35 research outputs found


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    Bernardo Kohnen - missionar, ethnologist and linguist among Shilluk

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    Bernardo Kohnen bio je trideset godina, od kolovoza 1902. do 1933, misionar među afričkim plemenima u južnom Sudanu, posebno u plemenu Å iluk. Osim propovijedanjem krŔćanstva bavio se i proučavanjem Mučkih običaja, jezika, pjesniÅ”tva i prikupljanjem etnografskih predmeta. Pisac je prvih gramatika Å”ilučkog jezika, a prvi je preveo biblijske tekstove na Å”ilučki. U nas je gotovo nepoznato njegovo pionirsko djelo među Å ilucima iako ovaj učenik travničke gimnazije zaslužuje veću i temeljitiju pozornost, prije svega povjesničara, potom i etnologa i lingvista.Bernardo Kohnen F.S.C. (Filii Sacratissimi Cordis) was born in Hanover 1876. As a child he was settled in Bosnia received his school education by the Jesuits in Travnik and, afterwards, lived among the Sudan tribes Shilluk, Denka, Nuer, and others. He was the first to compose the Shilluk grammar, the Shilluk -Italian and the - English dictionaries; he translated the Gospels into Shilluk and wrote several other works in Shilluk. All this was done at the encouragement and with the help of the Sudanese government. He gave a collection of arms and tools that he had collected from the natives, as a gift to Jesuit missionary museum in Zagreb as well as to the Ethnographic museum in Zagreb. He died in Rome in 1939

    The Way of Life in Eastern Herzegovina in the Middle of the 19th Century

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    Na temelju misionarskih izvjeÅ”taja iz istočne Hercegovine sredinom i u drugoj polovici XIX stoljeća, te na temelju druge pisane građe u prilogu se donosi rekonstrukcija nekih važnih segmenata načina života u istočnoj Hercegovini u to vrijeme. Najvećim svojim dijelom podaci se odnose na katoličko stanovniÅ”tvo jer samo za njih raspolažemo pisanim izvorima. Opisani su: stanovanje, privreda, način ishrane, mentalitet, pučka vjerovanja, način odijevanja itd. Time se autor trudi praktično pokazati metodoloÅ”ku važnost pisanih izvora za etnoloÅ”ku znanost. Članku su dodana i dva prevedena dokumenta sa talijanskog izvornika.The most important features of life in eastern Herzegovina have here been almost completely reconstructed on the basic of reports written by Italian missionaries who worked in eastern Herzegovina in the second half of the last century, complemented by other information (extracted from the accounts of French travel writers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the travel records by A. J. Evans and an account written by the Italian consul in Sarajevo C. Durando, etc...). Although situated just one or two day-s ride from Dubrovnik, this part of the Meditcrannean hinterland used to be completely untouched by civilization, relying on the old modes of extensive economy (i. e. agriculture and stock-breeding), abandoned to poverty worthy of compassion and Turkish despotism. Everyday life was permeated by superstition and naivety, but also a sort of authentic rationality. Housing conditions, which lacked any traces of comfort (people and animals lived in crumbling buildings infested with fleas) are reconstucted in the article. The author describes the mentality of the population, their habits and customs, clothes, relations with members of other religions, which used to be relatively good. The missionaries even stated that they spent a lot of time serving the Orthodox and Muslims who greatly respected Catholic missionaries because they trusted them as good doctors. The archival data on the Catholic population in this region enables us to observe their demographic movements. Another intention of the author is of a methodological nature, i.e. to show how archival materials are practically used in etnological research


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    Ponovo izlazi zbornik Ā»Vrela i prinosiĀ«

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    Nagrada Matice hrvatske za znanost

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    The biographical lexicon Hrvatski kartografi (Croatian Cartographers) has been awarded by Matica hrvatska with Oton Kučera Award for scientific publications.Nagradu Matice hrvatske za znanost Oton Kučera dobili su Miljenko Lapaine i Ivka Kljajić za biografski leksikon Hrvatski kartografi


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