2 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Teacher Child Parent Program on Self Esteem among School Children in Selected Schools at Kanyakumari District

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    An Experimental study was conducted on Self-Esteem before and after Teacher-Child-Parent-Program among school children in selected schools at Kannyakumari District. The objectives of the study were to compare the Pre test and Post test Self-Esteem among school children in Experimental group; to compare the mean difference in Self-Esteem between school Children in Experimental and Control group; to find the association between mean difference in Self-Esteem and the selected background variables among school children in Experimental group. Relevant reviews were done and presented as: (i). Studies related to self esteem, (ii). Studies related to Self-esteem and various interventions, (iii). Studies related to Teacher’s role and self-esteem and iv. Studies related to parent’s role and selfesteem. Researcher has stated following null hypotheses: H01. There will be no significant difference in the mean Self–Esteem before and after Teacher-Child-Parent Program among School Children in experimental group; H02. There will be no significant difference in Self–Esteem between pre test and post test in experimental and control group; and H03. There will be no significant association between mean differences in Self–Esteem and selected background variables. A conceptual framework based on Imogene King Goal Attainment theory (1990) was used in this study. Data were collected using structured self administered questionnaire and Dr. Ken Williams (2000) Brief Self-Esteem Inventory. Pre test Post test Control group design was used in this study. Sample size consists of 58 school children in Experimental group and 58 in Control group. School children were selected by using Cluster Random Sampling technique. Teacher-Child-Parent-Program was administered to the teachers and parents separately for the Experimental group. Post test was done after 8 weeks of intervention. Data collection period was 2 months. Data were analyzed using SPSS Version 20. A probability of less than 0.05 was considered to be significant. Major Findings of the study were: The post test mean self-esteem among school children in experimental group 64.71 was significantly high; t=-5.71, (P < 0.001). The mean difference in self esteem among experimental group 9.91 (SD= ± 13.23) was significantly higher than the control group 3.76 (SD = ± 9.70), t= -2.857 (P < 0.05). The Teacher child parent program was effective among the experimental group. However there was a significant relationship with parents, cell phone usage and Mean difference in Self-Esteem among school children in experimental group, t= 3.0597 (<0.01), {β = 0.506 (95% CI 12.9 – 47.1)}; t = 2.6 (P <0.05) {β = 0.459, (95% CI 2.01-16.18)} respectively. The implication, limitation and recommendations of the study have been elaborately stated