27 research outputs found

    Колонизация планеты людьми: миф или реальность?

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    Человечество стремится покорить галактику. Одним из самых больших шагов к освоению космоса будет колонизация другой планеты. В течение очень короткого времени человечеству многого удалось достичь в области космонавтики. Были проведены многочисленные исследования космоса. Было изучено много планет для определения возможности их колонизации, а также способы добраться до них. Среди всех планет солнечной системы планета Марс имеет самое большое сходство с Земл?й. О колонизацииэтой планеты будет говориться в данной статье. Также будут рассмотрены проекты, которые в данный момент развиваются в этой сфере.The humanity seeks for conquering a galaxy. Colonization of other planet will be one of the biggest step to space exploration. The humanity have managed a lot of achievements in the space exploration sphere in short period of time. Many researches of space have been realized. Many planets have been explored for determination of possibility for their colonization, and methods how they can be reached . Among all the planets of the solar system, Mars is the most similar to Earth. In this article it is written about colonization of this planet. It will also considerprojects that are currently developing in this area

    Study of Shear Properties of Nanoparticle Suspensions

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    Low-frequency complex shear modulus of the colloidal suspensions of nanoparticles Nd:YAG in ethylene glycol was measured for the first time by using acoustic a resonance method with piezoquartz vibrator. Dependence of viscoelastic properties of the colloidal suspensions on nanoparticles sizes and their concentrations has been carried out

    Electroneuromyographic Parameters in Patients with Stenosing Process of the Cervical Spinal Canal

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    One of the main causes of pain in the cervical spine, which causes the development of neurological deficit, is the stenosing process of the spinal canal with compression of the neurovascular structures. To determine the tactics of treatment, to predict the consequences of the disease, timely diagnosis of the functional state of  neural structures is of great importance.Materials and methods. An informative method for diagnosing stenosing processes of the cervical spine, along with radiography and MRI, is electroneuromyography (ENMG). The analysis was based on 35 patients with a stenosing process of the spinal canal at the cervical level (17 men, 18 women), the average age of patients was 47.7 ± 9.9 years.Results. In the study of changes in the functional state of the axillary, radial, ulnar and median nerves, with stenosing processes, a unidirectional deviation of the entire ENMG complex of indicators of the limb with pain syndrome and contralateral limb was noted. A decrease in the amplitude of the maximum M-responses is recorded due to damage to the peripheral motor neuron and axon degeneration. Selective damage to the slow-conducting anterior motoneurons does not cause a decrease in the speed of impulse conduction due to demyelination. Bilateral changes in late electroneuromyographic phenomena (F-wave) are possibly caused by a  general reaction of the peripheral and central nervous systems.Conclusion. In patients with a stenosing process of the cervical spine with severe clinical manifestations, ENMG values can be used both to determine indications for surgical treatment and to assess the dynamics of changes in the postoperative period

    Conservative Treatment of Cervicobrachial Syndrome in Patients with Cervical Osteochondrosis (Literature Review)

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    The article analyzes the data of 58 sources of literature on the treatment of cervicobrachial syndrome in patients with cervical osteochondrosis. The anatomical and topographic features of the cervical spine, which are predisposing factors for the development of the studied pathology, namely, the small size of the vertebral bodies and their increased mobility are noted in the work. A high incidence of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the cervical spine was found in persons over 60years old (50 %) and aged 60years and older (75 %) with a predominance of the development of the pathological process at the level of the CV-CVI vertebral motor segment. According to the literature, the attitude to the problem of treating this pathology is contradictory. The main points of application of conservative treatment are the elimination of pain and muscle spasm, an increase in the volume of movements in the cervical spine. Despite the fact that significant progress has been achieved in recentyears in conservative treatment of patients with pathology of the cervical spine, many tasks remain unresolved and require further analysis, and therefore the problem of improving diagnosis and treatment remains relevant, socially significant and timely

    Some Aspects of the Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of Osteochondrosis of the Cervical Spine (Literature Review)

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    The aim of this research was to study the most important problems in diagnosing a socially significant problem - osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. According to some authors, in the structure of disability and disability associated with pathology of the spine, diseases of the cervical spine occupy one of the leading positions.The paper analyzes data from 41 sources of literature on the pathogenesis and diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Due to the complexity and ambiguity of the approaches to the diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, this paper analyzes the most important research methods in the diagnosis of this pathology. Attention is focused on the main pathogenetic prerequisites for the occurrence of pain.According to literature data, the main attention in the diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is given to the basic methods: clinical and neurological examination, where the severity of the disorders is determined using scales that include not only an assessment of the intensity of the pain syndrome, but also the determination of a number of neurological disorders. The authors propose the use of a DN4 questionnaire, LANSS scales, neurological impairment scales (N1S); radiation research methods, such as survey spondylography of the cervical spine in direct and lateral projections, functional spondylography of the cervical spine in the position of maximum flexion and extension, multispiral computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging data, and neurophysiological studies. Radiation research methods can determine pathological changes in the bone tissue itself. Magnetic resonance imaging indices make it possible to assess the degree of pathological changes in the soft tissue anatomical structures of the spinal canal and intervertebral discs. According to the literature, much attention is paid to functional research methods, in particular, electroneuromyography, which allows to assess the level and degree of damage to nerve fiber, the dynamics of the pathological process. Attention is paid to the allocation of marker indicators. All methods are significant, evidence-based, objective and modern and do not exclude the possibility of using data from other research methods.The analysis of the presented literature once again convinces clinicians of the ambiguity and heterogeneity of approaches to the issues of pathogenesis and diagnosis of the cervical spine, which requires further improvement of the proposed methods for clarifying and objectifying the pathological process. An important andjustified is a pathogeneti-cally grounded approach to their study

    Studies of the Coefficient of Friction. Derivation of the Analytical Equation of the Hersey-Shtribek Diagram

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    В данной работе проведено исследование коэффициента трения на основе полуэмпирического уравнения для диаграммы Герси-Штрибека. Аналитическое уравнение для коэффициента трения от скорости сдвига, полностью описывающее трение трущихся поверхностей в различных условиях, в настоящее время отсутствует. В связи с этой проблемой была предпринята попытка получить аналитическое уравнение на основе соотношения с четырьмя эмпирическими константами – a, b, c, d, а также был проведен обзор полученного уравнения. С помощью вариации параметров и численного моделирования были построены графики зависимости коэффициента. Установлено, что константа a – параметр, характеризующий коэффициент трения покоя, b – характеризует такие свойства, как плотность, прочность, коэффициенты деформации, т.е. упругие характеристики трущихся тел, а также начальную степень шероховатости, c – однозначно неопределенный параметр, вероятнее всего, связан с погонной нагрузкой и способностью смазочного материала адаптироваться к нагрузкам, d – коэффициент, характеризующий установившийся или вязкостной режим трения. Таким образом, сравнительный анализ графиков зависимости полученного уравнения и диаграммы Герси-Штрибека свидетельствует об их схожести, что делает это уравнение наиболее предпочтительным, чем любые другие эмпирические соотношения, и может быть использовано для решения инженерных задачA study of the friction coefficient based on a semi-empirical equation for the Guersey-Striebeck diagram was carried out in this paper. An analytical equation for the coefficient of friction versus shear rate, which fully describes the friction of rubbing surfaces under various conditions, is currently absent. In connection with this problem, an attempt was made to obtain an analytical equation based on a relation with four empirical constants – a, b, c, d, and a review of the resulting equation was also carried out. Using the variation of parameters and numerical simulation, graphs of the dependence of the coefficient were constructed. It has been established that the constant a is a parameter characterizing the coefficient of static friction, b – characterizes such properties as density, strength, deformation coefficients, i.e. elastic characteristics of rubbing bodies, as well as the initial degree of roughness, c is an unambiguously uncertain parameter, most likely related to the linear load and the ability of the lubricant to adapt to loads, d is a coefficient characterizing the steady or viscous friction mode. Thus, a comparative analysis of the dependency graphs of the obtained equation and the Guersey-Striebeck diagram indicates their similarity, which makes this equation more preferable than any other empirical relationships and can be used to solve engineering problem

    Radiological and Functional Research Methods in the Diagnosis of Segmental Instability in Cervical Osteochondrosis and of Cervicobrachial Syndrome

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    This paper presents the analysis of diagnostic policy of 72 patients with cervical osteochondrosis and cervicobrachial syndrome. All patients were examined according to a single program, which included a specially designed questionnaire containing address data, diagnosis, history of life and illness, patient complaints, with a mandatory examination by a neurologist for the presence of compression of neural structures of the cervical spine with a detailed description of the local status and clinical and neurological syndromes. Patients underwent general spondylography of the cervical spine in the anteroposterior and lateral projections. For the diagnosis of segmental instability, functional spondylography was performed in the position of maximum flexion and extension and functional spondylography with burdening, which is based on mathematical modeling of the distribution of the vector force load system in the cervical spine under conditions of inclination of the head at an angle of 45° (flexion) and 15° (extension) with the weight on the head weighing up to 500 grams (putting a special device on the head). A mathematical formula for calculating the index of instability of the vertebral motor segment in the cervical spine is proposed. Sagittal balance of the cervical spine was studied with the correlative dependence of its indicators with the intensity of the pain syndrome according to standard spondylography and magnetic resonance imaging. Identified marker indicator of electroneuromyographic studies of the upper extremities - F-wave. Based on the obtained fundamental knowledge, an algorithm for diagnosing osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and cervicobrachial syndrome has been developed and scientifically substantiated

    The Effectiveness of Laser Vaporization in the Treatment of Intervertebral Hernias of the Lumbar Spine

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    The purpose of the study: assessment of the use of laser vaporization of the disc with hernial protrusion on the lumbar spine and its effectiveness in the treatment of pain.Material and methods. We analyzed the effectiveness laser vaporization in 230 patients with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the lumbar spine (protrusions and hernias of the intervertebral discs) treated in the neurosurgical department of the Irkutsk Scientific Centre of Surgery and Traumatology for the period from 2011 to 2018. There were 122 men and 108 women. The average age of the patients was 41 years. The duration of the disease before surgical treatment is 11 ± 3 weeks. Clinical and neurological examination revealed lumbalgia in 102 patients (44.3 %), lumbar ischalgia in 98 (42.6 %) and radiculopathy in 30 patients (13.1 %). Median hernias of the intervertebral discs were revealed in 130 patients (56.4 %), lateral hernias - in 41 (17.8 %) and protrusions - 59 (23.8 %). The leading localization of the pathological process was the LIV-LV segment (138 patients, 60 %). Assessment of the effectiveness of surgical treatment was carried out using VAS and Macnab scales.Results. In 100 % of cases were laser vaporization was applied a decrease in the intensity of the pain syndrome was achieved in terms of up to 3 months. The analysis of the long-term results of this treatment in 124 patients from 3 months to 3 years by Macnab scale revealed excellent results in 25 (20.1 %) patients, good results - in 50 (40.3 %), satisfactory - in 42 (33.8 %), and unsatisfactory results - in 7 (5.6 %) cases.Conclusion. Thus, laser vaporization of hernias of the intervertebral disc is effective in the treatment of pain, which does not stop with conservative treatment for 4-6 weeks; with a hernia of up to 6 mm; with a median localization and with no signs of sequestration

    Clinical and radiological efficacy of corpectomy and anterior stabilization with titanium mesh cages in patients with myelopathic syndrome associated with cervical spine degenerative di

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    The aim of this study was to research the clinical and radiological efficacy of  corpectomy and anterior stabilization with titanium mesh cages in patients with myelopathic syndrome associated with cervical spine degenerative diseases.Material and methods. A retrospective observational cohort study was performed. The study included medical records of patients with cervical myelopathy associated with degenerative diseases of the cervical spine who underwent corpectomy and  anterior stabilization with titanium mesh cages. Clinical and instrumental parameters were assessed.Results. The study included 28  medical records of respondents who underwent corpectomy and anterior stabilization with titanium mesh implants. The average age of patients was 61.9 ± 11.3 years, males prevailed (60.7 %). By the 3rd month of  postoperative follow-up, the severity of myelopathy significantly decreased (p˂0.001). After 12  months, the severity of cervical myelopathic syndrome also significantly decreased (p = 0.009). The neurological status of 18 (64.2 %) respondents improved in the first 3  months after corpectomy and anterior stabilization with titanium mesh implants and 6 months after the surgery, the status improved in the remaining 8 (30.7 %) patients (p˂0.001). Preoperative values of the Cobb sagittal angle allowed us to conclude the following. In 13 (46.4 %) patients, the normolordotic axis of the cervical spine was noted, in 12  (42.8  %) – the  hypolordotic axis, and in 3 (10.8 %) respondents, the Cobb angle values corresponded to the kyphotic axis of the cervical spine.Conclusion. The technique of corpectomy and anterior fixation with mesh titanium implants in patients with myelopathic syndrome against the background of  degenerative diseases of the cervical spine makes it possible to improve the clinical status of the latter already 3 months after the operation was performed while maintaining normal biomechanical parameters of the cervical spine and complete decompression of the neural structures and supply their vessels