71 research outputs found

    Magisterial Reformers and Ordination

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    The magisterial reformers made a clear break with the Roman Catholic sacramental view of ordination of the clergy. The descendants of Luther and Calvin closely followed the Reformers’ ordination theologies and practice. In this paper we will discuss Luther and Calvin’s ordination theology and practice in the context of their break with the Roman Catholic Church

    Ellen G. White on Biblical Hermeneutics

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    Most of Ellen G. White’s life was spent in the nineteenth century as the foundation of the modern historical-critical method of Bible interpretation was being laid. She frequently commented on the importance of the Bible to our lives and how to interpret it. When the church was faced with difficult issues she successfully guided it, always appealing to Bible principles. This paper attempts to bring together Ellen G. White’s views on the objectives, principles, and methods for interpreting Scripture in order to discover the truth about God’s teachings and practices in the Bible

    A Theology of Ordination: An Integration of Bible and Ellen G. White’s Writings

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    A theology of ordination should begin with investigating what is God’s testimony about ordination in the Scriptures. In this study, insights into the Old and New Testament history from the writings of Ellen G. White will be referred to whenever they shed light on the biblical passages and their relevance for today. In addition, the study has tried to investigate how ordination is connected to the truth as it is in Jesus, the Head of the church. Ordination and its authority will also be related to Jesus’ model of leadership in the church. The biblical examples of appointment, consecration, or ordination in this paper have been selected for their relevancy to the ordination issue in today’s context

    The Adventist Theologian, the Three Angels’ Messages, and the Unity of the Church

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    This paper is written in the context of God’s mandate to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This mandate calls for Seventh-day Adventists to proclaim the great commission, focusing on the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14. The paper focuses especially what this means for Adventist theologians

    Shapes of Ministry in the New Testament

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    The chapter evaluates an interpretation of the New Testament ministry that argues that there was no specific local church organization spelled out in the Bible. The absence of organizational structure allows for the ordination of women in the local church and presents Junia as the first female apostle and Phoebe as a female minister. The evaluation presents the biblical structure of leadership and shows that through incorrect interpretation of the texts this view distorts the biblical view of local church leadership

    The Vision of Daniel 8: Interpretations From 1700 to 1800 [review] / Samuel Nunez.

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    Judging the Sabbath: Discovering What Can’t Be Found in Colossians 2:16 [review] / Ron Du Preez

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    Women\u27s Status and Ordination as Elders or Bishops in the Early Church, Reformation, and Post-Reformation Eras

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    This paper will investigate the views of the status of women in the church and whether women were ordained as elders, bishops, or priests in certain periods of the history of the Christian Church. The main focus of this paper will be on the Early Church, the Reformation, and Post-Reformation eras. The sources for the early church are limited to the early church fathers, and for the Reformers to their commentaries on the Bible. Martin Luther and John Calvin have been chosen because of their emphasis on the Bible as the rule for doctrine and practice, which was adopted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. John Wesley was selected as representing Methodism, the practices of which strongly impacted Adventist pioneers. The ordination of deaconesses will not be discussed in this pape

    The Laying On of Hands

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    This chapter responds to the argument that the laying on of hands is a part of the ordination service. In the Bible both men and women experience the laying on of hands, so both genders should qualify for ordination to the ministry. The chapter\u27s evaluation brings out that this reasoning fails to take into consideration that the Bible has certain requirements for the office of elder and minister. Therefore, a woman does not have these biblical qualifications and consequently should not be ordained to these positions
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