220 research outputs found

    Resolution Effects in the Hybrid Strong/Weak Coupling Model

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    Within the context of a hybrid strong/weak coupling model of jet quenching, we study the consequences of the fact that the plasma produced in a heavy ion collision cannot resolve the substructure of a collimated parton shower propagating through it with arbitrarily fine spatial resolution. We introduce a screening length parameter, LresL_{\rm res}, proportional to the inverse of the local temperature in the plasma, estimating a range for the value of the proportionality constant via comparing weakly coupled QCD calculations and holographic calculations appropriate in strongly coupled plasma. We then modify the hybrid model so that when a parton in a jet shower splits, its two offspring are initially treated as unresolved, and are only treated as two separate partons losing energy independently after they are separated by a distance LresL_{\rm res}. This modification delays the quenching of partons with intermediate energy, resulting in the survival of more hadrons in the final state with pTp_T in the several GeV range. We analyze the consequences of different choices for the value of the resolution length, LresL_{\rm res}, and demonstrate that introducing a nonzero LresL_{\rm res} results in modifications to the jet shapes and jet fragmentations functions, as it makes it more probable for particles carrying a small fraction of the jet energy at larger angles from the jet axis to survive their passage through the quark-gluon plasma. These effects are, however, small in magnitude, something that we confirm via checking for effects on missing-pTp_T observables.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Jet formation and interference in a thin QCD medium

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    In heavy-ion collisions, an abundant production of high-energy QCD jets allows to study how these multiparticle sprays are modified as they pass through the quark-gluon plasma. In order to shed new light on this process, we compute the inclusive two-gluon rate off a hard quark propagating through a color deconfined medium at first order in medium opacity. We explicitly impose an energy ordering of the two emitted gluons, such that the "hard" gluon can be thought of as belonging to the jet substructure while the other is a "soft" emission (which can be collinear or medium-induced). Our analysis focusses on two specific limits that clarify the modification of the additional angle- and formation time-ordering of splittings. In one limit, the formation time of the "hard" gluon is short compared to the "soft" gluon formation time, leading to a probabilistic formula for production of and subsequent radiation off a quark-gluon antenna. In the other limit, the ordering of formation is reverted, which automatically leads to the fact that the jet substructure is resolved by the medium. We observe in this case a characteristic delay: the jet radiates as one color current (quark) up to the formation of the "hard" gluon, at which point we observe the onset of radiation of the new color current (gluon). Our computation supports a picture in which the in-medium jet dynamics are described as a collection of subsequent antennas which are resolved by the medium according to their transverse extent.Comment: 33 page

    Angular Structure of Jet Quenching Within a Hybrid Strong/Weak Coupling Model

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    Within the context of a hybrid strong/weak coupling model of jet quenching, we study the modification of the angular distribution of the energy within jets in heavy ion collisions, as partons within jet showers lose energy and get kicked as they traverse the strongly coupled plasma produced in the collision. To describe the dynamics transverse to the jet axis, we add the effects of transverse momentum broadening into our hybrid construction, introducing a parameter K≡q^/T3K\equiv \hat q/T^3 that governs its magnitude. We show that, because of the quenching of the energy of partons within a jet, even when K≠0K\neq 0 the jets that survive with some specified energy in the final state are narrower than jets with that energy in proton-proton collisions. For this reason, many standard observables are rather insensitive to KK. We propose a new differential jet shape ratio observable in which the effects of transverse momentum broadening are apparent. We also analyze the response of the medium to the passage of the jet through it, noting that the momentum lost by the jet appears as the momentum of a wake in the medium. After freezeout this wake becomes soft particles with a broad angular distribution but with net momentum in the jet direction. We show that the particles coming from the response of the medium to the momentum and energy deposited in it leads to a correlation between the momentum of soft particles well separated from the jet in angle with the direction of the jet momentum, and find qualitative but not quantitative agreement with experimental data on observables designed to extract such a correlation. By confronting the results that we obtain upon introducing transverse momentum broadening and the response of the medium to the jet with available jet data, we highlight the importance of these processes for understanding the internal, soft, angular structure of high energy jets.Comment: 62 pages, 14 figure

    The angular structure of jet quenching within a hybrid strong/weak coupling model

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    Building upon the hybrid strong/weak coupling model for jet quenching, we incorporate and study the effects of transverse momentum broadening and medium response of the plasma to jets on a variety of observables. For inclusive jet observables, we find little sensitivity to the strength of broadening. To constrain those dynamics, we propose new observables constructed from ratios of differential jet shapes, in which particles are binned in momentum, which are sensitive to the in-medium broadening parameter. We also investigate the effect of the back-reaction of the medium on the angular structure of jets as reconstructed with different cone radii R. Finally we provide results for the so called "missing-pt", finding a qualitative agreement between our model calculations and data in many respects, although a quantitative agreement is beyond our simplified treatment of the hadrons originating from the hydrodynamic wake.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, proceedings for conference Hard Probes 201

    Predictions for Boson-Jet Observables and Fragmentation Function Ratios from a Hybrid Strong/Weak Coupling Model for Jet Quenching

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    We have previously introduced a hybrid strong/weak coupling model for jet quenching in heavy ion collisions that describes the production and fragmentation of jets at weak coupling, using PYTHIA, and describes the rate at which each parton in the jet shower loses energy as it propagates through the strongly coupled plasma, dE/dx, using an expression computed holographically at strong coupling. The model has a single free parameter that we fit to a single experimental measurement. We then confront our model with experimental data on many other jet observables, focusing here on boson-jet observables, finding that it provides a good description of present jet data. Next, we provide the predictions of our hybrid model for many measurements to come, including those for inclusive jet, dijet, photon-jet and Z-jet observables in heavy ion collisions with energy s=5.02\sqrt{s}=5.02 ATeV coming soon at the LHC. As the statistical uncertainties on near-future measurements of photon-jet observables are expected to be much smaller than those in present data, with about an order of magnitude more photon-jet events expected, predictions for these observables are particularly important. We find that most of our pre- and post-dictions do not depend sensitively on the form we choose for the rate of energy loss dE/dx of the partons in the shower. This gives our predictions considerable robustness. To better discriminate between possible forms for the rate of energy loss, though, we must turn to intrajet observables. Here, we focus on ratios of fragmentation functions. We close with a suggestion for a particular ratio, between the fragmentation functions of inclusive and associated jets with the same kinematics in the same collisions, which is particularly sensitive to the x- and E-dependence of dE/dx, and hence may be used to learn which mechanism of parton energy loss best describes the quenching of jets.Comment: 59 pages, 24 figures. v2: minor changes, typos corrected and references adde

    Resolving the spacetime structure of jets with medium

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    Away from the strictly soft and collinear limit of QCD radiation the choice of evolution scale in a parton shower algorithm is ambiguous and several options have been implemented in existing Monte Carlo event generators for proton-proton collisions. However, the resulting space-time evolution could result in subtle differences depending on the particular choice. In this work we quantify measurable consequences of the choice of the evolution variable and show how the implications of such a choice propagates into jet quenching observables. We develop a parton shower algorithm for a general evolution variable, that includes as special cases the virtuality, angle, transverse momentum and formation time. We study the interplay between the shower history for different evolution variables and the phase space affected by parton energy loss. In particular, we implement effects of jet quenching in the dense limit and highlight the role of color coherence effects. We compare the results of the different ordering variables to existing Monte Carlo shower implementations on the parton level by analyzing primary Lund planes. Finally, we study the sensitivity of quenched jets to the choice of evolution variable by confronting our results for a certain key observable, such as the jet mass.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 10th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (Hard Probes 2020
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