12 research outputs found

    Arrhythmogenic mechanisms in the isolated perfused hypokalaemic murine heart

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    AIM: Hypokalaemia is associated with a lethal form of ventricular tachycardia (VT), torsade de pointes, through pathophysiological mechanisms requiring clarification. METHODS: Left ventricular endocardial and epicardial monophasic action potentials were compared in isolated mouse hearts paced from the right ventricular epicardium perfused with hypokalaemic (3 and 4 mm [K(+)](o)) solutions. Corresponding K(+) currents were compared in whole-cell patch-clamped epicardial and endocardial myocytes. RESULTS: Hypokalaemia prolonged epicardial action potential durations (APD) from mean APD(90)s of 37.2 ± 1.7 ms (n = 7) to 58.4 ± 4.1 ms (n =7) and 66.7 ± 2.1 ms (n = 11) at 5.2, 4 and 3 mm [K(+)](o) respectively. Endocardial APD(90)s correspondingly increased from 51.6 ± 1.9 ms (n = 7) to 62.8 ± 2.8 ms (n = 7) and 62.9 ± 5.9 ms (n = 11) giving reductions in endocardial–epicardial differences, ΔAPD(90), from 14.4 ± 2.6 to 4.4 ± 5.0 and −3.4 ± 6.0 ms respectively. Early afterdepolarizations (EADs) occurred in epicardia in three of seven spontaneously beating hearts at 4 mm [K(+)](o) with triggered beats followed by episodes of non-sustained VT in nine of 11 preparations at 3 mm. Programmed electrical stimulation never induced arrhythmic events in preparations perfused with normokalemic solutions yet induced VT in two of seven and nine of 11 preparations at 4 and 3 mm [K(+)](o) respectively. Early outward K(+) current correspondingly fell from 73.46 ± 8.45 to 61.16±6.14 pA/pF in isolated epicardial but not endocardial myocytes (n = 9) (3 mm [K(+)](o)). CONCLUSIONS: Hypokalaemic mouse hearts recapitulate the clinical arrhythmogenic phenotype, demonstrating EADs and triggered beats that might initiate VT on the one hand and reduced transmural dispersion of repolarization reflected in ΔAPD(90) suggesting arrhythmogenic substrate on the other

    Separation of early afterdepolarizations from arrhythmogenic substrate in the isolated perfused hypokalaemic murine heart through modifiers of calcium homeostasis

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    In human type 1 diabetes (T1D) and in its murine model, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules, human leukocyte antigens (HLA)-DQ and -DR and their murine orthologues, IA and IE, are the major genetic determinants. In this report, we have ranked HLA class II molecule-associated T1D risk in a two-sided gradient from very high to very low. Very low risk corresponded to dominant protection from T1D. We predicted the protein structure of DQ by using the published crystal structures of different allotypes of the murine orthologue of DQ, IA. We discovered marked similarities both within, and cross species between T1D protective class II molecules. Likewise, the T1D predisposing molecules showed conserved similarities that contrasted with the shared patterns observed between the protective molecules. We also found striking inter-isotypic conservation between protective DQ, IA allotypes and protective DR4 subtypes. The data provide evidence for a joint action of the class II peptide-binding pockets P1, P4 and P9 in disease susceptibility and resistance with a main role for P9 in DQ/IA and for P1 and P4 in DR/IE. Overall, these results suggest shared epitope(s) in the target autoantigen(s), and common pathways in human and murine T1D

    The Endothelium in Health and Disease-A Target for Therapeutic Intervention.

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