9 research outputs found

    The use and ‘ab-use’ of intelligence in a transitional democracy: Evidence from Nigeria

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    This work is concise evaluation of the use and abuse of the intelligence gathering efforts by any given State. This trend tends to more pronounced in such transitional democracies such as that of Nigeria. In carrying out this research, there was extensive reliance on ethnographic observation of events as they evolved, and are still evolving over the years in Nigeria spanning about fifteen decades. Other sources of information include critical analysis of archival Documents/ Reports, Nigerian Newspapers, Magazines, Academic Journals, Articles, Books and Internet Based Documented Source Materials. Similarly, data generated from convenient sample (clarification) interviews of selected individuals and officials from whom, in my opinion have something relevant to the validity and reliability of the work was used. The work tried to make modest, but valid attempt to identify the factors that have the capacity to increasingly dent the worth of the intelligence gathering capacity of the Nigerian State. These factors include; Colonialism, neo-colonialism, militarism of the polity, legitimacy crisis, and a significantly stunted democratization process in Nigeria. The study found out that a State battling with the aforesaid crises will most likely fall prey to punitive intelligence gathering that will serve the interest of the minority ruling and oppressive class. In the same way, intelligence gathering will be targeted at dissent and opposition voices, groups and regions to silence them and consolidate illegitimate political power. Nigeria as a nation state has been grappling with these myriads of problems in ways that so far, her intelligence community has been transformed into a tool of repression leading to magnified escalation of security crisis in the country .It is therefore pertinent that democratic principles including separation of powers be implemented to ensure parliamentary and judicial oversight of the intelligence sector to reduce executive recklessness and manipulation of the intelligence sector for undue executive advantage as a state policy

    An Evaluation of the Challenges of Forensic Investigation and Unsolved Murders in Nigeria

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    The work attempts to evaluate the challenges facing forensic investigation capacity of the police and other internal security agencies in Nigeria in the face of high prevalence of unsolved murders in Nigeria in the past three decades. In carrying out this research both primary and secondary data were employed to add to the scientific fervour of the work. Consequently, the work discovered that poor/lack of forensic skills and equipment negatively impacts on the forensic investigation capacity of the police and other security agents. These impediments tend to further complicate the mystery of unsolved murders in a nation where even high profile politicians have been assassinated without any forensic clue. The study therefore advocates that forensic experts in the country needs to improve on their skills and acquire equipment that will enhance the cracking of unsolved murder cases and improve public safety in Nigeria

    Police corruption and the national security challenge in Nigeria: a study of Rivers State Police Command

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    This paper tries to make a modest attempt to examine the linkage between police corruption and national security in such a developing country like Nigeria. In doing this, the study selected Rivers State - a key state in the Niger Delta for specific analysis. The study employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative research approach to get an in-depth insight into the problem under study. A sample size of 200 was selected, while a 4-Likert questionnaire was administered to the selected respondents. The study found out that police corruption in Nigeria is structural as part of the wider web of corruption in Nigeria. It also showed that poor working conditions/ poverty are aggravating factors of police corruption in Nigeria. Furthermore, poor recruitment policies also contribute to police corruption. More so, the study found out that there is an inverse relationship between police corruption and national security in Nigeria. Finally, on the basis of these findings, the study offered useful recommendations that could help stem this social problem

    Competitive Intelligence and Resilience of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Developing Economies

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    Small and Medium Enterprises SMEs hold the key to economic progress and development in developing economies including Nigeria.  This study therefore examined the effect of competitive intelligence on the survival of SMEs in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. To achieve these objectives three hypotheses were formulated to establish whether or not there is a relationship existing between the two intervening variable i.e. competitive intelligence and the survival of SMEs in Benin City, Edo State and by extension Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted, while data were obtained from structured questionnaire and analyzed using Pearson’s product-moment coefficient of correlation. From the analysis, the results indicated that there is an existing relationship between the variables. Based on the findings it was concluded that for SMEs to survive and expand its market frontiers in the face of the escalating competition in the business environment, there is the need to take a holistic view of their strategies and offer innovative products that can provide customers with valued and satisfying benefits better than the ones offered by competitors and engaging in superior marketing strategies to enhance performance and productivity. The study recommended among others that SMEs should identify and prune down unwarranted business expenses without necessarily impacting negatively on the operations of the firm. Keywords: Innovative Products, Performance, Productivity, Satisfying Benefits, SMEs, Survival

    Two Nations, Different Regions, Same Challenges: Legal and Political Analysis of Internal Security Threats in Nigeria and Pakistan

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    This study is a modest but objective comparative evaluation of internal security threats facing two sub-regional large countries of Africa and South Asia-Nigeria and Pakistan. Considering the fact that ethnicity, sectarianism and economic instability are fundamental variables of internal security threats in both countries, the study argued that religious extremism has created an unenviable image of both nations in the eyes of the rest of the world, undoubtedly, this has affected both nations adversely. The study also identified inter-regional grievances as potential causes of damages to both federations. Also identified is ethno-sectarian problem as a major security threat to both nations. This in the opinion of the authors will remain a huge impediment to the goals of economic prosperity to both nations. Consequently, the focus of this study is to examine interdependence of these multifaceted challenges and their overall impact on internal security in both countries. To achieve this, the study employed qualitative research method in which analytical approach was used to examine the similarities in the security challenges in Nigeria and Pakistan. Structural questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection.  The employment of thematic analytic approach was adopted to analyse data collected for the study. The study concludes among others, the need for both countries to individually address these national security threats and find viable solutions to the problems of socio-economic and political reforms and unemployment within a reasonable timeframe to mitigate future threats.Keywords: Internal Security; Ethnicity; Sectarianism; Challenges Dua Bangsa Satu Tantangan: Analisis Politik dan Hukum pada Ancaman Keamanan dalam Negeri (Internal Security) di Nigeria dan PakistanAbstrak Penelitian ini merupakan evaluasi komparatif sederhana namun objektif terhadap ancaman keamanan internal yang dihadapi dua negara besar sub-regional Afrika dan Asia Selatan-Nigeria dan Pakistan. Mempertimbangkan fakta bahwa etnisitas, sektarianisme, dan ketidakstabilan ekonomi adalah variabel fundamental dari ancaman keamanan internal di kedua negara. Penelitian ini berpendapat bahwa ekstremisme agama telah menciptakan citra yang tidak baik dari kedua negara di mata dunia. Tidak diragukan lagi, ini telah mempengaruhi kedua negara secara merugikan. Penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi kasus-kasus antar-regional sebagai penyebab potensial kerusakan pada kedua federasi. Juga diidentifikasi masalah etno-sektarian sebagai ancaman keamanan utama bagi kedua negara, dimana akan tetap menjadi hambatan besar bagi tujuan kemakmuran ekonomi kedua negara. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji saling ketergantungan dari tantangan beragam ini dan dampaknya secara keseluruhan terhadap keamanan internal di kedua negara. Untuk mendapatkan data tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dimana pendekatan analitik digunakan untuk menguji kesamaan dalam tantangan keamanan di Nigeria dan Pakistan. Kuesioner struktural digunakan sebagai instrumen pengumpulan data. Penggunaan pendekatan analitik tematik diadopsi untuk menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan untuk penelitian ini. Studi ini menyimpulkan antara lain, perlunya kedua negara untuk secara individual mengatasi ancaman keamanan nasional ini dan menemukan solusi yang layak untuk masalah reformasi sosial-ekonomi dan politik dan pengangguran dalam jangka waktu yang wajar untuk mengurangi ancaman di masa depan.Kata Kunci: Keamanan dalam Negeri; Etnisitas; Sektarianisme; Tantangan Две нации, разные регионы, одинаковые вызовы: правовой и политический анализ угроз внутренней безопасности в Нигерии и Пакистане АбстрактныйЭто исследование представляет собой скромную, но объективную сравнительную оценку угроз внутренней безопасности, с которыми сталкиваются две субрегиональные крупные страны Африки и Южной Азии - Нигерия и Пакистан. Учитывая тот факт, что этническая принадлежность, сектантство и экономическая нестабильность являются фундаментальными переменными угроз внутренней безопасности в обеих странах, в исследовании утверждается, что религиозный экстремизм создал незавидный имидж обеих стран в глазах остального мира, несомненно, это повлияло на обе нации неблагоприятно. Исследование также определило межрегиональные жалобы как потенциальные причины ущерба для обеих федераций. Также определена этно-сектантская проблема как серьезная угроза безопасности для обеих стран. Это, по мнению авторов, останется огромным препятствием на пути достижения целей экономического процветания обеих стран. Следовательно, целью данного исследования является изучение взаимозависимости этих многогранных вызовов и их общего воздействия на внутреннюю безопасность в обеих странах. Для достижения этой цели в исследовании использовался качественный метод исследования, в котором использовался аналитический подход для изучения сходства проблем безопасности в Нигерии и Пакистане. Структурная анкета использовалась в качестве инструмента для сбора данных. Для анализа данных, собранных для исследования, был использован тематический аналитический подход. В исследовании, среди прочего, делается вывод о необходимости для обеих стран индивидуально противодействовать этим угрозам национальной безопасности и находить жизнеспособные решения проблем социально-экономических и политических реформ и безработицы в разумные сроки для смягчения будущих угроз.Ключевые слова: внутренняя безопасность; Этническая принадлежность; Сектантство; Вызов

    The challenge of globalization and democratization to the African Union: The case of Togo Crisis

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    Times have changed for African cold warrior dictatorships.  It used to be that these cold warriors would kill, main and muscle their way into political leadership while the western world and their fellow African state look the other way.  Thanks to the multinationals that supported them.  The paper examines the political crisis in Togo through the Kantian Democratic Peace Theory.  It assumes that the UN, and AU, ECOWAS and the international community are practical example of the Kantian "republican confederation" with overwhelming international political influence to bring pressure upon any one-republican member that threatens world peace.  The paper holds that the political crisis in Togo was a threat to both regional and global peace and concludes that international pressure was responsible for the resignation of Faure Eyadema hence the restoration of constitutional order in Togo.Times have changed for African cold warrior dictatorships.  It used to be that these cold warriors would kill, main and muscle their way into political leadership while the western world and their fellow African state look the other way.  Thanks to the multinationals that supported them.  The paper examines the political crisis in Togo through the Kantian Democratic Peace Theory.  It assumes that the UN, and AU, ECOWAS and the international community are practical example of the Kantian "republican confederation" with overwhelming international political influence to bring pressure upon any one-republican member that threatens world peace.  The paper holds that the political crisis in Togo was a threat to both regional and global peace and concludes that international pressure was responsible for the resignation of Faure Eyadema hence the restoration of constitutional order in Togo

    Mass Media and the Terror of Terrorism in Global Security Analysis

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    Contemporary global security realities have identified the pervasive mass media terror continuum in the form of display of graphic images and somewhat persuasive impacts of the mass media as used by terror organizations across the world. This work is therefore an explorative analytical narrative of the impacts of the mass media in the promotion and consolidation of terrorist ideologies and rationalization of terrorist activities. Generally, the work has made an objective modest attempt to review the nature and dynamics of global mass media and relationship between some of the fallouts of the impacts of the mass media in the spread and sustainability of global extremist and terrorist ideologies. This narrative is derivable from different international scholars and national governments based on sustained empirical researches in different countries of the world.  Consequently, this work adopted extensively the historical and explorative approach that relied on secondary sources comprising books, journals and reports that were logically arranged and evaluated through content analysis in tandem with social science research enterprise. The work, therefore, established glaring intrinsic and extrinsic correlation between the impacts of the mass media and terrorism in the world and ultimately offered useful recommendations accordingly to stem this scourge. &nbsp

    Why Competitive Intelligence Fail: Interrogating the Correlates of CI Failure in the Nigerian Brewery Industry

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    Globally, as businesses grapple with uncertainties and challenges of growth and expansion, competitive intelligence failure has remained an obvious reality. This work therefore attempts to evaluate the intervening variables underlying the menace of competitive intelligence failure in the business world. Specifically, the study identifies the factors responsible for CI failures in the brewery industry in Nigeria. The identified factors include; lack of planning and management skills by managers and top company executives, faulty business decision making process and implementation by management and lack of coordinated organisational culture and political climate in the brewery industry in the country. In reaching these analytical premises, the study adopted a quantitative evaluation of some breweries in Nigeria to determine the pattern and trends of the competitive intelligence correlates and offered corresponding recommendations that will help to mitigate the menace of competitive failure in Nigeria. Key Words: Competitive Intelligence, Correlates, Failure, Nigeria, Brewery Industr