant model to study poisonous plants, even though they can be more resistant to some poisonous plants. It is not known how susceptible goats are to the adverse effects of larkspurs. In this study, we evaluated the susceptibility of goats to larkspur toxicosis by performing a dose-response study. We dosed goats with D. barbeyi collected near Cedar City, Utah at 3.3, 4.4, 6.6, 8.8 and 10.0 g plant material per kg body weight. None of the goats, at any of the doses, exhibited clinical signs typical of larkspur poisoning, including no observable muscle weakness. We conclude that goats are resistant to larkspur toxicosis, and thus it is very unlikely that goats would be poisoned by larkspur

    Comparison of Sheep and Goats to the Acute Toxic Effects of Foothill Death Camas

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    Death camas (Zigadenus spp) is a perennial forb found throughout the western United States, which is known to kill both sheep and cattle. In a previous study, goats appeared to be somewhat resistant to the adverse effects of death camas. Therefore, the objective of this study was to directly compare the susceptibility of goats and sheep to the acute toxic effects of death camas. Sheep and goats were dosed at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0 g death camas per kg BW. The data presented in this manuscript suggest that goats are more susceptible to death camas than sheep. There were no differences in the serum concentrations of zygadenine in sheep versus goats. There was a difference between goats and sheep in the severity of observed clinical signs of poisoning. This is highlighted by the fact that five goats from the two highest doses died, whereas none of the sheep died. Consequently, when grazing goats in death camas infested pastures as much caution, if not more, should be taken than one would with sheep. Additionally, the data presented in the study suggests that goats can be used as a small ruminant model to study the toxic effects of death camas

    Individual Taxation: Digest of Recent Developments

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    The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 extended the current individual income tax rates on ordinary income and the rates on qualified dividend and capital gains income for two years through 2012. * The IRS, changing its long-standing position, ruled that debt on a mortgage loan used to acquire, construct, or substantially improve a qualified residence, to the extent it exceeds 1million,qualifiesashomeequityindebtedness,andthustheinterestonupto1 million, qualifies as home equity indebtedness, and thus the interest on up to 100,000 of that debt is deductible as an itemized deduction. * The Tax Court held that the Sec. 121 exclusion of gain from the sale of a principal residence applied only to the home that the taxpayer used as a principal residence and not to a replacement home built on the site of the home that was used as a principal residence. * In two cases, the Tax Court held that a taxpayer was not entitled to a charitable deduction for the donation of a home to a fire department for use in live fire-training exercises

    Bioethanol Production from UK Seaweeds: Investigating Variable Pre-treatment and Enzyme Hydrolysis Parameters

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    This study describes the method development for bioethanol production from three species of seaweed. Laminaria digitata, Ulva lactuca and for the first time Dilsea carnosa were used as representatives of brown, green and red species of seaweed, respectively. Acid thermo-chemical and entirely aqueous (water) based pre-treatments were evaluated, using a range of sulphuric acid concentrations (0.125–2.5 M) and solids loading contents (5–25 % [w/v]; biomass: reactant) and different reaction times (5–30 min), with the aim of maximising the release of glucose following enzyme hydrolysis. A pre-treatment step for each of the three seaweeds was required and pre-treatment conditions were found to be specific to each seaweed species. Dilsea carnosa and U. lactuca were more suited with an aqueous (water-based) pre-treatment (yielding 125.0 and 360.0 mg of glucose/g of pre-treated seaweed, respectively), yet interestingly non pre-treated D. carnosa yielded 106.4 g g−1 glucose. Laminaria digitata required a dilute acid thermo-chemical pre-treatment in order to liberate maximal glucose yields (218.9 mg glucose/g pre-treated seaweed). Fermentations with S. cerevisiae NCYC2592 of the generated hydrolysates gave ethanol yields of 5.4 g L−1, 7.8 g L−1 and 3.2 g L−1 from D. carnosa, U. lactuca and L. digitata, respectively. This study highlighted that entirely aqueous based pre-treatments are effective for seaweed biomass, yet bioethanol production alone may not make such bio-processes economically viable at large scale

    Toxicosis from Range Lupine Ingestion in a Research Herd of Rafter 7 Merino Sheep

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    An outbreak of lupine alkaloid neurotoxicosis and death occurred in sheep grazed on rangeland areas of the Nevada Great Basin during the summer of 2023. Overall, 97 sheep died despite veterinary supportive care. Lupinus argenteus var. utahensis was implicated as the causative plant with high levels of lupanine (11.5 ”g/mg) and spartiene (13.7 ”g/mg) in collected and archived samples. Previous reports of sheep deaths due to lupine ingestion have not been recorded in this region. An increased abundance of the number plants producing seed pods having a high alkaloid content may have been associated with abnormally elevated levels of precipitation in the months leading to the event

    Engineering thermoresponsive emulsions with branched copolymer surfactants

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    © 2022 The Authors. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering published by Wiley-VCH GmbH. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/This study describes thermo‐rheological properties of branched copolymer surfactants (BCSs) stabilizing oil‐in‐water emulsions to generate materials exhibiting temperature‐dependent gelation with the ability to solubilize a broad range of molecules. Four poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide‐ran‐poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate) (poly(NIPAM‐ran‐PEGMA)) BCSs with varying molecular weight (Mn), 4.7; 7.0; 7.8 and 9.0 kg mol−1, are investigated via oscillatory shear rheology, small angle neutron scattering (SANS), and neutron reflectivity (NR). Rheological thermoscans show that emulsions stabilized by the BCS with the lowest Mn (4.7 kg mol−1) are thermo‐thinning, while with the other BCSs the emulsions display a thermo‐thickening behavior. Emulsions stabilized with the BCS with Mn = 7.8 kg mol−1 form gels within a precise temperature window depending on BCS concentration. Small angle neutron scattering data analysis suggests that the BCS is present in two forms in equilibrium, small aggregates dispersed in the bulk water and an adsorbed polymeric layer at the oil/water interface. Changes in dimensions of these structures with temperature correlate with the macroscopic thermo‐thinning/thermo‐thickening behavior observed. Neutron reflectivity is conducted at the oil/water interface to allow further elucidation of BCS behavior in these systems.Peer reviewe

    Recurrent miscalling of missense variation from short-read genome sequence data

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    Background: Short-read resequencing of genomes produces abundant information of the genetic variation of individuals. Due to their numerous nature, these variants are rarely exhaustively validated. Furthermore, low levels of undetected variant miscalling will have a systematic and disproportionate impact on the interpretation of individual genome sequence information, especially should these also be carried through into in reference databases ofgenomic variation. Results: We find that sequence variation from short-read sequence data is subject to recurrent-yet-intermittent miscalling that occurs in a sequence intrinsic manner and is very sensitive to sequence read length. The miscalls arise from difficulties aligning short reads to redundant genomic regions, where the rate of sequencing error approaches the sequence diversity between redundant regions. We find the resultant miscalled variants to be sensitive to small sequence variations between genomes, and thereby are often intrinsic to an individual, pedigree, strain or human ethnic group. In human exome sequences, we identify 2–300 recurrent false positive variants per individual, almost all of which are present in public databases of human genomic variation. From the exomes of non-reference strains of inbred mice, we identify 3–5000 recurrent false positive variants per mouse – the number of which increasing with greater distance between an individual mouse strain and the reference C57BL6 mouse genome. We show that recurrently miscalled variants may be reproduced for a given genome from repeated simulation rounds of read resampling, realignment and recalling. As such, it is possible to identify more than two-thirds of false positive variation from only ten rounds of simulation. Conclusion: Identification and removal of recurrent false positive variants from specific individual variant sets will improve overall data quality. Variant miscalls arising are highly sequence intrinsic and are often specific to an individual, pedigree or ethnicity. Further, read length is a strong determinant of whether given false variants will be called for any given genome – which has profound significance for cohort studies that pool datasets collected and sequenced at different points in time
