2,062 research outputs found

    Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2016 Social Inclusion Monitor Europe

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    1. Social justice in the EU – participation opportunities have improved in the majority of EU member states, but are still a long way behind precrisis levels Social justice has improved slightly in the majority of EU member states compared with last year’s Social Justice Index (SJI 2015). It appears that, after years of decline, the majority of countries reached their lowest point between 2012 and 2014. Whether the improvement is a genuine, stable turnaround or just a slight temporary easing will only become apparent in future reports. At least the downward trend observed since 2008 in terms of equal participation opportunities has halted in the majority of member states. However, even seven years after the global economic crisis first hit, participation opportunities in the vast majority of EU states – with a few exceptions – are still noticeably worse than before the crisis. Only five of the 28 EU countries – the Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, the UK, and Poland – are showing moderate improvements in terms of participation opportunities, compared with the situation before the economic and financial crisis

    Managing the interface between public sector applied research and technological development in the Chinese enterprise sector

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    China's technological capabilities are emerging rapidly and the country will become a major challenger to established nations in terms of R&D and innovation in the near future. For the moment, however, contradictory signals emerge from the Chinese economy leaving experts pondering about the country's true potential for technological upgrading on a broad scale. The integration of the domestic research system, international technology transfer, and technological development remains limited to a few high-tech companies, while large segments of the domestic private sector have limited access to knowledge and technologies to upgrade their activities. --China,Guangdong,interface,knowledge supply,knowledge demand,regional innovation system,science-industry relations

    Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2017 Social Inclusion Monitor Europe. Bertelsmann Stiftung Social Inclusion Monitor Europe 2017

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    1. Europe is recovering not only economically, but also in the domain of social justice After years of downward movement, an upward trend in the domain of social justice is evident in the broad majority of EU member states. Although far from all member states have regained their pre-crisis levels, the most recent EU Social Justice Index data give cause for hope that the worst is over not just in economic terms, but also from a social perspective. At the top of this year’s Social Justice Index are the northern European states of Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Rounding out the top group are the Czech Republic, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Austria and Germany, while Greece, despite again posting slight gains this year, remains clearly in last place

    Evolving into a Regional Innovation System: How Governance impact on Innovation in Shenzhen and Dongguan, China?

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    Governance constitutes elementary supportive infrastructure for regional innovation systems. This paper extends the evolutionary lens of governance into initial industrialization phase and examines the impact of their evolution into regional innovation systems on fostering innovation activities. Drawing on the empirical substances in Shenzhen and Dongguan, China, a path-dependent nature of institutional design on supporting innovation has been discovered. The paper shows that the dirigiste globalized production system in Shenzhen in 1980s has gradually evolved to a higher level of interactive regional innovation system than the grassroots globalized production system in Dongguan, where innovation is still passively managed by global players. Finally, policy implication is discussed for the construction of regional innovation systems under different governance modalities in the initial industrialization phase.ego-networks, geographical proximity, innovation performance, knowledge networks, technological relatedness

    An Exploration of the Origins of Objectivity in American News Reporting

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    Research at Universities in Germany

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    In Germany, all universities have the task to carry out both research and teaching. However, due to a lack of differentiation and competition combined with chronic underfunding, research quality and attractiveness of the research environment at most universities did not keep up with public research institutes in Germany and lost ground at the global scale. This article discusses reasons for the state of university research in Germany and assesses the strategies that have been applied to improve research at German universities recently, in particular the Excellence Initiative

    Science and engineering in digital capitalism

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    Science and engineering in digital capitalis

    Teaching the Foundations of Data Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach

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    The astronomical growth of data has necessitated the need for educating well-qualified data scientists to derive deep insights from large and complex data sets generated by organizations. In this paper, we present our interdisciplinary approach and experiences in teaching a Data Science course, the first of its kind offered at the Wright State University. Two faculty members from the Management Information Systems (MIS) and Computer Science (CS) departments designed and co-taught the course with perspectives from their previous research and teaching experiences. Students in the class had mix backgrounds with mainly MIS and CS majors. Students' learning outcomes and post course survey responses suggested that the course delivered a broad overview of data science as desired, and that students worked synergistically with those of different majors in collaborative lab assignments and in a semester long project. The interdisciplinary pedagogy helped build collaboration and create satisfaction among learners.Comment: Presented at SIGDSA Business Analytics Conference 201

    Toward a systematic 1/d expansion: Two particle properties

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    We present a procedure to calculate 1/d corrections to the two-particle properties around the infinite dimensional dynamical mean field limit. Our method is based on a modified version of the scheme of Ref. onlinecite{SchillerIngersent}}. To test our method we study the Hubbard model at half filling within the fluctuation exchange approximation (FLEX), a selfconsistent generalization of iterative perturbation theory. Apart from the inherent unstabilities of FLEX, our method is stable and results in causal solutions. We find that 1/d corrections to the local approximation are relatively small in the Hubbard model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures, REVTe