11 research outputs found

    Patient Allocation.

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    <p>Of 429 patients who underwent liver transplantation at our institution from December 2006 till March 2011, 266 were eligible for inclusion in the study. <sup>*</sup>incl. 18 HU-listed, 33 split/living related, and 5 retransplantations; excl. <sup>**</sup><18 years; <sup>***</sup><18 years or HU-listed; <sup>****</sup><18 years, HU-listed or split/living related or combined organ transplantation.</p

    Perioperative parameters included in the analysis.

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    <p><sup>*</sup>total volume collected during surgery including ascites, rinsing fluids, and blood.</p

    Multivariate, logistic regression analysis of patient survival rates.

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    <p>Final model of the multivariate logistic regression analysis of clinical parameters associated with the 90-day timeframe for patient survival in the study population. Clinical parameters included in the multivariate analysis were significant at the 10% level in the univariate analysis. OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; DRI: donor risk index.</p

    The Risk Factors identified in the univariate analysis.

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    <p>CIT: cold ischemic time; DRI: donor risk index; hyper-/hyponatremia defined as Na<sup>+</sup><135 and >145 mmol/L.</p><p><sup>*</sup>total volume collected during surgery including ascites, rinsing fluids, and blood.</p