69 research outputs found

    Self-Duality and Maximally Helicity Violating QCD Amplitudes

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    I review some recent work that describes the close analogy between self-dual Yang--Mills amplitudes and QCD amplitudes with external gluons of positive helicity. This analogy is carried at tree level for amplitudes with two external quarks and up to one-loop for amplitudes involving only external gluons.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Proceedings of the "Low Dimensional Field Theory Workshop, Telluride." Some ideas proposed by Duff and Isham have been include

    Poincar\'e Gauge Theory for Gravitational Forces in (1+1) Dimensions

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    We discuss in detail how string-inspired lineal gravity can be formulated as a gauge theory based on the centrally extended Poincar\'e group in (1+1)(1+1) dimensions. Matter couplings are constructed in a gauge invariant fashion, both for point particles and Fermi fields. A covariant tensor notation is developed in which gauge invariance of the formalism is manifest.Comment: 43 p., CTP#216

    Temperature Expansions for Magnetic Systems

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    We derive finite temperature expansions for relativistic fermion systems in the presence of background magnetic fields, and with nonzero chemical potential. We use the imaginary-time formalism for the finite temperature effects, the proper-time method for the background field effects, and zeta function regularization for developing the expansions. We emphasize the essential difference between even and odd dimensions, focusing on 2+12+1 and 3+13+1 dimensions. We concentrate on the high temperature limit, but we also discuss the T=0T=0 limit with nonzero chemical potential.Comment: 25 pages, RevTe

    Extended de Sitter Theory of Two Dimensional Gravitational Forces

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    We present a simple unifying gauge theoretical formulation of gravitational theories in two dimensional spacetime. This formulation includes the effects of a novel matter-gravity coupling which leads to an extended de Sitter symmetry algebra on which the gauge theory is based. Contractions of this theory encompass previously studied cases.Comment: 19pp, no figs., CTP 2228, UCONN-93-

    Spatial Geometry of the Electric Field Representation of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories

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    A unitary transformation \Ps [E]=\exp (i\O [E]/g) F[E] is used to simplify the Gauss law constraint of non-abelian gauge theories in the electric field representation. This leads to an unexpected geometrization because \o^a_i\equiv -\d\O [E]/\d E^{ai} transforms as a (composite) connection. The geometric information in \o^a_i is transferred to a gauge invariant spatial connection \G^i_{jk} and torsion by a suitable choice of basis vectors for the adjoint representation which are constructed from the electric field EaiE^{ai}. A metric is also constructed from EaiE^{ai}. For gauge group SU(2)SU(2), the spatial geometry is the standard Riemannian geometry of a 3-manifold, and for SU(3)SU(3) it is a metric preserving geometry with both conventional and unconventional torsion. The transformed Hamiltonian is local. For a broad class of physical states, it can be expressed entirely in terms of spatial geometric, gauge invariant variables.Comment: 16pp., REVTeX, CERN-TH.7238/94 (Some revision on Secs.3 and 5; one reference added

    Boundary states for moving D-branes

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    We determine the boundary state for both the NS-NS and R-R sectors of superstring theory. We show how they are modified under a boost. The boosted boundary state is then used for computing the interaction of two D-branes moving with constant velocity reproducing with a completely different method a recent calculation by Bachas.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, no figures; Eqs. (47) and (48) correcte