142 research outputs found

    Sprungleistung der 7-jƤhrigen AnfƤngerinnenin rhythmischer Gymnastik ist stark von dem Zustandderen motorischen FƤhigkeiten beeinflusst

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    The aim of this study was to establish the probable influence of the characteristic motor ability and skill factors on the jumping/leaping performance in a sample of 55 novice female gymnasts (mean age 7.1 Ā± 0.3 years), who had participated in a year of training. The sample of variables consisted of 12 tests of the basic motor abilities and 9 RG (rhythmic gymnastics) specific leaping performance tests, in which 5 experienced RG-judges evaluated their performance. Canonical correlation analysis was utilized to establish the relations between the scores of the motor tests and the leaping/jumping performance marks. According to the linear correlation and canonical correlation results, coordination (coordination in rhythm, primarily) and strength (leg power, in the first place), contributed mostly to the performance evaluation marks assigned for the RG leaping elements (65% variance explained). Although being expected, the influence of flexibility on the leaping performance of novices in RG was not evident.Uvod Skokovi su osnovna skupina elemenata tijelom u ritmičkoj gimnastici. Može se pretpostaviti da je dobro izvođenje skokova na svim težinskim razinama preduvjet za postizanje dobrih rezultata ritmičarki. Ackerman (1988) pretpostavlja da su opće motoričke sposobnosti presudne za izvedbu skokova na prvom stupnju usvajanja znanja iz ritmičke gimnastike (RG). Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je kanoničkom korelacijskom analizom utvrditi utjecaj motoričkih sposobnosti na uspjeh u izvođenju skokova kod početnica u RG. Metode Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 55 sedmogodiÅ”njih početnica u ritmičkoj gimnastici (prva godina vježbanja). Primijenjeno je 12 motoričkih testova koji pokrivaju područje latentnih kretnih i energetskih dimenzija za koje se pretpostavlja da su nazočne i u ritmičkoj gimnastici. Odabrani su sljedeći motorički testovi: (1) poligon natraÅ”ke; (2) koraci u stranu; (3) taping rukom; (4) taping nogom; (5) skok u vis - Sargent; (6) bacanje medicinke iz ležanja; (7) broj podizanja trupa iz ležanja na leđima u minuti; (8) broj čučnjeva u minuti; (9) pretklon raznožno; (10) visoko prednoženje desnom nogom iz ležanja (mjereno u stupnjevima); (11) visoko prednoženje lijevom nogom iz ležanja (mjereno u stupnjevima) i (12) ritmičko bubnjanje. Za procjenu izvedbe skokova u ritmičkoj gimnastici odabrano je devet skokova bez sprave i sa spravom (težine razine A prema bodovnom pravilniku iz 2001. g.), primjerenih za početnice u ritmičkoj gimnastici: (1) kozački skok (bez sprave); (2) jelenji skok (bez sprave); (3) daleko-visoki skok (bez sprave); (4) trčeći koraci i skok Å”kare kroz otvorenu vijaču okretanjem naprijed; (5) kruženje presavijenom vijačom u jednoj ruci, (6) kozački skok; bacanje i hvatanje lopte, (7) jelenji skok - prolaz kroz obruč, (8) kozački skok i kruženje čunjevima, (9) jelenji skok, kruženje trakom i daleko-visoki skok. Uspjeh u izvođenju skokova procijenili su eksperti na temelju promatranja videozapisa. Pet sudaca neovisno je procjenjivalo uspjeÅ”-nost ritmičarki u svakom testu na Likertovoj ljestvici od pet stupnjeva. Povezanost motoričkih sposobnosti ritmičarki početnica s uspjehom u izvođenju skokova utvrđena je kanoničkom korelacijskom analizom. Rezultati, rasprava i zaključak Svi primijenjeni testovi za procjenu uspjeÅ”nosti u izvođenju skokova sa spravama i bez njih imaju zadovoljavajuće vrijednosti objektivnosti (tablica 2), Å”to ukazuje na objektivno ocjenjivanje i slaganje sudaca. Budući da su se provjeravala samo znanja osnovnih skokova (težina razine A) te osnovne tehnike spravama, možemo pretpostaviti da djevojčice u početnoj fazi učenja osnovnih elemenata iz ritmičke gimnastike najteže usvajaju daleko-visoki skok te skokove povezane s izbacivanjem sprave (lopte). Dobro izvođenje daleko-visokog skoka zahtijeva, osim eksplozivne snage, i najviÅ”i stupanj fleksibilnosti nogu, koja se kod početnica joÅ” uvijek nije razvila do razine dostatne za kvalitetno izvođenje daleko-visokog skoka. Kanoničkom korelacijskom analizom utvrđena je povezanost između rezultata motoričkih testova i izvođenja skokova u ritmičkoj gimnastici. Prema rezultatima linearne korelacijske i kanoničke korelacijske analize, koordinacija (osobito koordinacija u ritmu) te snaga (osobito eksplozivna snaga nogu) doprinose postizanju boljih rezultata u izvođenju skokova kod početnica u ritmičkoj gimnastici. Premda je bio očekivan, utjecaj fleksibilnosti na skokove u ritmičkoj gimnastici nije utvrđen. Prema predstavljenim rezultatima, sposobnost za motoričko učenje skokova u ritmičkoj gimnastici osobito je uvjetovana koordinacijom. Osim koordinacije, boljem izvođenju skokova doprinosi i eksplozivna snaga nogu. Autori pretpostavljaju da eksplozivna snaga nogu doprinosi izvođenju visokih skokova te tako omogućuje veću amplitudu pokreta.Die Absicht dieser Studie war, den wahrscheinlichen Einfluss von Faktoren der charakteristischen motorischen FƤhigkeit und Fertigkeit festzustellen auf die Sprungleistung von 55 AnfƤngerinnen in rhythmischen Gymnastik (das Durchschnittsalter 7,1 Ā± 0,3), die ein Jahr trainiert haben. Die Auswahl von Variablen umfasste 12 Tests der basischen motorischen FƤhigkeiten und 9 Tests der Sprungleistung, die fĆ¼r die rhythmische Gymnastik spezifisch sind, bei denen 5 erfahrene Schiedsrichter die Leistungen bewerteten. Die Analyse der kanonischen Korrelation wurde gemacht, um den Zusammenhang zwischen den Ergebnissen der motorischen Tests und den Noten fĆ¼r die gymnastische AusfĆ¼hrung festzustellen. Die Ergebnisse der linearen und kanonischen Korrelation zeigten, dass die Koordination (insbesondere die rhythmische Koordination) und die Kraft (in erster Linie die Beinkraft) die Noten fĆ¼r die Sprungelemente der rhythmischen Gymnastik beeinflussen, was den 65% des Unterschieds erklƤrt. Obwohl erwartet, war der Einfluss der FlexibilitƤt auf die Sprungleistung der Turnerinnen nicht festzustellen

    Modified Operative Technique for Involutional Lower Lid Entropion

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    The paper presents a modified operative technique for involutional lower lid entropion. The prospective noncomparative study of 101 lower eyelids of 88 patients undergoing surgery for involutional lower lid entropion was conducted in period from September 2005 until March 2012. Indication for the surgery was entropion, previously untreated, with moderate to severe horizontal lid laxity and no clinically relevant medial and lateral canthal tendon laxity. The operative technique is our modification of Quickert and Jones procedures. Photo was taken preoperatively and one month after surgery. Clinical follow-up was at 7th postoperative day, one month and six months after surgery and in case of the recurrence. Long-term follow-up was obtained via telephone interviews. There were 44 male (50%) and 44 female (50%) patients included in the study. The age of patients was in average 73.27Ā±8.1 years (range 53ā€“90 years). Early postoperative complication was localized lid swelling found in two patients starting 4ā€“6 weeks postoperatively at the area of absorbable suture. It resolved spontaneously in two and three weeks respectively. There was recurrence of entropion in 11 eyelids (10.89%) of 10 patients. The mean interval between primary surgery and the recurrence was 17.45Ā±14.84 months (range 4ā€“48 months). In these eyelids Jones procedure was performed. However in four eyelids of four patients from the recurrent group an additional surgery needed to be performed after 6, 12, 12 and 17 months respectively. Our modification of surgical treatment for involutional lower lid entropion was effective in 89.11% of eyelids. Complications of the procedure were scarce

    Investigation and verification of criminal aspects of doping as a crime in sport law

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    O dopingu kao kažnjivoj radnji postoje različita teorijska stajaliÅ”ta i miÅ”ljenja. Jedni smatraju da se doping treba kažnjavati kaznenopravnim sankcijama, drugi da je dovoljna prekrÅ”ajnopravna, a treći stegovna sankcija, kako bi se postigla svrha kažnjavanja. U naÅ”em pravnom sustavu borba protiv dopinga evoluirala je tako da danas imamo samodoping kao stegovno djelo koje se kažnjava prema pravilima proisteklima iz Svjetskog antidoping kodeksa. S druge strane, zakonodavac propisuje neovlaÅ”tenu proizvodnju i promet tvari zabranjenih u sportu kao zasebno kazneno djelo delicta communia, za koje se kažnjava, inter alia, onaj koji omogućava i stavlja na raspolaganje zabranjene tvari sportaÅ”u ili koji drugoga navodi na troÅ”enje tih tvari, a to može biti i sam sportaÅ”. Međutim, borba protiv dopinga ne uključuje samo materijalnopravno normiranje nego, Å”toviÅ”e, pitanja načina dokazivanja, otkrivanja i procesuiranja mogućih počinitelja. Stoga autori u ovom radu iznose procesnopravne odredbe kojima je regulirana borba protiv dopinga, Å”to ukazuje na distinkcije koje postoje u pogledu pojedinih počinitelja ovog kaznenog/stegovnog djela. Doping je opasnost modernog svijeta koji se sastoji u prijevarnom postupanju počinitelja uzimanjem zabranjenih tvari radi postizanja vrhunskih rezultata. Pored toga Å”to je nespojiv s etičkim načelima sporta, te Å”to se uzimanjem dopinga može naruÅ”iti zdravlje sportaÅ”a, doping predstavlja delikt koji je potrebno sankcionirati. Pri tome, ostvariti punitivnu svrhu a ne utjecati negativno na ugled sporta, izazov je koji je stavljen i pred zakonodavca i pred sustav sporta općenito. Stoga borba protiv dopinga mora obuhvaćati sustavnu koordinaciju materijalnopravnih i postupovnih odredbi u cilju zaÅ”tite integriteta čistog sporta.There are different theoretical views and opinions on doping as a punitive act. Some believe that doping should be punished by criminal sanctions, others that a misdemeanor law is sufficient, the and third is a disciplinary sanction, to achieve the purpose of punishment. In our legal system, the fight against doping has evolved so that today we have self-doping as a disciplinary offense punishable under the rules of the World Anti-Doping Code. On the other hand, the legislator prescribes the unauthorized production and marketing of substances banned in sport as a separate offense of delicta communia, punishable, inter alia, by one who, permits and makes prohibited substances available to the athlete or who induces another to consume those substances, which may be himself athlete. However, the fight against doping involves not only substantive legal standardization but, moreover, questions of how to prove, detect and prosecute possible perpetrators. Therefore, the authors of this paper present procedural provisions governing the fight against doping, which points to the differences that exist with respect to the perpetrators of this criminal / disciplinary offense. Doping is a danger in the modern world, consisting in the fraudulent treatment of perpetrators by taking illicit substances in order to achieve superior results. In addition to being incompatible with the ethical principles of sport, and doping can impair the health of athletes, doping is a tort that needs to be sanctioned. In doing so, to pursue a punitive purpose and not adversely affect the reputation of sport is a challenge that has been put before both the legislature and the sport system in general. Therefore, the fight against doping must include the systematic coordination of substantive and procedural provisions in order to safeguard the integrity of pure sport

    Patient with Lingual Thyroid and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue Base ā€“ Case Report

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    We demonstrate a rare case of lingual thyroid together with squamous cell carcinoma of the base of tongue. 54-year old patient presented with left sided lymph node enlargement in regions II, III and IV, without any clinical symptoms. Physical examination revealed semicircular bulge at the base of tongue measuring 30x20 mm and tumorous lesion was suspected. Neck ultrasound showed pathological enlargement of lymph nodes and FNA of lymph node revealed squamous carcinoma cells in the smear. Further investigation included CT and MRI of the neck depicted ectopic thyroid tissue in base of tongue and enlarged and necrotic lymph nodes in regions II and III. Primary carcinoma could not be depicted. Biopsy of the lingual mass was performed and histology confirmed ectopic thyroid tissue. Physical examination of the oral cavity was repeated and suspicious area on the left side of the tongue base near ectopic thyroidal tissue was identified. Histology after biopsy confirmed squamous cell carcinoma with superficial growth. This case emphasizes the important role that collaboration of radiologist and otorhinolaryngologyst has in correctly diagnosing oropharyngeal pathology. Also, we underline the importance of careful oropharyngeal region screening in case of unknown pathologic lymphadenopathy, when the possibility of oropharyngeal cancer has to be considered

    Concordance of estimated residual tumor size by magnetic resonance imaging and pathohistologic findings in breast cancer patients after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

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    Cilj. Cilj istraživanja je procijeniti podudarnost veličine rezidualnog tumora, izmjerene magnetskom rezonancijom (MR) i patohistoloÅ”kom dijagnostikom (PHD) u pacijentica s karcinomom dojke nakon provedene neoadjuvantne kemoterapije (NAK) te procijeniti mogući utjecaj ypT stadija tumora na nepodudarnost veličina izmjerenih navedenim metodama. Ispitanici i metode: U retrospektivno istraživanje uključeno je 50 pacijentica. Uključni kriterij su pacijentice kod kojih je učinjen operativni zahvat uz prethodno proveden NAK karcinoma dojke, na Å”to je odgovor praćen s najmanje dva MR pregleda. Veličina tumora na MR-u uspoređena je s veličinom na PHD-u (zlatni standard) pomoću regresijske analize Passing-Bablok te je izračunat njihov koeficijent korelacije. Analizirana su sva odstupanja i podudarnosti veličine, kao i eventualni utjecaj ypT stadija tumora na razliku između dviju metoda. Razlika od Ā± 0,5 cm u veličini tumora procijenjenih slikovnom metodom i u PHD nalazu smatrale su se podudarnima veličinama. Rezultati: Srednja vrijednost veličine rezidualnog tumora na MR-u iznosila je 19,1 Ā± 17,71 mm, dok je na PHD-u iznosila 16,87 Ā± 18,19 mm. Izračunati r koeficijent korelacije iznosi 0.64 (p < 0.001). Provedenom analizom potvrđeno je da nema značajne razlike izmjerenih veličina tumora na MR-u i PHD-u (p = 0.552) te se metode mogu smatrati podudarnima. Nije uočena statistički značajna razlika u ovisnosti o ypT stadiju tumora koja bi utjecala na nepodudarnost veličina. Zaključci: Među dvjema metodama nema konstantnog niti proporcionalnog odstupanja u mjerenjima te se metode mogu smatrati podudarnim. MR dojke je dobra metoda za procjenu veličine rezidualnog tumora dojke kod pacijentica koje su podvrgnute neoadjuvantnoj kemoterapiji usporedno s PHD-om (zlatni standard).Aim: The goal of this study is to evaluate the concordance between residual tumour size measured on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and pathohistological findings in patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy and operative procedure, and if any pathohistological features may affect that agreement. Respondents and methods: Fifty patients with breast cancer were retrospectively evaluated. Patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy before the operative procedure, and were assessed with at least two MRI examinations, where included in this study. The primary tumour size measured by MRI was compared with pathohistological findings, which was considered as the gold standard. All differences and size correspondence were analyzed as well as the possible influence of ypT stage of tumour between the two methods. Results: The mean value of residual tumour size on MRI was 19,2 Ā± 17,71 mm, while on pathohistological findings it was 16,87 Ā± 18,29 mm. A calculated correlation coefficient between the two methods was 0.64 (p < 0.001). There was no statistically significant difference between two methods for measuring residual tumour size (p = 0.552), as well as a statistically significant influence of ypT stage on measuring, so these methods may be considered to be concordant. Conclusions: There is neither a constant nor a proportional deviation in the measurements between the two methods, so these methods can be considered concordant. Breast MRI is a reliable method for estimating residual tumour size in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy in comparison to pathology
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