7 research outputs found

    Characterization of the localized surface chemical activity of Ti-Mo and Ti-Ta alloys for biomedical applications using scanning electrochemical microscopy

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    Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) was employed for in situ characterization of surface chemical activity of various Ti-Mo and Ti-Ta alloys for biomedical application. In this work the local differences in surface reactivity for different Ti-Mo and Ti-Ta alloys were analyzed when they were polarized in 0.1 M NaCl solution and in Ringer’s physiological solution using SECM, and results compared to those for the unbiased samples. The analysis of the shape of the approach curves obtained for the Ti-Mo and Ti-Ta alloys shows a different behaviour to be distinguished depending on the nature of the alloying element. There are also differences among the various Ti-Ta alloys tested, that cause changes in the shape of the approach curves with the value of the polarization applied to the substrate, defining a transition potential between -0.30 and -0.40 V vs. Ag/AgCl/KCl(3M) for most of the systems under study. Furthermore, from the line scans and array scans, a change in reactivity of the surface has been observed corresponding to the activation of the localized sites which occurs selectively with the applied potential. SECM is shown to be a powerful technique for the investigation of the surface characteristics of biomaterials in simulated physiological environments

    Cancer Pain and Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation—A Narrative Review

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    Background and Objectives: Pain is the most prevalent symptom in cancer patients. There is a paucity of data regarding non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) for the treatment of chronic pain in patients with cancer. The purpose of this article is to review the techniques of NIBS and present the published experiences of the oncological population. Materials and Methods: Databases including MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library were searched for articles on cancer patients with pain that was managed with non-invasive brain stimulation techniques. We included articles in English that were published from inception to January 2023. As studies were limited in number and had different designs and methodologies, a narrative review was considered as the best option to integrate data. Results: Four studies focusing on transcranial magnetic stimulation, six articles on transcranial direct current stimulation, and three articles regarding cranial electric stimulation were found and reviewed. Conclusions: Data are limited and not robust. Further studies in this field are required. Guidelines on NIBS for non-malignant chronic pain conditions provide good premises for cancer-related chronic pain

    Adjunctive use of InGaAsP and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers in nonsurgical periodontal therapy: a randomized controlled clinical study.

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    OBJECTIVE To evaluate clinically and microbiologically the outcomes following the combined application of InGaAsP diode laser and Er,Cr:YSGG laser for nonsurgical treatment of chronic periodontitis (ChP). METHOD AND MATERIALS Forty-two patients (age 45.31 ± 9.78 years, 22 female, 23 smokers) with ChP were randomly treated with subgingival debridement (SD) by means of ultrasonic and hand instruments (control group, n = 21) or with InGaAsP followed 1 week later by InGaAsP + SD + Er,Cr:YSGG (test group, n = 21). In the test group, a second laser treatment was performed for all residual sites (bleeding sites with probing depth [PD] ≥ 4 mm) 2 months after the first laser therapy. At baseline and 6 months after therapy, periodontal clinical and microbiologic parameters were evaluated. RESULTS Six months after therapy, statistically significant clinical and microbiologic improvements (PD reduction, clinical attachment level [CAL] gain, quantitative reduction of periopathogens) were observed in both groups compared to baseline. However, the use of InGaAsP followed by SD and the adjunctive use of an Er,Cr:YSGG laser, yielded statistically significantly higher clinical (PD, CAL, bleeding on probing, number of sites with PD ≥ 5 mm, PD ≥ 6 mm, PD ≥ 7 mm) and microbiologic (Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, Tannerella forsythia, Prevotella intermedia, Peptostreptococcus micros, Fusobacterium nucleatum) improvements (P < .05) compared to SD alone. CONCLUSIONS In patients with ChP, the adjunctive use of InGaAsP and Er,Cr:YSGG to SD may additionally improve the clinical and microbiologic parameters obtained with SD alone, thus representing a valuable approach in nonsurgical periodontal therapy

    Associations between Body Mass Index and Prostate Cancer: The Impact on Progression-Free Survival

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    Background and objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of body mass index on PCa outcomes in our institution and also to find if there are statistically significant differences between the variables. Materials and Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed to extract information about all male patients with prostate cancer between 1 February 2015, and 25 October 2022, and with information about age, weight, height, follow-up, and PSA. We identified a group of 728 patients, of which a total of 219 patients resulted after the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival, which was defined as the length of time that the patient lives with the disease, but no relapses occur, and this group included 105 patients. In this case, 114 patients had a biological, local or metastatic relapse and were included in the progression group. Results: Our study suggests that prostate cancer incidence rises with age (72 ± 7.81 years) in men with a normal BMI, but the diagnostic age tends to drop in those with higher BMIs, i.e., overweight, and obese in the age range of 69.47 ± 6.31 years, respectively, 69.1 ± 7.51 years. A statistically significant difference was observed in the progression group of de novo metastases versus the absent metastases group at diagnostic (p = 0.04). The progression group with metastases present (n = 70) at diagnostic had a shorter time to progression, compared to the absent metastases group (n = 44), 18.04 ± 11.37 months, respectively, 23.95 ± 16.39 months. Also, PSA levels tend to diminish with increasing BMI classification, but no statistically significant difference was observed. Conclusions: The median diagnostic age decreases with increasing BMI category. Overweight and obese patients are more likely to have an advanced or metastatic prostate cancer at diagnosis. The progression group with metastatic disease at diagnostic had a shorter time to progression, compared to the absent metastases group. Regarding prostate serum antigen, the levels tend to become lower in the higher BMI groups, possibly leading to a late diagnosis

    Exploring the Influence of Age, Gender and Body Mass Index on Colorectal Cancer Location

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    Background and objectives: The global burden of non-communicable diseases like obesity and cancer, particularly colorectal cancer (CRC), is increasing. The present study aimed to investigate the association between CRC location (proximal vs. distal) and patient demographic factors including age, sex, and BMI, as well as cancer stage at diagnosis. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data from 830 patients diagnosed with CRC were analyzed. The variables included age, sex, weight, height, BMI, cancer location, and cancer stage at diagnosis. Patients were stratified into three age groups and three BMI categories, and we analyzed the association between cancer location and these variables using Chi-squared tests and multivariate logistic regression. Results: The rectum and ascending colon were the most common locations of malignant neoplasms. No statistically significant differences in cancer location across age groups were observed. Significant differences were found in the BMI across age groups, particularly in the normal weight and overweight categories. Normal weight and obese patients had a higher proportion of Stage 3 and Stage 4 cancers. Obesity emerged as a significant predictor for rectal cancer in a multivariate logistic regression analysis, with an odds ratio of 1.56. However, no significant associations were found between cancer location and other factors like age, gender, or cancer stage. Conclusions: Our study revealed that normal weight and obese patients had a higher proportion of Stage 3 and Stage 4 cancers, with obesity emerging as a significant predictor for rectal cancer. It is important to note that while obesity was found to be a significant predictor for rectal cancer, the development and location of colorectal cancer is likely influenced by various factors beyond those studied here. Therefore, further research is needed to investigate the roles of other potential risk factors, like loss of SIRT6 and adipose tissue homeostasis. Additionally, inflammation associated with microbiota in the colorectal mucosa, systemic gene expression, and visceral obesity may also play important roles in the development and progression of colorectal cancer. Understanding these intricate relationships is crucial for better screening, disease prognosis, and management strategies

    New Trends in Uric Acid Electroanalysis

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    Considering the increasing incidence of hyperuricemia and oxidative stress-related diseases, quantification of uric acid has become essential. Therefore, the evolution on sensing devices being favorable, these questions are more often addressed to the field of medical researchers. As for many metabolites, (bio)sensors provide a reliable method for screening and evaluation of uric acid status. Due to the numerous categories of (bio)sensors available, choosing the appropriate one is a challenge. This study reviews the scientific information concerning the most suitable (bio)sensors for quantification of uric acid, presenting a list of sensors from the last decade, categorized by configurations and materials. In addition, this review includes a comparison of sensors according to their interference behavior and sensitivity, offering an objective perspective for identifying devices that are suitable for clinical applications