21 research outputs found

    The cupmarks as diachronic phenomenon linked to the territory: the Trentino Alto - Adige

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    I massi coppella ti rappresentano un fenomeno ancora da c omprendere appieno. Attribuire loro una cronologia Ăš spesso impossibile e affidata solo ad indizi indiretti come la prossim itĂ  con depositi archeologici o gli strum enti impiegati. Anche la funzionalitĂ  del manufatto Ăš affatto chiara. Per di piiĂŹ non si p resta a int erpretazioni univoche, nĂ© di piccola scala, valide per la maggior parte di esse o per una regione allargata. ll Trentino - Alto Adige conf erma purtroppo questo quadro ma Ăš un'area interessante per la ricerca. Le coppelle sono diffuse in regione ma raggrupp at e in aree che sembrano c ircoscritte; tr a queste delle aree vuote. Per citare alcuni addensamenti: Val di Sol e - Pejo - Val di Non; Val di Cembra; alta Valsugana; Val di Fiemme; V alle dei Laghi -Arco, Pinzalo per il Trentin o e in Alto Adig e le si trova in media Val Venosta - Val Senales - Fosse; Velturno; conca di Bressanone; Val Passiria; Val d'Ultimo, Val d'Isarco; Val Pusteria; Val Badia; Valle dell'Adige. La tipometri a Ăš piuttosto articolata: coppelle singole, multiple, canalett e, croci, trie, geometrie, vaschette, piedi, ecc. A volte associate con incisioni f igurative, altre volte a depositi arche ologici. Il lavoro che si va ad esporre tenta di mettere in correlazio ne questo fenomeno con le litologie affioranti per evidenziare i problemi di conservazione o di riconoscibilitĂ , oppure eventuali selez ioni del supporto da incidere. CiĂČ introduce ad una analisi del fenomeno come testimonianza d ella frequentazione del territorio che puĂČ essere compresa tramite l'esame dei massi sotto l'aspetto della loro promin enza, visibilitĂ , altitudine, la vic inanza con vie di transito, con le ar ee di attivitĂ , con le alture, i crinali, i fondovalle, limite del bosco, ... L'analisi, ancora in buona parte in itinere, non si puĂČ esimere dal tentare una collocazi one cronologica delle evidenze che aiuterebbe la lettura diacronic a di un fenomeno complesso e articolato di frequentazione del territorio

    The ‘Hidden Foods’ project: new research into the role of plant foods in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic societies of South-east Europe and Italy

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    The ‘Hidden Foods’ project is a new research programme aimed at reconstructing the importance of plant foods in prehistoric forager subsistence in Southern Europe, with a particular focus on Italy and the Balkans. The role of plant foods in pre-agrarian societies remains one of the major issues of world prehistory. Popular narratives still envisage ancient foragers as primarily ‘meat-eaters’, mainly as a consequence of the poor preservation of plant remains in early prehistoric contexts, and due to the employment of methods particularly focused on the contribution of animal protein to human diet (e.g. isotope analysis) (e.g. Bocherens 2009; Jones 2009; Richards 2009). Recently, new methods applied to archaeological evidence have provided a different understanding of hunter-gatherer dietary preference and interaction with the environment. Harvesting and processing might not have been the sole prerogative of agricultural societies, and plant foods seem to have played an important role amongst hunter-gatherers (e.g. Revedin et al. 2010

    Investigating the diet of Mesolithic groups in the Southern Alps: An attempt using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses

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    Stable isotopic data (ÎŽ13C; ÎŽ15N) were obtained from Mesolithic human and faunal remains from north- eastern Italy in order to document the human diet and provide information on the relationship between landscape use and subsistence strategies. The bone samples were from an adult female individual (Early Mesolithic, Late Sauveterrian) buried at Vatte di Zambana (Trento), an adult male (Late Mesolithic, Castelnovian) buried at Mondeval de Sora (Belluno), and an adult female from Mezzocorona Borgonuovo (Trento). For the latter, the stratigraphic position of the burial pit and evidence of the associated ritual suggest a Mesolithic attribution. Carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) stable isotope compositions of human bone collagen were compared with those of animal remains from different taxa found in stratigraphic association with the burial. The isotopic data and the Bayesian model developed from the latter and from data in the literature indicate a very significant proportion of terrestrial resources in the protein fraction of the human diet, particularly from red deer compared to other ungulates and potentially from freshwater fish and small mammals. These results add to the information provided by zooarchaeological studies and reopen the debate on the role of secondary resources such as chamois, ibex, small mammals and fish, such as pike, in the diet of these mobile human societies. However, as this is a preliminary study based on a very small sample size, interpretations should be considered with caution.Les compositions isotopiques en carbone et en azote (ÎŽ13C ; ÎŽ15N) ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es sur des restes osseux humains et animaux du MĂ©solithique dans le nord-est de l’Italie afin de documenter l’alimentation de ces derniĂšres communautĂ©s de chasseurs-cueilleurs et les liens entre l’environnement et les stratĂ©gies de subsistance. Les restes osseux analysĂ©s proviennent d’une femme adulte (MĂ©solithique ancien, Sauveterrien rĂ©cent) inhumĂ©e Ă  Vatte di Zambana (Trento), d’un homme adulte (MĂ©solithique rĂ©cent, Castelnovien) inhumĂ© Ă  Mondeval de Sora (Belluno) et d’une femme adulte du site de Mezzocorona-Borgonuovo (Trento). La position stratigraphique de la sĂ©pulture Ă  Mezzocorona-Borgonuovo ainsi que les pratiques funĂ©raires suggĂšrent une attribution au MĂ©solithique. Les ratios isotopiques du carbone et de l’azote du collagĂšne osseux des sujets humains ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s avec ceux d’animaux de diffĂ©rentes espĂšces associĂ©s stratigraphiquement aux sĂ©pultures. Les rĂ©sultats isotopiques ainsi qu’un modĂšle bayĂ©sien, rĂ©alisĂ© Ă  partir de ces donnĂ©es et celles de la littĂ©rature, indiquent une contribution trĂšs significative des protĂ©ines animales du milieu terrestre, et surtout la consommation importante de cerfs par rapport aux autres ongulĂ©s, ainsi qu’un rĂŽle potentiel des poissons d’eau douce et de petits mammifĂšres. Ces donnĂ©es complĂštent les informations apportĂ©es par les Ă©tudes archĂ©ozoologiques et relancent la discussion sur le rĂŽle secondaire que peuvent avoir le chamois, l’ibex, les petits mammifĂšres et les ressources aquatiques, comme le brochet, dans la subsistance de ces nomades. Cette Ă©tude reste toutefois prĂ©liminaire et le faible corpus d’échantillons analysĂ©s nous amĂšne Ă  considĂ©rer ces interprĂ©tations avec prudence

    FrĂ©quentation anthropique et utilisation des ressources des territoires alpins au Tardiglaciaire WĂŒrmien

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    The southern slopes of Oriental Alps between the Padanian-Venetian-Friuolian Plain and the alpine watershed delivered a good number of the Late Wurmian sedimentary deposits. These discoveries permit to reconstruct not only the different stages of human penetration from the valleys but also their strategies applied for exploration of the pre-alpine and alpine environments. The recent research caried on high plateaux of « Sette Comuni » and Consiglio increased our knowledge concerning these problems. It is because of the discovery of glacio-lacustrine and pit deposits (Palughetto, 1 040 m above the Consiglio), sites with well preserved living floors, evident structures and faunal remains (Abri Dalmeri, 1 240 m above the « Sette Comuni » high plateau and Abri Cogola 1 000 m above the Valdastico Valley), as well as open air sites showing manipulations connected with local lithic raw materials (Val Lastori, 1 060 m above the « Sette Comuni » plateau). The study of lithic assemblages permits to frame the hypothesis concerning the possibility of reciprocal relations between inhabitants of different environmental areas. Moreover, it is possible for some sites to assign the chronology by radiocarbon analysis. All these data let us to state that : – the (re)settlement of Late Epigravetian hunters occupying alpine territory along the valley began during the temperate interstadial Bolling-Alleröd and continued up to the Dryas III ; – during the same time period the settlement system developed connecting the valley and the mountainous region 1 000-1 500 m of altitude ; – judging from the specialised lithic assemblages known from the mountains it is possible to separate several hunting sites (Tschonsloan, 1 850 m in Siousi Alps) ; – some mountain sites show specialisation in obtaining nodules of flint good for knapping and production of pre-cores and blades for exportation ; – the inhabitants of Abri Dalmeri – the site dated to Alleröd, were specialised in ibex hunting. Finally, the thorough techno-morphological examination of lithic assemblages dated to Dryas III permits to make the hypothesis concerning the transition of the Late Epigravetian to the Early Sauveterrian, well proved for the Adige Valley and in the lower and middle high mountains (Casera DaviĂ , 1 045 above the Consiglio) but especially well documented for the middle high and high mountains (Frea IV, 1 930 m in the Dolomites).Le versant mĂ©ridional des Alpes Orientales, entre la plaine padane-vĂ©nitienne-frioule et la ligne alpine de partage des eaux a fourni bon nombre de dĂ©pĂŽts sĂ©dimentaires du Tardiglaciaire wĂŒrmien, permettant de reconstituer non seulement les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes de pĂ©nĂ©tration anthropique de la zone alpine Ă  partir des vallĂ©es mais Ă©galement les stratĂ©gies d'exploitation des ressources des territoires montagnards des PrĂ©alpes et des Alpes. Les recherches les plus rĂ©centes menĂ©es sur les hauts plateaux des « Sette Comuni » et du Cansiglio viennent encore enrichir ce cadre dĂ©jĂ  notoire, grĂące Ă  la dĂ©couverte de dĂ©pĂŽts glacio-lacustres et tourbeux en altitude (Palughetto, 1 040 m sur le Cansiglio), de sites aux sols d’habitats bien conservĂ©s, avec des structures Ă©videntes et des restes fauniques (Abri Dalmeri, 1 240 m sur les hauts plateaux des « Sette Comuni » : Abri La Cogola, 1 000 m amorce de vallĂ©e Valdastico) et de sites de plein air fonctionnellement orientĂ©s dans la gestion des matiĂšres premiĂšres lithiques locales (Val Lastari, 1 060 m sur les hauts plateaux des « Sette Comuni »). L’étude des matĂ©riaux lithiques a permis de formuler des hypothĂšses sur de possibles rapports existant entre les diverses zones gĂ©ographiques. En outre, quelques sites ont pu ĂȘtre datĂ©s avec la mĂ©thode du radiocarbone. L’ensemble de ces donnĂ©es permet de prĂ©ciser que : – le (re)peuplement des chasseurs de l’Epigravettien rĂ©cent du territoire alpin le long de la vallĂ©e a dĂ©butĂ© au cours de l’interstade tempĂ©rĂ© de Bölling-Alleröd et s’est poursuivi jusqu’au Dryas rĂ©cent ; – à cette mĂȘme pĂ©riode, se dĂ©veloppe un systĂšme d’occupation articulĂ© entre la vallĂ©e et la montagne Ă  partir de sites compris entre 1 000 et 1 500 m d’altitude ; – à partir de ces gisements de montagne, il est Ă©galement d’individualiser sur la base d’ensemble lithique spĂ©cialisĂ©, quelques haltes de chasse (Tschonstoan, 1 850 m dans les Alpes de Sioisi) ; – certains sites de montagne sont spĂ©cialisĂ©s dans l’acquisition et la gestion de blocs de silex aptes Ă  la taille ainsi que dans la confection de prĂ©nucleus et de supports laminaires destinĂ©s Ă  l’exportation ; – en ce qui concerne un site datĂ© de l’Alleröd (Abri Dalmeri), la chasse y est essentiellement orientĂ©e vers l’abattage de bouquetins. Enfin, l’approfondissement de l'Ă©tude techno-morphologique des ensembles lithiques datĂ©s du Dryas rĂ©cent suggĂšre des hypothĂšses sur la transition de l’Epigravettien rĂ©cent au Sauveterrien ancien, bien documentĂ©e dans la vallĂ©e de l’Adige et dans la moyenne et basse montagne (Casera DaviĂ , 1 045 m sur le haut du Cansiglio) mais surtout sur la moyenne et haute montagne (Frea IV, 1 930 m dans les Dolomites).Broglio Alberto, Dalmeri Giampaolo, Peresani Marco. FrĂ©quentation anthropique et utilisation des ressources des territoires alpins au Tardiglaciaire WĂŒrmien. In: PrĂ©histoire de l’Europe : des origines Ă  l’Âge du Bronze. Actes du 125e CongrĂšs national des sociĂ©tĂ©s historiques et scientifiques, « L’Europe », Lille, 2000. Paris : Editions du CTHS, 2003. pp. 385-386. (Actes du CongrĂšs national des sociĂ©tĂ©s savantes, 125

    Ground stone tool production and use in the Late Upper Palaeolithic: The evidence from Riparo Dalmeri (Venetian Prealps, Italy)

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    The site of Riparo Dalmeri yielded numerous flint, bone, and shell artifacts, as well as faunal and botanical remains, which are evidence of the Late Upper Palaeolithic (or Late Epigravettian culture, ca. 16,000-12,000 CAL B. P.) occupation of the Alps region. The importance of the site is related to the discovery of 267 stones painted with anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, and geometric designs. Here we report on ground stone tools from Riparo Dalmeri investigated by means of an integrated technofunctional and experimental approach to reconstruct their production and use. The results support the hypothesis that the ground stone artifacts were employed in specialized activities (e. g., hide treatment, flintknapping) as well as in the production of some of the painted stone artifacts.The site of Riparo Dalmeri yielded numerous flint, bone, and shell artifacts, as well as faunal and botanical remains, which are evidence of the Late Upper Palaeolithic (or Late Epigravettian culture, ca. 16,000– 12,000 CAL B.P.) occupation of the Alps region. The importance of the site is related to the discovery of 267 stones painted with anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, and geometric designs. Here we report on ground stone tools from Riparo Dalmeri investigated by means of an integrated technofunctional and experimental approach to reconstruct their production and use. The results support the hypothesis that the ground stone artifacts were employed in specialized activities (e.g., hide treatment, flintknapping) as well as in the production of some of the painted stone artifacts

    Riparo Gaban: the Mesolithic layers

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    International audienceThe paper presents the results of the archaeological investigation in the Mesolithic layers at Riparo Gaban, in the Conca of Trento, northem Italy. Riparo Gaban is a small rock-shelter multilayer site, presenting part of a local cultural sequence: Sauveterrian-Castelnovian-Early Neolithic. Similar sites are known from Romagnano III and Pradestel

    Riparo Gaban: the Mesolithic layers

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    International audienceThe paper presents the results of the archaeological investigation in the Mesolithic layers at Riparo Gaban, in the Conca of Trento, northem Italy. Riparo Gaban is a small rock-shelter multilayer site, presenting part of a local cultural sequence: Sauveterrian-Castelnovian-Early Neolithic. Similar sites are known from Romagnano III and Pradestel

    Exploitation of faunal resources at Riparo Gaban (Trento, Italy) during the Late Mesolithic period: preliminary results of archaeozoological and taphonomical analysis

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    Sfruttamento delle risorse animali al Riparo Gaban nel Mesolitico: risultati preliminari delle analisi archeozoologiche e tafonomiche - Riparo Gaban rappresenta uno dei principali siti di riferimento per lo studio del processo di neolitizzazione nelle Alpi e dĂ  il nome al gruppo presente in Trentino durante la diffusione della nuova economia produttiva, alla fine del VI millennio BC cal. Gli scavi condotti da Bernardino Bagolini dal 1971 al 1979 nei sett. I-V hanno messo in luce una sezione stratigrafica che documenta una frequentazione, con alcune lacune, dalla fine del IX alla metĂ  del II millennio a.C. cal. I reperti piĂč noti sono senz’altro gli oggetti di alto valore artistico portati alla luce nei livelli del Mesolitico (Sauveterriano e Castelnoviano) e Neolitico che sono realizzati su osso, palco e pietra. L’insieme faunistico analizzato proviene dai livelli castelnoviani (Settore IV US E1-4) e si caratterizza per un elevato grado di frammentazione a causa della fratturazione intenzionale per l’estrazione del midollo. Gli animali maggiormente rappresentati sono cervo, cinghiale e capriolo seguiti da una sporadica presenza di stambecco e camoscio. I mammiferi selvatici di piccole dimensioni ed i carnivori sono scarsamente. Qui, vengono presentati i risultati preliminari delle analisi tafonomicheper ricostruire le modalitĂ  di sfruttamento delle carcasse animali.Riparo Gaban is a rockshelter located at about 270m a.s.l., near Trento, in a narrow lateral valley on the left bank of river Adige, Northern Italy. This site gives name to the so called “Gaban group” occupying Trento area during the spread of neolithisation, at the end of the VI millennium cal BC. Despite some gaps, the excavations by Bernardino Bagolini in sectors I to V from 1971 to 1979, revealed an impressive stratigraphic series attesting several occupations from late IX to mid-II millennium cal BC. The best known finds unearthed in Mesolithic (Sauveterrian and Castelnovian) and Neolithic layers are undoubtedly object of high artistic value, and realised on bone, antler, and stone. The analysed faunal assemblages derive from Castelnovian levels (IV Sector US E1-4) and are characterised by a high degree of fragmentation due to intentional bones fracturing for marrow extraction.The faunal remains belong mostly to ungulates: red deer, boar and roe deer are the most common species followed by a sporadic presence of ibex and chamois. Small wild mammals and carnivores are poorly attested in all layers. This study reports preliminary taphonomical results of Castelnovian faunal assemblages, in order to identify modifications related to the exploitation of animal carcasses