13 research outputs found

    Educational Needs and Motivational Factors in Gerontic Nursing Students: A Qualitative Study Among Slovenian and Croatian Undergraduate Nursing Educators

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    Ciljevi: Istražiti glediÅ”ta nastavnika na preddiplomskim studijima sestrinstva, koji su povezani s edukacijskim potrebama i motivacijskim čimbenicima kod studenata sestrinstva. Pozadina: Populacija koja ubrzano stari je značajan socioekonomski teret i zahtijeva, između ostalog, ulaganje ljudskih resursa, između ostalog. Povrat ovih ulaganja, u smislu kvalitete pružene skrbi, dokazano je povezan s edukativnim sadržajem i motivacijskim čimbenicima kod studenata sestrinstva. Međutim, potrebno je istražiti glediÅ”ta nastavnika sestrinstva s obzirom na kurikularne potrebe i motivacijske faktore studenata. Dizajn: Kvalitativna studija analize sadržaja polustrukturiranih intervjua. Metode: Pet nastavnika gerontologije (tri iz Slovenije, dva iz Hrvatske), predstojnici katedri, iz pet visokoÅ”kolskih institucija, intervjuirani su za vrijeme Å”kolske godine 2017./2018. i intervjui su transkribirani. Rezultati: Intervjuima je identificirano pet tema: i) prijedlozi za kurikularnu promjenu; ii) prijedlozi za radno iskustvo sa starijim osobama; iii) prijedlozi intervencija kako bi se ojačala motivacija za rad sa starijim osobama; iv) učinci stavova studenata na starenje i starije osobe; v) emocionalni odgovor studenata na starenje. U svakoj od tema identificirano je nekoliko (4-6) glavnih kategorija. Zaključak: GlediÅ”ta nastavnika na svih pet institucija nisu se značajno razlikovala: prepoznaju moguće emocionalne odgovore studenata prema starenju kao načelno negativan stav, ravnoduÅ”nost i strah, ali ne nude rjeÅ”enja za promjenu emocionalne reakcije. Čini se da nastavnici negiraju povezanost između edukacije, stavova i ponaÅ”anja. Važnost za kliničku praksu: Kako nastavnici sestrinstva imaju ključnu ulogu u usmjeravanju stavova i znanja budućih profesionalaca gerontoloÅ”ke skrbi prema starenju i starijoj dobi, rezultati ovog ispitivanja su važni za kliničku praksu, jer se svijet suočava s dramatičnom demografskom promjenom.Aims and objectives: To explore perceptions of educators at undergraduate nursing courses related to educational needs and motivational factors among nursing students. Background: The ever-aging population poses a significant socioeconomic burden and demands investment of human and other resources. Return on these investments, in terms of quality of care delivered, has been shown to be associated with educational contents and motivational factors in nursing students. However, further research is needed on perspectives among nursing educators, in relation to perceived curricular needs and student motivational factors. Design: A qualitative study using content analysis of semi-structured interviews. Methods: Five gerontic nursing educators (three from Slovenia, two from Croatia), heads of their respective departments, from five higher-education institutions were interviewed during the 2017/2018 school year, and the interviews were transcribed verbatim. Results: Five areas were covered by the interviews: i) proposals on curricular improvements; ii) proposals on work experience with the elderly; iii) proposals on interventions to strengthen motivation to work with the elderly; iv) effects of attitudes of students on ageing and the elderly; v) emotional responses of students towards ageing. In each of the themes, several (4-6) main categories were identified. Conclusion: Perceptions of educators across the five educational institutions do not differ significantly: they recognize the possible emotional responses of students towards ageing as a generally negative attitude, indifference, and fear, yet they fail to offer solutions to change the emotional reaction. The educators seem to deny the connection between education, attitudes, and behavior. Relevance to clinical practice: Nursing educators play a critical role in directing attitudes and knowledge of future gerontic nursing professionals towards ageing and old age; insight into their opinions is important as the world faces a dramatic demographic change

    Sigurnost prometa kao funkcija antropometrijskih značajki vozača : doktorska disertacija

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    Rezultai su brojnih radova Å”to se odnose na utvrđivanje ponaÅ”anja "sistema čovjek-stroj-okolina" rađeni disciplinarnim putem. Ovaj je rad jedan od pokuÅ”aja da se poseban sistem - "sistem vozač-vozilo-okolina" proučava kao interdisciplinaran sistem s tim da se naglasi komponenta sigurnosti rada sistema, dakle općenito govorewći sigurnosti u prometu s posebnim osvrtom na istraživanje utjecaja antropometrijskih karakteristika vozača

    Postupak utvrđivanja potrebe za gradnjom dodatnog prometnog traka na usponu

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    Propusna moć cesta znatno se smanjujena većim i đuljim usponima, posebno uz većiudjel teÅ”kih teretnih vozila.U rađu su analizirana iskustva terenskihopažanja i simulacija interakcije odvijanja prometnogtoka na usponu. Obavljena terenska mjerenjau naÅ”oj zemlji omogućila su određivanjepostupaka za utvrđivanje potreba za izgradnjomdodatnoga prometnog traka na usponu

    Sigurnost prometa kao funkcija antropometrijskih značajki vozača : doktorska disertacija

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    Rezultai su brojnih radova Å”to se odnose na utvrđivanje ponaÅ”anja "sistema čovjek-stroj-okolina" rađeni disciplinarnim putem. Ovaj je rad jedan od pokuÅ”aja da se poseban sistem - "sistem vozač-vozilo-okolina" proučava kao interdisciplinaran sistem s tim da se naglasi komponenta sigurnosti rada sistema, dakle općenito govorewći sigurnosti u prometu s posebnim osvrtom na istraživanje utjecaja antropometrijskih karakteristika vozača

    Mogućnosti koriÅ”tenja otpadnih guma cestovnih vozila

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    The paper deals with the composition and quantities of waste tires of motor vehicles and possibilities of their utilization as possible potential secondary raw materials. The possible quantities available in the world, in the territory of former Yugoslavia, and the city of Zagreb have been reviewed. The possible available quantities of waste tires (pneumatics) in the year 1991 are as follows: in the world this comes to l. 7 x JO pieces of which 84% is still on automobiles, in former Yugoslavia it comes to 9.637.466 pieces or 267.049 tons, and in Zagreb it comes to 862.780 pieces or 18.635 tons while only as /itl/e as less than JO% is collected. It has been established that radial/ tires on automobiles on the roads of Croatia are used up on covered 50.000 kilometers of journey, 8,2% of radial-ply tn1ck tires after 60.000 kilometers 15% and cross-ply 17.1%. Out of a number of methods of utilization of waste rubber pneumatics the environmental and economic highest advantage rests in recycling and processing in cryogen procedure into rubber powder (recycler).</p

    Metode mjerenja i prognoziranja prometa na autobusnim kolodvorima

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    In order to have fluctuations in traffic reduced to the minimum and on to a predictable scale, the paper deals with the measuring and forecasting of passenger flows at bus stations. Particular attention has been fixed on traffic forecasting by the method of correlative analysis. The examination of respective indices, coefficient of correlation, and value trend have all comifired the adequacy of the Gompertz trend, being of particular importance for the projections of fixture demand for traffic services.</p

    The Development of Containerisation in Croatia and Strategic Long-Term Development. ..

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    The geo-traffic advantages of the Republic of Croatia havenot yet been evaluated as a whole. The traffic-maritime valorisationis included in the strategy of long-term development ofCroatia. This particularly implies the constntction and modernisationof the sophisticated railway and road traffic routesconnecting the Danube region and the Adriatic, especiallyalong the transversal corridor the Danube region - Zagreb -Rijeka - maritime markets, and then towards other maritimeand river ports. At the same time, the application of these technologiesshould be reconstntcted longitudinally from the Westto the East. The container and piggyback terminals and cargotransport centres (RTC) should be primarily constructed, regularcontainer and piggyback trains established and connected,by sea ports and shipping, first of all through the port of Rijeka,with various maritime markets.In this way, higher rationalisation would be achieved, firstof all in traffic, then in economy and the community as a whole,with a far greater traffic safety, environmental protection, majorforeign exchange inflow, etc