60 research outputs found

    New national and regional bryophyte records, 45

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    Discovery of the Epixylic Liverwort Lophozia ciliata

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    Microclimatic buffering by logging residues and forest edges reduces clear-cutting impacts on forest bryophytes

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    Question: The practice of extracting logging residues after clear-cutting for bioenergy purposes is spreading. Logging residues constitute a shelter in clear-cut areas and therefore concerns have been expressed that their removal could make the ground and its vegetation more exposed to extreme micro¬climatic conditions. We asked whether logging residues and forest edges can protect ground-dwelling forest bryophytes from fatal microclimate events following clear-cutting. Location: Boreal forests of central Sweden. Methods: Using transplants of eight forest floor bryophyte species we experimentally analysed the sheltering effect (less solar radiation and less wind) of logging residues and forest edges in seven clear-cut areas. Transplants were placed in two contrasting positions in each area; near a north-facing forest edge and in the centre of the clear-cut area. In each position, half of the transplants were covered by a layer of spruce branches and the other half was left uncovered. We estimated proportion of apparently living shoots (apparent vitality) and measured radial growth of transplants during one growing season. Results: Position in the clear-cut area, but not cover of spruce branches, clearly influenced radial growth. Vitality scores were higher among transplants covered with branches and the lowest apparent vitality was observed in uncovered transplants in the middle of clear-cut areas. The change in area of apparently liv¬ing shoots during the course of the experiment (growth minus mortality) was unaffected by branch cover close to the edge but positively affected in the centre of the clear-cut area. In general, the effect of branch cover on bryophytes was higher in the centre of clear-cut areas. Here, climatic measurements showed that branch cover buffers during periods of extreme microclimates. Conclusions: Extraction of logging residues after clear-felling may reduce the survival of some ground-dwelling forest organisms. The additional sheltering provided by branches was unimportant close to forest edges. We suggest smaller clear-cut areas, green-tree retention and other ways to make logged areas shadier and less windy to mitigate the reduced shelter caused by harvest of logging residues

    An annotated check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Europe and Macaronesia

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