3 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Tujuan – untuk menganalisis peran work enggament  dalam memediasi pengaruh social support terhadap  turnover intention. Desain  penelitian – Desain penelitian pengujian hipotesis (testing hypotesis) melalui survey terhadap 400 pegawai non manager, di perusahaan farmasi Indonesia secara acak dengan analisi data menggunakan Structural Equoation Model (SEM) covariant. Temuan penelitian - Perubahan pada  turnover intention disebabkan oleh tingginya work engagement. Energi, kekuatan, keuletan, dedikasi serta daya serap pegawai atas pekerjaan yang didorong oleh yang didorong oleh sosial support yang terstruktur membuat para pegawai tetap berada dalam organisasi, tidak berpikir berhenti dan mencari pekerjaan lain . Work engagement memediasi pengaruh social support terhadap turnover intention. Implikasi praktis - Perusahaan menyelenggarakan kegiatan sosial bagi pegawai untuk mendukung para pegawai.Originalitas - menjelaskan fungsi social support dalam kerangka teori Job Demand Resources (JD-R) sebagai predictor turnover intention melalui work engagement

    Ethical climate as foundation for internal corporate social responsibility and employee performance in Indonesian context during COVID-19 pandemic

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    The research objective was to analyze the role of ethical climate as a foundation for internal Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and employee performance. The methodology used is a causal study to test the effect by using a survey of 400 employees Holding of state-owned defense, industry randomly selected nonmanagers. The results showed that ethical climate directs internal CSR activities as a realization of ethical awareness in the environment. Employees have an ethical responsibility to restore the goodness of the company to employees in real terms according to the company's demands in the form of optimal performance. The values, beliefs, and ethical atmosphere felt by employees are the reasons for implementing CSR. Internal CSR raises employees' awareness of the company's care and attention, which in turn increases the moral obligation to work optimally for the common good. Ethical climate is guidance for companies and individuals to be involved in collective efforts that can ensure sustainability. In conclusion, ethical climate has an influence on employee performance through CSR. The practical implication is to develop an ethical climate in the company to strengthen the company's internal CSR orientation. Its value contribution can explain the ethical climate function as a foundation for internal CSR concerning employee’s performance

    Internal Corporate Social Responsibility as a Microfoundation of Employee Well-Being and Job Performance

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    Very drastic environmental changes require the development of an adaptive performance management framework that supports the strengths of the company’s structure. The position of internal CSR as a resource that can solve performance problems needs to be proved. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of internal corporate social responsibility on job performance through employee well-being. To this end, this causal study surveyed 282 non-managerial employees at four strategic industrial state-owned enterprises in Indonesia. The respondents were recruited using the proportional random sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed using SEM with SPSS 26. The results showed that changes in job performance can be predicted by the adequacy of work resources and personal resources. Both resources can be realized by the existence of corporate social responsibility intended for employees. Internal corporate social responsibility was found to encourage increased work engagement and decrease burnout, which ultimately improves job performance. Internal CSR is an important personal and work resource for employees. Internal CSR is the company’s main orientation in an effort to strengthen the company’s performance structure while ensuring the implementation of the company’s ethical responsibility in its environment. From the theoretical perspective, this study implied the need for exploring the concept of internal corporate social responsibility to expand our understanding of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and personal and work resources and employee performance. Meanwhile, the practical implications of this study highlight the importance of microlevel corporate social responsibility programs to meet personal and work resource needs so that companies benefit from high employee engagement and low burnout in order to improve adaptive performance and the structure of the company’s performance