4,624 research outputs found

    The Resurrection of Joseph Bourne: Or a Word or Two on Those Port Annie Miracles by Jack Hodgins

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    Review of The Resurrection of Joseph Bourne: Or a Word or Two on Those Port Annie Miracles by Jack Hodgins

    After Alice by Karen Hofmann

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    Book review of Karen Hofmann\u27s After Alice

    Women's Health Coverage Since the ACA: Improvements for Most, But Insurer Exclusions Put Many at Risk

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    Since enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many more women have health insurance than before the law, in part because it prohibits insurer practices that discriminate against women. However, gaps in women's health coverage persist. Insurers often exclude health services that women are likely to need, leaving women vulnerable to higher costs and denied claims that threaten their economic security and physical health.Goal: To uncover the types and incidence of insurer exclusions that may disproportionately affect women's coverage. Method: The authors examined qualified health plans from 109 insurers across 16 states for 2014, 2015, or both years.Key findings and conclusions: Six types of services are frequently excluded from insurance coverage: treatment of conditions resulting from noncovered services, maintenance therapy, genetic testing, fetal reduction surgery, treatment of selfinflicted conditions, and preventive services not covered by law. Policy change recommendations include prohibiting variations within states' "essential health benefits" benchmark plans and requiring transparency and simplified language in plan documents

    Depletion and social reproduction

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    Much work has been done on the unaccounted contribution of social reproductive work to national economies. What has been less studied is the consequence of this neglect for individuals, households and communities engaged in social reproduction. Where these consequences have been recognised, it has largely been in the context of economic crises. So, for example, Elson has pointed out in her analysis of gendered impact of crises, "If too much pressure is put upon the domestic sector to provide unpaid care work to make up for deficiencies elsewhere, the result may be a depletion of human capabilities, ...To maintain and enhance human capabilities, the domestic sector needs adequate inputs from all other sectors. It cannot be treated as a bottomless well, able to provide the care needed regardless of the resources it gets from the other sectors" (2000:28). In this paper we take this insight and develop it in the context of the everyday political economy. We argue that the inputs into social reproduction are less than the outputs generated by it. We term this difference depletion

    Eurozone sovereign debt restructuring : promising legal prospects?

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    The Eurozone debt crisis has stimulated lively debate on mechanisms for sovereign debt restructuring. The immediate threat of exit and the breakup of the currency union may have abated; but the problem of dealing with significant debt overhang remains. After considering two broad approaches - institutional versus contractual – we look at a hybrid solution that combines the best of both. In addition to debt contracts with Collective Action Clauses, this includes a key amendment to the Treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism, together with innovative state- contingent contracts and a Special Purpose Vehicle to market them

    Sovereign debt restructuring : the Judge, the vultures and creditor rights

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    What role did the US courts play in the Argentine debt swap of 2005? What implications does this have for the future of creditor rights in sovereign bond markets? The judge in the Argentine case has, it appears, deftly exploited creditor heterogeneity – between holdouts seeking capital gains and institutional investors wanting a settlement – to promote a swap with a supermajority of creditors. Our analysis of Argentine debt litigation reveals a ‘judge-mediated’ sovereign debt restructuring, which resolves the key issues of Transition and Aggregation - two of the tasks envisaged for the IMF’s still-born Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism. For the future, we discuss how judge-mediated sovereign debt restructuring (together with creditor committees) could complement the alternative promoted by the US Treasury, namely collective action clauses in sovereign bond contractsSovereign debt crises ; debt restructuring ; holdout creditors ; collective action clauses

    Good faith in sovereign debt restructuring: the evolution of an open norm in ‘localised’ contexts?

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    Since the Argentine debt crisis in 2001 (and the settlement of 2005) the influence and credibility of the official sector especially the IMF is at a historical low. It is in this context that changes in sovereign bond contracts, for instance, the widespread adoption of collective action clauses raise questions about future debt restructurings. Market participants, especially creditors overwhelmingly believe that contract modification is important but only ‘at the margins’. If contractual change is marginal, what then are the mechanisms that will ensure fair and orderly debt workouts? In the absence of a global, multilateral, regulatory framework for sovereign debt restructuring, our examination of changes in the period leading up to the Argentine settlement and after, reveals that market participants may instead be relying on good faith to do the job with the court recognising similar expectations. Good faith, though entrenched as a legal norm in several domestic jurisdictions, such as Germany and the U.S., is a relative newcomer to sovereign debt workouts. This evolving norm is not institutionally embedded and unlike the domestically entrenched version, is not a legal rule with specific requirements that needs to be fulfilled. We conclude by showing that good faith is an open norm ‘localised’ inter alia in formal and informal contexts in which market participants interact with each other and therefore conceptually similar to Treu und Glauben as recognised in section 242 BGB.Sovereign debt, good faith, open norm, localised context

    Pengaruh Harga dan Promosi Terhadap Peningkatan Penjualan (Studi Kasus Bebek Kaleyo Cabang Sunter Jakarta Utara Pada Masa PandemiCovid-19)

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    This research was conducted to determine the effect of price and promotion on increasing sales at the Bebek Kaleyo Restaurant North Jakarta Sunter Branch. The independent variabel used in this study are price (X1) and Promotion (X2), while the dependent variabel is a Sales Increase (Y). This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The Population in this study were Customers of the Bebek Kaleyo Restaurant, The North Jakarta Sunter Branch. And a sample of 130 respondents. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires. The results of this research is that price has an effect on sales increase of 56,3% and the remaining 43,7% is influenced by other variables. Promotion has an effecton Sales Increase of 69% and the remaining 31% is influenced by other variables. Price and Promotion together effect the increase in sales by 74,7% and the remaining 25,3 is influenced by othe
