8 research outputs found

    Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) plot.

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    <p>Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) plot illustrating co-occurrence dissimilarity of 19 <i>Russelliana</i> species between sample sites (derived from 25 km grid). Group boundaries for three <i>Russelliana</i> co-occurrence assemblages: Solanaceae feeding (blue points), non-Solanaceae feeding (orange points), and an assemblage with Solanaceae feeding species as well as non-Solanaceae feeding species (dark grey points) were drawn using ordihull function in the R package vegan [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0167764#pone.0167764.ref074" target="_blank">74</a>]. Environmental variables significantly correlated with NMDS ordination are shown: water deficit (WD) and mean annual precipitation (AP).</p

    Predicted suitable habitat for <i>R</i>. <i>solanicola</i>.

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    <p>Predicted suitable habitat for <i>R</i>. <i>solanicola</i> (blue, predicted as presence/absence), using the MaxEnt species distribution modelling (SDM) approach overlayed with predicted suitable habitat for the cultivated potato (<i>S</i>. <i>tuberosum</i>; (red, darker shades represent higher suitability)), using data from Schafleitner et al. [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0167764#pone.0167764.ref069" target="_blank">69</a>]; areas of overlap in regions such as central Mexico and eastern South Africa are shown in dark grey; a) <i>R</i>. <i>solanicola</i> and potato geographical overlap in the Andes and parts of eastern South America, black points represent recent confirmed introductions of <i>R</i>. <i>solanicola</i>; b) <i>R</i>. <i>solanicola</i> and potato geographical overlap in southern China.</p

    Principal component analysis (PCA).

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    <p>Principal component analysis (PCA) of Solanaceae feeding species and non-Solanaceae feeding species: (A) on axes 1 and 2; (B) PCA of morphological groups (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0167764#pone.0167764.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a> for <i>Russelliana</i> group membership) on axes 1 and 2. Environmental variables codes: AP = annual precipitation, AT = annual temperature, WD = annual water deficit, PS = precipitation seasonality, TS = temperature seasonality.</p

    Currently described <i>Russelliana</i> species with host-plant information and geographical range size.

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    <p>Currently described <i>Russelliana</i> species with host-plant information and geographical range size.</p

    Native ranges of <i>Russelliana</i> species.

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    <p>Native ranges of eight Solanaceae feeding species (blue points and polygons) and eleven non-Solanaceae feeding species (orange points and polygons) of <i>Russelliana</i> in western and eastern South America as derived from minimum convex polygon (MCP). The native range for the pest species <i>R</i>. <i>solanicola</i> is labeled.</p

    Growth of the European taxonomic inventory.

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    <p>Cumulative number of valid species of European terrestrial and freshwater multicellular species since Linnaeus. A: All species. B: Birds, a virtually completely inventoried compartment of European biodiversity. C: Coleoptera, where the number of valid species has steadily increased and shows no sign of levelling. D: Acari, which remained neglected for two centuries, and are now exhibiting a high discovery rate. E: Platyhelminthes, where the impression of a saturated inventory could be due to a current lack of taxonomic workforce. F: Neuropterida orders, for which the rate of description is erratic and reflects bursts of activity by a handful of taxonomists.</p

    Current descriptions of new species in Europe.

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    <p>New species described from Europe in 1998–2007, expressed as percentages of the total of 5,881 species. Taxa representing less than 1% of the total are grouped. For each taxon, the percentages described by non-professional taxonomists (red), professional taxonomists (blue) and taxonomists whose status was unknown (grey) are indicated in histograms. Y-axis range on all histograms is 0–70%.</p

    Growth in European taxonomic inventory summary.

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    <p>Results of the segmented model fitted to the <i>Fauna Europaea</i> dataset: for each historical segment, estimates of the number of new species described per year and 95% confidence interval.</p