50 research outputs found

    IL-4 induces cAMP and cGMP in human monocytic cells

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    Human monocytes, preincubated with IFN-γ respond to IL-4 by a cGMP increase through activation of an inducible NO synthase. Here, IL-4 was found to induce an accumulation of cGMP (1 – 3 min) and cAMP (20 – 25 min) in unstimulated monocytes. This was impaired with NOS inhibitors, but also with EGTA and calcium/calmodulin inhibitors. These results suggest that: (1) IL-4 may stimulate different NOS isoforms in resting and IFN-γ activated monocytes, and (2) cAMP accumulation may be partially dependent on the NO pathway. By RT-PCR, a type III constitutive NOS mRNA was detected in U937 monocytic cells. IL-4 also increased the [Ca2+]i in these cells. Different NOS may thus be expressed in monocytic cells depending on their differentiation and the signals they receive

    Hybrids by lps. Abstr.

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    Blastic Transformation of Mouse Spleen Lymphocytes by a Water-Soluble Mitogen Extracted from Nocardia

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    Failure of endotoxin to increase nonspecific resistance to infection of lipopolysaccharide low-responder mice.

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    In vitro and in vivo responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and various other bacterial immunostimulants were compared in c3H/He low-responder mice. The principal findings were as follows. (i) Their splenic lymphocytes were stimulated by various gram-negative mitogens such as an Escherichia coli peptidoglycan, a detoxified derivative of LPS, and even endotoxins extracted by trichloroacetic acid that are known to contain protein; spleen cells of these mice were also transformed by two other B-cell mitogens extracted from acid-fast organisms. (ii) Their macrophages were refractory to LPS and weakly responsive to a mycobacterial prepartion. (iii) LPS failed to elicit nonspecific resistance in these mice against Klebsiella pneumoniae infection. (iv) Endotoxin extracted by trichloroacetic acid and a mycobacterial preparation that could increase nonspecific resistance to infection in other strains did not protect C3H/He mice against a challenge by K. pneumoniae, although both prepartions could evoke nonspecific responses of B cells in this low-responder subline