32 research outputs found

    Global Existence of Solutions of the Semiclassical Einstein Equation for Cosmological Spacetimes

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    We study the solutions of the semiclassical Einstein equation in flat cosmological spacetimes driven by a massive conformally coupled scalar field. In particular, we show that it is possible to give initial conditions at finite time to get a state for the quantum field which gives finite expectation values for the stress-energy tensor. Furthermore, it is possible to control this expectation value by means of a global estimate on regular cosmological spacetimes. The obtained estimates permit to write a theorem about the existence and uniqueness of the local solutions encompassing both the spacetime metric and the matter field simultaneously. Finally, we show that one can always extend local solutions up to a point where the scale factor becomes singular or the Hubble function reaches a critical value Hc=180Ď€/GH_c = 180\pi/G, which both correspond to a divergence of the scalar curvature, namely a spacetime singularity.Comment: 20 pages; corrected reference

    Electromagnetic Potential in Pre-Metric Electrodynamics: Causal Structure, Propagators and Quantization

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    An axiomatic approach to electrodynamics reveals that Maxwell electrodynamics is just one instance of a variety of theories for which the name electrodynamics is justified. They all have in common that their fundamental input are Maxwell's equations dF=0\textrm{d} F = 0 (or F=dAF = \textrm{d} A) and dH=J\textrm{d} H = J and a constitutive law H = # F which relates the field strength two-form FF and the excitation two-form HH. A local and linear constitutive law defines what is called local and linear pre-metric electrodynamics whose best known application are the effective description of electrodynamics inside media including, e.g., birefringence. We analyze the classical theory of the electromagnetic potential AA before we use methods familiar from mathematical quantum field theory in curved spacetimes to quantize it in a locally covariant way. Our analysis of the classical theory contains the derivation of retarded and advanced propagators, the analysis of the causal structure on the basis of the constitutive law (instead of a metric) and a discussion of the classical phase space. This classical analysis sets the stage for the construction of the quantum field algebra and quantum states. Here one sees, among other things, that a microlocal spectrum condition can be formulated in this more general setting.Comment: 34 pages, references added, update to published version, title updated to published versio

    An Evolution Equation Approach to Linear Quantum Field Theory

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    In the first part of our paper we analyze bisolutions and inverses of (non-autonomous) evolution equations. We are mostly interested in pseudo-unitary evolutions on Krein spaces, which naturally arise in linear Quantum Field Theory. We prove that with boundary conditions given by a maximal positive and maximal negative space we can associate an inverse, which can be viewed as a generalization of the usual Feynman propagator. In the context of globally hyperbolic manifolds, the Feynman propagator turns out to be a distinguished inverse of the Klein-Gordon operator. Within the formalism of Quantum Field Theory on curved spacetimes, the Feynman propagator yields the expectation values of time-ordered products of fields between the in and out vacuum --the basic ingredient for Feynman diagrams.Comment: 61 page

    Hadamard States for the Vector Potential on Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes

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    We develop a quantization scheme for the vector potential on globally hyperbolic spacetimes which realizes it as a locally covariant conformal quantum field theory. This result allows us to employ on a large class of backgrounds, which are asymptotically flat at null infinity, a bulk-to-boundary correspondence procedure in order to identify for the underlying field algebra a distinguished ground state which is of Hadamard form.Comment: 25 pages, comments added, improved notation, minor typos corrected and updated bibliograph

    Scale-Invariant Curvature Fluctuations from an Extended Semiclassical Gravity

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    We present an extension of the semiclassical Einstein equations which couples n-point correlation functions of a stochastic Einstein tensor to the n-point functions of the quantum stress-energy tensor. We apply this extension to calculate the quantum fluctuations during an inflationary period, where we take as a model a massive conformally coupled scalar field on a perturbed de Sitter space and describe how a renormalization independent, almost-scale-invariant power spectrum of the scalar metric perturbation is produced. Furthermore, we discuss how this model yields a natural basis for the calculation of non-Gaussianities of the considered metric fluctuations.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures; final versio

    Quantum Energy Inequalities in Pre-Metric Electrodynamics

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    Pre-metric electrodynamics is a covariant framework for electromagnetism with a general constitutive law. Its lightcone structure can be more complicated than that of Maxwell theory as is shown by the phenomenon of birefringence. We study the energy density of quantized pre-metric electrodynamics theories with linear constitutive laws admitting a single hyperbolicity double-cone and show that averages of the energy density along the worldlines of suitable observers obey a Quantum Energy Inequality (QEI) in states that satisfy a microlocal spectrum condition. The worldlines must meet two conditions: (a) the classical weak energy condition must hold along them, and (b) their velocity vectors have positive contractions with all positive frequency null covectors (we call such trajectories `subluminal'). After stating our general results, we explicitly quantize the electromagnetic potential in a translationally invariant uniaxial birefringent crystal. Since the propagation of light in such a crystal is governed by two nested lightcones, the theory shows features absent in ordinary (quantized) Maxwell electrodynamics. We then compute a QEI bound for worldlines of inertial `subluminal' observers, which generalizes known results from the Maxwell theory. Finally, it is shown that the QEIs fail along trajectories that have velocity vectors which are timelike with respect to only one of the lightcones