36 research outputs found

    Design and analysis of a displacement sensor-integrated compliant microgripper based on parallel structure

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    This study evaluates the displacement sensitivity of a new compliant microgripper. The microgripper is designed based on a four-bar mechanism and the concept of a compliant mechanism. The effects of the width of the right circular hinge, the thickness of microgripper, and the material properties on the dis-placement sensitivity are considered via using the finite element method. In the beginning, the stress and deformation of the compliant microgripper are evaluated. Subsequently, the displacement of the microgripper is then analyzed. The results showed that the design parameter and the displacement sensitivity have a close relationship. To increase the grasping reliability and measure the displacement or force, a micro-displacement sensor is integrated with the proposed microgripper. Finally, the modeling and analysis of the proposed sensor are conducted

    A Machine Learning-based Approach to Vietnamese Handwritten Medical Record Recognition

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    Handwritten text recognition has been an active research topic within computer vision division. Existing deep-learning solutions are practical; however, recognizing Vietnamese handwriting has shown to be a challenge with the presence of extra six distinctive tonal symbols and extra vowels. Vietnam is a developing country with a population of approximately 100 million, but has only focused on digitalization transforms in recent years, and so Vietnam has a significant number of physical documents, that need to be digitized. This digitalization transform is urgent when considering the public health sector, in which medical records are mostly still in hand-written form and still are growing rapidly in number. Digitization would not only help current public health management but also allow preparation and management in future public health emergencies. Enabling the digitalization of old physical records will allow efficient and precise care, especially in emergency units. We proposed a solution to Vietnamese text recognition that is combined into an end-to-end document-digitalization system. We do so by performing segmentation to word-level and then leveraging an artificial neural network consisting of both convolutional neural network (CNN) and a long short-term memory recurrent neural network (LSTM) to propagate the sequence information. From the experiment with the records written by 12 doctors, we have obtained encouraging results of 6.47% and 19.14% of CER and WER respectively

    Acute toxicity evaluation of methanol, ethanol and aqueous extracts of Balanophora latisepala (V.Tiegh.) Lec.

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    Balanophora latisepala has been used in traditional medicine in Vietnam for many years with both proven and unproven scientific proofs. This study aimed to evaluate the acute toxicity effects of B. latisepala by testing safety parameters of hot water, ethanol and methanol extracts of B. latisepala in Mus musculus. The acute toxicity was studied according to the World Health Organisations guideline for the evaluation of the safety and efficacy of herbal medicines. During study, a single dose of 1000, 2000 and 5000 mg/kg of each extract was orally administered to Swiss mice. To determine the median lethal dose, experimental mice were observed in behavior and mortality for 72 hours. Data of organ weight, histopathology,biochemical and hematology were also collected. The results showed that hot water, ethanol and methanol extracts at a dose of 5000 mg/kg did not induce mortality in experimental mice; therefore, LD50 is not determined. Insignificant changes were found in relative organ weight at dose 5000 mg/kg for all of the extracts. Similarly, no significant differences were observed in biochemical indices and organ histology. However, changes in hematological indices in both male and female mice were noticed. In male mice, it is likely that all B. latisepala extracts induced anemia. Moreover, clotting or bleeding abnormalities were also observed in female mice. Methanol extracts had the highest effect to hematology indices (p<0.05). Therefore, B.latisepala in different doses was shown its safety under acute toxicity studies with promising applications in drug therapy

    Antibiotic use and prescription and its effects on Enterobacteriaceae in the gut in children with mild respiratory infections in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. A prospective observational outpatient study.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Treatment guidelines do not recommend antibiotic use for acute respiratory infections (ARI), except for streptococcal pharyngitis/tonsillitis and pneumonia. However, antibiotics are prescribed frequently for children with ARI, often in absence of evidence for bacterial infection. The objectives of this study were 1) to assess the appropriateness of antibiotic prescriptions for mild ARI in paediatric outpatients in relation to available guidelines and detected pathogens, 2) to assess antibiotic use on presentation using questionnaires and detection in urine 3) to assess the carriage rates and proportions of resistant intestinal Enterobacteriaceae before, during and after consultation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients were prospectively enrolled in Children's Hospital 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and diagnoses, prescribed therapy and outcome were recorded on first visit and on follow-up after 7 days. Respiratory bacterial and viral pathogens were detected using molecular assays. Antibiotic use before presentation was assessed using questionnaires and urine HPLC. The impact of antibiotic usage on intestinal Enterobacteriaceae was assessed with semi-quantitative culture on agar with and without antibiotics on presentation and after 7 and 28 days. RESULTS: A total of 563 patients were enrolled between February 2009 and February 2010. Antibiotics were prescribed for all except 2 of 563 patients. The majority were 2nd and 3rd generation oral cephalosporins and amoxicillin with or without clavulanic acid. Respiratory viruses were detected in respiratory specimens of 72.5% of patients. Antibiotic use was considered inappropriate in 90.1% and 67.5%, based on guidelines and detected pathogens, respectively. On presentation parents reported antibiotic use for 22% of patients, 41% of parents did not know and 37% denied antibiotic use. Among these three groups, six commonly used antibiotics were detected with HPLC in patients' urine in 49%, 40% and 14%, respectively. Temporary selection of 3rd generation cephalosporin resistant intestinal Enterobacteriaceae during antibiotic use was observed, with co-selection of resistance to aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones. CONCLUSIONS: We report overuse and overprescription of antibiotics for uncomplicated ARI with selection of resistant intestinal Enterobacteriaceae, posing a risk for community transmission and persistence in a setting of a highly granular healthcare system and unrestricted access to antibiotics through private pharmacies. REGISTRATION: This study was registered at the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trials Number registry under number ISRCTN32862422: http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN32862422

    Quantifying antimicrobial access and usage for paediatric diarrhoeal disease in an urban community setting in Asia.

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    OBJECTIVES: Antimicrobial-resistant infections are a major global health issue. Ease of antimicrobial access in developing countries is proposed to be a key driver of the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) epidemic despite a lack of community antimicrobial usage data. METHODS: Using a mixed-methods approach (geospatial mapping, simulated clients, healthcare utilization, longitudinal cohort) we assessed antimicrobial access in the community and quantified antimicrobial usage for childhood diarrhoea in an urban Vietnamese setting. RESULTS: The study area had a pharmacy density of 15.7 pharmacies/km2 (a pharmacy for every 1316 people). Using a simulated client method at pharmacies within the area, we found that 8% (3/37) and 22% (8/37) of outlets sold antimicrobials for paediatric watery and mucoid diarrhoea, respectively. However, despite ease of pharmacy access, the majority of caregivers would choose to take their child to a healthcare facility, with 81% (319/396) and 88% (347/396) of responders selecting a specialized hospital as one of their top three preferences when seeking treatment for watery and mucoid diarrhoea, respectively. We calculated that at least 19% (2688/14427) of diarrhoea episodes in those aged 1 to <5 years would receive an antimicrobial annually; however, antimicrobial usage was almost 10 times greater in hospitals than in the community. CONCLUSIONS: Our data question the impact of community antimicrobial usage on AMR and highlight the need for better education and guidelines for all professionals with the authority to prescribe antimicrobials

    One health, une seule santé

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    One Health, « Une seule santé », est une stratégie mondiale visant à développer les collaborations interdisciplinaires pour la santé humaine, animale et environnementale. Elle promeut une approche intégrée, systémique et unifiée de la santé aux échelles locale, nationale et mondiale, afin de mieux affronter les maladies émergentes à risque pandémique, mais aussi s'adapter aux impacts environnementaux présents et futurs. Bien que ce mouvement s’étende, la littérature en français reste rare. Traduit de l’anglais, coordonné par d’éminents épidémiologistes et s'appuyant sur un large panel d' approches scientifiques rarement réunies autour de la santé, cet ouvrage retrace les origines du concept et présente un contenu pratique sur les outils méthodologiques, la collecte de données, les techniques de surveillance et les plans d’étude. Il combine recherche et pratique en un seul volume et constitue un ouvrage de référence unique pour la santé mondiale

    Downlink Resource Sharing and Caching Helper Selection Control Maximized Multicast Video Delivery Capacity in Dense D2D 5G Networks

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    In 5G ultra-dense networks, a large number of mobile users (MUs) request a huge amount of high data rate video traffic causing a peak congestion situation at the macro base station (MBS) and small-cell base stations. This situation certainly reduces the total video capacity delivered to the MUs. In this paper, we exploit the available spectrum and storage resources of the MUs as well as the wireless broadcast nature of device-to-device (D2D) communications to propose a joint downlink resource sharing and caching helper selection (DRS-CHS) control to maximize the multicast video delivery capacity in dense D2D 5G networks. We assume that the MUs are divided into different clusters in which they can communicate with each other by D2D communications. There are two types of MUs in each cluster including the requesting users (RUs) that request the video and the caching helpers (CHs) that have cached the video. In addition, there are some sharing users (SUs) that can share their downlink resources with the CHs and the RUs for D2D multicast communications. A DRS-CHS optimization problem is then formulated and solved for an optimal control process of how to select a CH in each cluster and how to assign an SU to share its downlink resource with the selected CH such that the total video delivery capacity multicasted from the CHs to the RUs in all clusters is maximized. Simulation results demonstrate the benefits of the proposed DRS-CHS control solution compared to other conventional benchmarks

    Efficient Hybrid Method of FEA-Based RSM and PSO Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization Design for a Compliant Rotary Joint for Upper Limb Assistive Device

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    This paper proposes an efficient hybrid methodology for multi-objective optimization design of a compliant rotary joint (CRJ). A combination of the Taguchi method (TM), finite element analysis (FEA), the response surface method (RSM), and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is developed to solving the optimization problem. Firstly, the TM is applied to determine the number of numerical experiments. And then, 3D models of the CRJ is built for FEA simulation, and mathematical models are formed using the RSM. Subsequently, the suitability of the regression equation is assessed. At the same time, the calculation of weight factors is identified based on the series of statistical equations. Based on the well-established equations, a minimum mass and a maximum rotational angle are simultaneously optimized through the PSO algorithm. Analysis of variance is used to analyze the contribution of design variables. The behavior of the proposed method is compared to the adaptive elitist differential evolution and cuckoo search algorithm through the Wilcoxon signed rank test and Friedman test. The results determined the weight factors of the mass and rotational angle are about 0.4983 and 0.5017, respectively. The results found that the optimum the mass and rotational angle are 0.0368 grams and 59.1928 degrees, respectively. It revealed that the maximum stress of 335 MPa can guarantee a long working time. The results showed that the proposed hybrid method outperforms compared to other evolutionary algorithms. The predicted results are close to the validation results. The proposed method is useful for related engineering fields

    Optimization for a Flexure Hinge Using an Effective Hybrid Approach of Fuzzy Logic and Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm

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    Flexure hinge is a critical element in a positioner of a nanoindentation tester. To effectively work, a suitable flexure hinge should simultaneously meet multiple objectives, including rotation axis shift, safety factor, and angular deflection. The main aim of this article was to illustrate a hybrid method of the Taguchi method, fuzzy logic, response surface method, and Moth-flame optimization algorithm to solve the design optimization of a flexure hinge in order to enhance the three quality characteristics of the flexure hinge. Firstly, four common flexure hinges are compared together to seek the best suitable one. Secondly, numerical experiments are gathered via the Taguchi-based detasFlex software. Thirdly, three objective functions are transferred into signal to noises in order to eliminate the unit differences. Later on, fuzzy modeling is proposed to interpolate these three objective functions into one integrated objective function. An integrated regression equation is built using the response surface method. Finally, the flexure hinge is optimized by the Moth-flame optimization algorithm. The results found that the rotation axis shift is 10.944∗10−5 mm, the high safety factor is 2.993, and the angular deflection is 52.0058∗10−3 rad. The verifications are in a suitable agreement with the forecasted results. An analysis of variance and sensitivity analysis are also performed to identify the effects and meaningful contributions of input variables on the integrated objective function. In addition, employing the Wilcoxon signed rank test and the Friedman test, the results find that the proficiency of the proposed method has more benefits than the ASO algorithm and the GA. The results of this research provide a beneficial approach for conducting complicated multiobjective optimal problems