856 research outputs found

    Cost Benefit Analysis of the Community Patent

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    The creation of a European Community Patent (COMPAT) came a step closer this month when Sweden brokered a preliminary agreement on the issue. In this working paper, Senior Resident Fellow Bruno van Pottelsberghe and JĂ©rĂŽme Danguy use simulations to take a look at the advantages, disadvantages, winners and losers from the creation of the COMPAT. They find that it would drastically reduce the relative patenting costs for applicants while generating more income for the European Patent Office and increased savings for the business sector. They also explain that the lost of economic rents for patent attorneys, translators and lawyers specialised in patent litigation and the drop of controlling power for national patent offices may explain why there has been such resistance to the COMPAT thus far.

    The Graphic Revolution. Images of the Jugendstil Woman

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    Chapitre d'un catalogue Ă©ditĂ© en nĂ©erlandais, anglais et allemand Ă  l’occasion de l’exposition itinĂ©rante New Woman and Art Nouveau prĂ©sentĂ©e Ă  Amsterdam, Braunschweig, Bruxelles et Karlsruh

    The policy dilemma of the unitary patent. Bruegel Working Paper 2014/13, 27 November 2014

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    This paper provides new evidence about the budgetary consequences – for patent offices – of the coexistence of the forthcoming Unitary Patent (UP) with the current European Patent (EP). Simulation results illustrate a dilemma between (1) high UP renewal fees to ensure enough financial income for all national patent offices (NPOs) and (2) low UP renewal fees to make the UP system affordable, with very few NPOs losing on financial revenues. The simulations help to understand the positions of several patent offices, and underline an alternative way to proceed with the negotiations while reducing financial risks for the whole system

    The R&D-patent relationship: An industry perspective

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    This paper re-visits the empirical failure to establish a clear link between R&D efforts and patent counts at the industry level. It is claimed that the “propensity-to-patent” concept should be split into an “appropriability propensity” and a “strategic propensity”. The empirical contribution is based on a unique panel dataset composed of 18 industries in 19 countries over 19 years. The results confirm that the R&D-patent relationship is affected by research productivity, appropriability propensity and strategic propensity factors. The observed increase in the propensity to file for patents is much stronger for supranational (that is, triadic or regional) patents than for priority filings, suggesting that the current patent hype is essentially the result of a globalization phenomenon.Propensity to patent; strategic propensity; appropriability; research productivity

    The policy dilemma of the unitary patent

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    This paper provides new evidence about the budgetary consequences - for patent offices - of the coexistence of the forthcoming Unitary Patent (UP) with the current European Patent (EP). Simulation results illustrate a dilemma between high UP renewal fees to ensure enough financial income for all national patent offices (NPOs) and low UP renewal fees to make the UP system affordable, with very few NPOs losing on financial revenues. The simulations help to understand the positions of several patent offices, and underline an alternative way to proceed with the negotiations while reducing financial risks for the whole system

    Cost-benefit analysis of the community patent

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    For more than 40 years, governments and professional associations have acted, voted or lobbied against the implementation of the Community Patent (COMPAT). The econometric results and simulations presented in this paper suggest that, thanks to its attractiveness in terms of market size and a sound renewal fee structure, the COMPAT would drastically reduce the relative patenting costs for applicants while generating more income for the European Patent Office and most national patent offices. The loss of economic rents (€400 million would be lost by patent attorneys, translators and lawyers) and the drop of controlling power by national patent offices elucidate further the observed resistance to the Community Patent

    Der Nebelspaler (1875-)

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    Notice sur la revue satirique Nebelspalter de sa fondation en 1875 jusqu'à nos jours - synthÚse inédite au cours d'un projet FN

    Jugend (1896-1940)

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    notice de synthÚse sur la revue illustrée munichoise Jugen

    L’ange moderne. De l’ange prĂ©raphaĂ©lite Ă  l’ange jugendstil

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    Laurence Danguy, docteure de l’EHESS et de l’UniversitĂ© de Constance L’objet du sĂ©minaire, situĂ© sur le plan disciplinaire entre histoire de l’art, histoire des reprĂ©sentations et anthropologie religieuse, Ă©tait de retracer le processus de sĂ©cularisation de l’ange dans l’art et, plus largement, de tenter de dĂ©finir l’ange dans la modernitĂ©. Ce sĂ©minaire s’inscrivait dans le programme L’ange moderne et Ă©tait couplĂ© Ă  deux autres sĂ©minaires, Pratiques spirituelles, rĂ©gimes discursifs et rapport..

    L’ange moderne et ses lieux d’apparition

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    Laurence Danguy, collaboratrice scientifique Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Lausanne Ce sĂ©minaire centrĂ© sur la question du lieu d’apparition de l’ange moderne prenait le relais d’un premier sĂ©minaire analysant trois moments de ruptures reprĂ©sentationnelles de l’ange au sein de la modernitĂ© esthĂ©tique : le prĂ©raphaĂ©lisme, le symbolisme et le Jugendstil. L’objectif Ă©tait alors de mettre en lumiĂšre une ligne forte d’émancipation des codes iconographiques et du sentiment religieux, ne prenant guĂšre en compte..
