3 research outputs found

    Artificial neural network and mathematical modeling of drying of apples treated with high intensity ultrasound

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    Provedeno je istraživanje infracrvenog sušenja kriški jabuka prethodno obrađenih ultrazvukom visokog intenziteta. Sušenje se provodilo na tri različite temperature (50, 60 i 70 ºC) u infracrvenoj sušari. Kriške jabuka prethodno su bile obrađene ultrazvukom visokog intenziteta, uz primijenjene amplitude od 20, 40, 60, 80 i 100 % od maksimalne, uz deklariranu maksimalnu snagu ultrazvuka od 400 W. Na temelju dobivenih podataka modelirani su empirijski matematički modeli, kao i umjetna neuronska mreža. Rezultati dobiveni na temelju modela uspoređeni su sa eksperimentalnim podatcima, pri čemu su statistički obrađeni kako bi se preko srednje kvadratne pogrješke dobilo odstupanje modela od realnih uvjeta. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da ispitivani modeli (Pageov, logaritamski i Midillijev) zadovoljavaju kriterije isključivo kod uskog područja vrijednosti pojedine ulazne varijable. Za razliku od ispitanih modela umjetna neuronska mreža pokazala se izvrsnim alatom sa značajno boljim fitanjem eksperimentalno dobivenim podatcima (R2 = 0,9980) u čitavom ispitivanom području, neovisno o korištenim parametrima.The work involves experimentation on infrared drying of apple slices treated with high intensity ultrasound. Variables covered are amplitude of ultrasound (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 %) and drying temperature (50, 60 and 70 °C). Obtained data was modeled using various empirical mathematical models as well as artificial neural network. Simulated data obtained from models were compared to experimental data and statistically processed to calculate mean square error. Although all models showed good fit to sets of experimental data, Pages model had smallest error thus suggesting best fit to experimental data. Comparison of artificial neural network to tested mathematical models showed that it has significantly lower prediction error and significantly better fitting (R2 = 0,9980) to experimental data through full range of experiments compared to mathematical models

    Torakalna epiduralna analgezija za radikalnu cistektomiju pospješuje funkciju crijeva i u tradicionalnoj perioperacijskoj skrbi

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    Radical cystectomy is associated with significant morbidity and mortality due to complex surgery and comorbidities associated with advanced age of patients. In contrast to the surgery, which is clearly the procedure of choice for patients with invasive bladder cancer, the optimal anesthesiologic method is still under debate. Therefore, we retrospectively analyzed 85 patients having undergone radical cystectomy at our institution, either under combined epidural-general anesthesia (CEG A) or opioid based general anesthesia (GA). The intraoperative blood loss was significantly lower in CEG A group (497.37±354.13) than in GA group (742.31±403.69; p=0.006), due to induced hypotension. Consequently, blood transfusion requirements were lower in CEG A group (107.20±263.92) than in GA group (388.18±321.32; p=0.001). The incidence of postoperative ileus was also lower in CEG A group (p=0.024). There was no difference in analgesic efficacy, but a trend towards lower incidence of venous thrombosis and infection was noticed. The results of our study suggest that epidural anesthesia might have specific advantages in patients undergoing radical cystectomy.Radikalna cistektomija je praćena značajnom smrtnošću i pobolom zbog složenog kirurškog zahvata i komorbiditeta povezanog sa starijom dobi bolesnika. Za razliku od kirurškog zahvata koji je bez dvojbe metoda izbora za invazivni karcinom mokraćnog mjehura, optimalna metoda anestezije još je predmet rasprave. Stoga smo retrospektivno analizirali 85 bolesnika koji su u našoj ustanovi podvrgnuti zahvatu radikalne cistektomije u kombiniranoj torakalnoj epiduralnoj i općoj anesteziji ili u općoj anesteziji baziranoj na opioidima. Intraoperacijski gubitak krvi bio je značajno niži u skupini na kombiniranoj torakalnoj epiduralnoj i općoj anesteziji (497,37±354,13) nego u skupini na općoj anesteziji baziranoj na opioidima (742,31±403,69, p=0,006). Posljedično, količina transfundirane krvi bila je značajno niža u skupini koja je imala torakalnu epiduralnu anesteziju (107,20±263,92) nego u skupini na općoj anesteziji (388,18±321,32, p=0,001). Incidencija poslijeoperacijskog ileusa također je bila niža u skupini na kombiniranoj anesteziji (p=0,024). Nije uočena razlika u analgetskoj učinkovitosti, ali je zabilježen trend prema nižoj incidenciji venske tromboze i poslijeoperacijskih infekcija u skupini na kombiniranoj anesteziji. Rezultati naše studije impliciraju da bi torakalna epiduralna analgezija mogla imati specifične prednosti kod bolesnika podvrgnutih zahvatu radikalne cistektomije

    MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry of High-Grade Gliomas: A Review of Recent Progress and Future Perspective

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common malignancy of the brain with a relatively short median survival and high mortality. Advanced age, high socioeconomic status, exposure to ionizing radiation, and other factors have been correlated with an increased incidence of GBM, while female sex hormones, history of allergies, and frequent use of specific drugs might exert protective effects against this disease. However, none of these explain the pathogenesis of GBM. The most recent WHO classification of CNS tumors classifies neoplasms based on their histopathological and molecular characteristics. Modern laboratory techniques, such as matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry, enable the comprehensive metabolic analysis of the tissue sample. MALDI imaging is able to characterize the spatial distribution of a wide array of biomolecules in a sample, in combination with histological features, without sacrificing the tissue integrity. In this review, we first provide an overview of GBM epidemiology, risk, and protective factors, as well as the recent WHO classification of CNS tumors. We then provide an overview of mass spectrometry workflow, with a focus on MALDI imaging, and recent advances in cancer research. Finally, we conclude the review with studies of GBM that utilized MALDI imaging and offer our perspective on future research