59 research outputs found

    Upper Limb Asymmetries in the Utilization of Movement-related Sensory Feedback.

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    While the preferred arm of right handed individuals has traditionally been viewed as being dominant with respect to motor output, non-preferred arm advantages have recently been described by this laboratory for the matching of target arm positions in the absence of vision. The aim of this dissertation, therefore, was to determine the extent to which this asymmetry reflects arm differences in the utilization of movement-related feedback. To accomplish this, three matching experiments were conducted using servomotor-driven manipulanda devices that recorded elbow position in the horizontal plane. In study 1, a comparison was made between the static position matching abilities of the two arms during visually versus proprioceptively-guided tasks. In this case, non-preferred arm accuracy was found to be enhanced during the proprioceptive task, whereas the preferred arm made smaller errors when targets were visual in nature. In study 2, arm differences in the ability to match proprioceptively-determined target movement speeds were assessed. This study showed that, unlike the sense of arm position, the acuity of dynamic proprioception sense was relatively similar for the two arms, except in the case of average acceleration matching where a non-preferred arm accuracy advantage was seen. Lastly, in the third study, the ability to coordinate both arm position and movement speed proprioceptive information was tested. In this case, absolute matching errors were again smaller for the non-preferred versus preferred arm. Overall, the results of this dissertation lend support to the notion that the two arms rely to different degrees on visual versus proprioceptive feedback. This asymmetry may reflect the roles played by the two arms during the performance of many bimanual activities of daily living where vision guides movements of the preferred arm, while the non-preferred arm plays a more assistive role utilizing primarily proprioceptive feedback.Ph.D.KinesiologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57702/2/dgoble_1.pd

    Upper limb asymmetries in the utilization of proprioceptive feedback

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    Despite the importance of proprioception during upper limb movement, the extent to which arm/hemisphere asymmetries exist in the utilization of proprioceptive feedback remains unclear. In the present study, movement accuracy and arm dynamics were examined in 20 right-handed adults during a proprioceptive matching task that required subjects to actively match remembered target positions of the elbow with the contralateral arm. As hypothesized, the results indicated an accuracy advantage in favor of the non-preferred left arm reflected by smaller absolute matching errors when compared to the preferred right arm. This advantage was most pronounced for larger amplitude movements and was not associated with any limb-specific difference in movement strategy as indicated by the dynamics of the matching movement. These results extend current theories of handedness by demonstrating that, in right-handed individuals, the non-preferred arm/hemisphere system is more adept at utilizing position-related proprioceptive information than the preferred arm/hemisphere system.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46546/1/221_2005_Article_280.pd

    Toward interoperable bioscience data

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    © The Author(s), 2012. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Nature Genetics 44 (2012): 121-126, doi:10.1038/ng.1054.To make full use of research data, the bioscience community needs to adopt technologies and reward mechanisms that support interoperability and promote the growth of an open 'data commoning' culture. Here we describe the prerequisites for data commoning and present an established and growing ecosystem of solutions using the shared 'Investigation-Study-Assay' framework to support that vision.The authors also acknowledge the following funding sources in particular: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) BB/I000771/1 to S.-A.S. and A.T.; UK BBSRC BB/I025840/1 to S.-A.S.; UK BBSRC BB/I000917/1 to D.F.; EU CarcinoGENOMICS (PL037712) to J.K.; US National Institutes of Health (NIH) 1RC2CA148222-01 to W.H. and the HSCI; US MIRADA LTERS DEB-0717390 and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (ICoMM) to L.A.-Z.; Swiss Federal Government through the Federal Office of Education and Science (FOES) to L.B. and I.X.; EU Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Open PHACTS 115191 to C.T.E.; US Department of Energy (DOE) DE-AC02- 06CH11357 and Arthur P. Sloan Foundation (2011- 6-05) to J.G.; UK BBSRC SysMO-DB2 BB/I004637/1 and BBG0102181 to C.G.; UK BBSRC BB/I000933/1 to C.S. and J.L.G.; UK MRC UD99999906 to J.L.G.; US NIH R21 MH087336 (National Institute of Mental Health) and R00 GM079953 (National Institute of General Medical Science) to A.L.; NIH U54 HG006097 to J.C. and C.E.S.; Australian government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS); BIRN U24-RR025736 and BioScholar RO1-GM083871 to G.B. and the 2009 Super Science initiative to C.A.S

    Upper Limb Asymmetries in the Matching of Proprioceptive Versus Visual Targets

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    À travers la figure d'André Morizet, maire de Boulogne-sur-Seine de 1919 à 1942, se dessinent les contradictions entre un discours incantatoire et volontariste sur la question du logement social et une pratique municipale peu encline à faire du logement ouvrier une priorité. Engagé à gauche sur le plan politique (communiste, socialiste), Morizet profite du tournant politique et social de 1928 (loi Loucheur) pour favoriser le plus large consensus au Sénat sur les questions relatives au logement des déshérités. Néanmoins, pensant plus en termes administratifs que sociaux, et faisant de la commune qu'il administre un laboratoire de la modernité architecturale, il répugne à ce qu'elle se transforme en un bastion ouvrier

    Reply to Dr. Derakhshan

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    Plastic Changes in Hand Proprioception Following Force-Field Motor Learning

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    Motor neurophysiologists are placing greater emphasis on sensory feedback processing than ever before. In line with this shift, a recent article by Ostry and colleagues provided timely new evidence that force-field motor learning influences not only motor output, but also proprioceptive sense. In this Neuro Forum, the merits and limitations of Ostry and colleagues are explored in the context of recent work on proprioceptive function, including several recent studies from this journal

    New Priorities for Ecology as the Endangered Species Act Turns 40

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    Article appears in journal ""Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment."" | 11 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 519 | 201