8 research outputs found
Cytogenetic map showing the deficiencies and genes in polytene chromosome region 34C-36A.
<p>The cytological locations are only given for deletions or genes mapped on polytene chromosomes (which do not always correspond to the cytological locations given for the molecular map by the Drosophila Genome Project). Deficiency breakpoints localized on the molecular map are indicated in red and the non-localized breakpoints are indicated in black. Genes are in purple if the transcription unit has been identified, and in green if the transcription unit is not currently known.</p
Fertility genes identified by male-sterile mutations from the Zuker collection.
a<p>The “classic” male sterile phenotype <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0055915#pone.0055915-Wakimoto1" target="_blank">[9]</a> is a failure during spermatid differentiation, usually with extensive spermatid elongation, little or no sperm individualization and coiling, and the base of the testis filled with debris.</p
Cytogenetic map showing the deficiencies and genes in polytene chromosome region 76B-D.
<p>The cytological locations are only given for deletions or genes mapped on polytene chromosomes (which do not always correspond to the cytological locations given for the molecular map by the Drosophila Genome Project). Deficiency breakpoints localized on the molecular map are indicated in red and the non-localized breakpoints are indicated in black. Genes are in purple if the transcription unit has been identified, and in green if the transcription unit is not currently known.</p
DNA and essential genes in three autosomal regions.
a<p>totals include the genes identified in this work.</p>b<p>regions were defined by the deficiencies <i>Df(2L)b84a7</i>, <i>Df(2L)b88c75</i>, <i>Df(2L)A48</i>, and <i>Df(2L)r10</i> for Adh, <i>Df(3L)th102</i> for 72A-D, and <i>Df(3L)kto2</i> for 76B-D.</p>c<p>includes genes essential only for fertility (male fertility or both male and female fertility). This does not include genes essential for both viability and fertility.</p
Relative frequencies of lethal and sterile mutations after EMS mutagenesis.
<p>For most experiments, the numbers of chromosomes that carry lethal or sterile mutations/the total number of chromosomes tested were reported. For two of the <i>X</i> chromosome samples, the percentage of the chromosomes carrying lethal mutations was estimated from the sex ratio. <i>m<sub>l</sub></i>, <i>m<sub>ms</sub></i>, and <i>m<sub>fs</sub></i> are the mean numbers of lethal, male sterile, and female sterile mutations per chromosome, respectively.</p
Cytogenetic map showing the deficiencies and genes in polytene chromosome region 72A-D.
<p>The cytological locations are only given for deletions or genes mapped on polytene chromosomes (which do not always correspond to the cytological locations given for the molecular map by the Drosophila Genome Project). Deficiency breakpoints localized on the molecular map are indicated in red and the non-localized breakpoints are indicated in black. Genes are in purple if the transcription unit has been identified, and in green if the transcription unit is not currently known.</p
Male-sterile alleles of vital genes from the Zuker collection.
a<p>Allele <i>Z1062</i> complements <i>Z1812</i>, but both fail to complement <i>Z1089</i>.</p>b<p><i>Cul-3</i> appears to have a male-specific promoter.</p>c<p>The “classic” male sterile phenotype <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0055915#pone.0055915-Wakimoto1" target="_blank">[9]</a> is a failure during spermatid differentiation, usually with extensive spermatid elongation, little or no sperm individualization and coiling, and the base of the testis filled with debris.</p>d<p>Alleles <i>Z1128</i> and <i>Z6059</i> fail to complement each other, but complement <i>Z3146</i>.</p
Amino-acid polymorphisms and mutations associated with male-sterile mutations from the Zuker collection.
a<p>Polymorphisms present in the <i>bw; st</i> strain before mutagenesis and also present in the mutant alleles.</p><p>b@ represents a stop codon.</p