5,276 research outputs found

    Benzo[a]pyrene-induced DNA adducts and gene expression profiles in target and non-target organs for carcinogenesis in mice

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    Background: Gene expression changes induced by carcinogens may identify differences in molecular function between target and non-target organs. Target organs for benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) carcinogenicity in mice (lung, spleen and forestomach) and three non-target organs (liver, colon and glandular stomach) were investigated for DNA adducts by 32P-postlabelling, for gene expression changes by cDNA microarray and for miRNA expression changes by miRNA microarray after exposure of animals to BaP. Results: BaP-DNA adduct formation occurred in all six organs at levels that did not distinguish between target and non-target. cDNA microarray analysis showed a variety of genes modulated significantly by BaP in the six organs and the overall gene expression patterns were tissue specific. Gene ontology analysis also revealed that BaP-induced bioactivities were tissue specific; eight genes (Tubb5, Fos, Cdh1, Cyp1a1, Apc, Myc, Ctnnb1 and Cav) showed significant expression difference between three target and three non-target organs. Additionally, several gene expression changes, such as in Trp53 activation and Stat3 activity suggested some similarities in molecular mechanisms in two target organs (lung and spleen), which were not found in the other four organs. Changes in miRNA expression were generally tissue specific, involving, in total, 21/54 miRNAs significantly up- or down-regulated. Conclusions: Altogether, these findings showed that DNA adduct levels and early gene expression changes did not fully distinguish target from non-target organs. However, mechanisms related to early changes in p53, Stat3 and Wnt/β-catenin pathways may play roles in defining BaP organotropism

    Pericardial Invasion Lessons Learned From Surgical and Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement∗

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    Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation in a previously healthy recreational athlete

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    There are several clinical challenges in the survivor of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), including ensuring that a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation has been performed and providing counseling on return to activity. We report a case of a highly conditioned athlete who presented following aborted SCA during exercise with a diagnosis of idiopathic ventricular fibrillation arrest.

    Medical Migration to the U.S.: Trends and Impact

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    The United States is in the midst of a prolonged nursing shortage, one that could reach a deficit of 800,000 registered nurses (RNs) by 2020. Increasingly, foreign-trained nurses are migrating to the U.S., particularly from low-income countries, seeking higher wages and a higher standard of living. Increased reliance on immigration may adversely affect health care in lower-income countries without solving the U.S. shortage. This Issue Brief analyzes trends in medical migration, and explores its short and long-term effects on the health care workforce in the U.S. and in developing countries

    Additional Evaluation of the Point-of-Contact Circulating Cathodic Antigen Assay for Schistosoma mansoni Infection.

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    Studies of the urine-based point-of-contact cathodic circulating antigen test (POC-CCA) in Schistosoma mansoni-endemic settings in Africa indicate it has good sensitivity in detecting infections, but in areas of low prevalence, the POC-CCA can be positive for persons who are egg-negative by Kato-Katz stool assays. We examined the POC-CCA assay for: (a) batch-to-batch stability; (b) intra-reader and inter-reader variability; (c) day-to-day variability compared to Kato-Katz stool assays, and (d) to see if praziquantel (PZQ) treatment converted Kato-Katz-negative/POC-CCA positive individuals to POC-CCA negativity. We found essentially no batch-to-batch variation, negligible intra-reader variability (2%), and substantial agreement for inter-reader reliability. Some day-to-day variation was observed over 5 days of urine collection, but less than the variation in Kato-Katz stool assays over 3 days. To evaluate the effect of treatment on Kato-Katz(-)/POC-CCA(+) children, 149 children in an area of 10-15% prevalence who were Kato-Katz(-) based on 3 stool samples but POC-CCA(+) were enrolled. Seven days after treatment (PZQ 40 mg/kg) samples were again collected and tested. Almost half (47%) POC-CCA positive children turned negative. Those still POC-CCA positive received a second treatment, and 34% of them turned POC-CCA negative upon this second treatment. Most who remained POC-CCA positive shifted each time to a "lesser" POC-CCA "level of positivity." The data suggest that most Kato-Katz-negative/POC-CCA positive individuals harbor low-intensity infections, and each treatment kills all or some of their adult worms. The data also suggest that when evaluated by a more sensitive assay, the effective cure rates for PZQ are significantly less than those inferred from fecal testing. These findings have public health significance for the mapping and monitoring of Schistosoma infections and in planning the transition from schistosomiasis morbidity control to elimination of transmission

    A new population of recently quenched elliptical galaxies in the SDSS

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    We use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to investigate the properties of massive elliptical galaxies in the local Universe (z\leq0.08) that have unusually blue optical colors. Through careful inspection, we distinguish elliptical from non-elliptical morphologies among a large sample of similarly blue galaxies with high central light concentrations (c_r\geq2.6). These blue ellipticals comprise 3.7 per cent of all c_r\geq2.6 galaxies with stellar masses between 10^10 and 10^11 h^{-2} {\rm M}_{\sun}. Using published fiber spectra diagnostics, we identify a unique subset of 172 non-star-forming ellipticals with distinctly blue urz colors and young (< 3 Gyr) light-weighted stellar ages. These recently quenched ellipticals (RQEs) have a number density of 2.7-4.7\times 10^{-5}\,h^3\,{\rm Mpc}^{-3} and sufficient numbers above 2.5\times10^{10} h^{-2} {\rm M}_{\sun} to account for more than half of the expected quiescent growth at late cosmic time assuming this phase lasts 0.5 Gyr. RQEs have properties that are consistent with a recent merger origin (i.e., they are strong `first-generation' elliptical candidates), yet few involved a starburst strong enough to produce an E+A signature. The preferred environment of RQEs (90 per cent reside at the centers of < 3\times 10^{12}\,h^{-1}{\rm M}_{\sun} groups) agrees well with the `small group scale' predicted for maximally efficient spiral merging onto their halo center and rules out satellite-specific quenching processes. The high incidence of Seyfert and LINER activity in RQEs and their plausible descendents may heat the atmospheres of small host halos sufficiently to maintain quenching.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. Revised version; accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Importance of Satellite Quenching for the Build-Up of the Red Sequence of Present Day Galaxies

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    In the current paradigm, red sequence galaxies are believed to have formed as blue disk galaxies that subsequently had their star formation quenched. Since red-sequence galaxies typically have an early-type morphology, the transition from the blue to the red sequence also involves a morphological transformation. In this paper we study the impact of transformation mechanisms that operate only on satellite galaxies, such as strangulation, ram-pressure stripping and galaxy harassment. Using a large galaxy group catalogue constructed from the SDSS, we compare the colors and concentrations of satellites galaxies to those of central galaxies of the same stellar mass, adopting the hypothesis that the latter are the progenitors of the former. On average, satellites are redder and more concentrated than central galaxies of the same stellar mass. Central-satellite pairs that are matched in both stellar mass and color, however, show no average concentration difference, indicating that the transformation mechanisms affect color more than morphology. The color and concentration differences of matched central-satellite pairs are completely independent of the halo mass of the satellite galaxy, indicating that satellite-specific transformation mechanisms are equally efficient in haloes of all masses. This strongly favors strangulation as the main quenching mechanism for satellite galaxies. Finally, we determine the relative importance of satellite quenching for the build-up of the red sequence. We find that roughly 70 percent of red sequence satellite galaxies with a stellar mass of 10^9 Msun had their star formation quenched as satellites. This drops rapidly to zero with increasing stellar mass, indicating that a significant fraction of red satellites were already quenched before they became a satellite.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures. Submitted for publication in MNRA

    Non-Equilibrium Large N Yukawa Dynamics: marching through the Landau pole

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    The non-equilibrium dynamics of a Yukawa theory with N fermions coupled to a scalar field is studied in the large N limit with the goal of comparing the dynamics predicted from the renormalization group improved effective potential to that obtained including the fermionic backreaction. The effective potential is of the Coleman-Weinberg type. Its renormalization group improvement is unbounded from below and features a Landau pole. When viewed self-consistently, the initial time singularity does not arise. The different regimes of the dynamics of the fully renormalized theory are studied both analytically and numerically. Despite the existence of a Landau pole in the model, the dynamics of the mean field is smooth as it passes the location of the pole. This is a consequence of a remarkable cancellation between the effective potential and the dynamical chiral condensate. The asymptotic evolution is effectively described by a quartic upright effective potential. In all regimes, profuse particle production results in the formation of a dense fermionic plasma with occupation numbers nearly saturated up to a scale of the order of the mean field. This can be interpreted as a chemical potential. We discuss the implications of these results for cosmological preheating.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figures, LaTeX, submitted to Physical Review

    Incidence of WISE -selected obscured AGNs in major mergers and interactions from the SDSS

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    We use the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to confirm a connection between dust-obscured active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and galaxy merging. Using a new, volume-limited (z ≤ 0.08) catalogue of visually selected major mergers and galaxy–galaxy interactions from the SDSS, with stellar masses above 2 × 1010 M⊙, we find that major mergers (interactions) are 5–17 (3–5) times more likely to have red [3.4] − [4.6] colours associated with dust-obscured or ‘dusty’ AGNs, compared to non-merging galaxies with similar masses. Using published fibre spectral diagnostics, we map the [3.4] − [4.6] versus [4.6] − [12] colours of different emission-line galaxies and find that one-quarter of Seyferts have colours indicative of a dusty AGN. We find that AGNs are five times more likely to be obscured when hosted by a merging galaxy, half of AGNs hosted by a merger are dusty, and we find no enhanced frequency of optical AGNs in merging over non-merging galaxies. We conclude that undetected AGNs missed at shorter wavelengths are at the heart of the ongoing AGN-merger connection debate. The vast majority of mergers hosting dusty AGNs are star forming and located at the centres of Mhalo < 1013 M⊙ groups. Assuming plausibly short-duration dusty-AGN phases, we speculate that a large fraction of gas-rich mergers experience a brief obscured AGN phase, in agreement with the strong connection between central star formation and black hole growth seen in merger simulations
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