658 research outputs found
Neural Network Based Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using the BreakHis Dataset
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the world, and it is the second deadliest cancer for females. In the fight against breast cancer, early detection plays a large role in saving people’s lives. In this work, an image classifier is designed to diagnose breast tumors as benign or malignant. The classifier is designed with a neural network and trained on the BreakHis dataset. After creating the initial design, a variety of methods are used to try to improve the performance of the classifier. These methods include preprocessing, increasing the number of training epochs, changing network architecture, and data augmentation. Preprocessing includes changing image resolution and trying grayscale images rather than RGB. The tested network architectures include VGG16, ResNet50, and a custom structure. The final algorithm creates 50 classifier models and keeps the best one. Classifier designs are primarily judged on the classification accuracies of their best model and their median model. Designs are also judged on how consistently they produce their highest performing models. The final classifier design has a median accuracy of 93.62% and best accuracy of 96.35%. Of the 50 models generated, 46 of them performed with over 85% accuracy. The final classifier design is compared to the works of two groups of researchers who created similar classifiers for the same dataset. This will show that the classifier performs at the same level or better than the classifiers designed by other researchers. The classifier achieves similar performance to the classifier made by the first group of researchers and performs better than the classifier from the second. Finally, the learned lessons and future steps are discussed
Data Chunking in Quasi-Synchronous DS-CDMA
DS-CDMA is a popular multiple access technique used in many mobile networks to efficiently share channel resources between users in a cell. Synchronization between users maximizes the user capacity of these systems. However, it is difficult to perfectly synchronize users in the reverse link due to the geographic diversity of mobile users in the cell. As a result, most commercial DS-CDMA networks utilize an asynchronous reverse link resulting in a reduced user capacity. A possible compromise to increase the user capacity in the reverse link is to implement a quasi-synchronous timing scheme, a timing scheme in which users are allowed to be slightly out of synchronization. This paper suggests a possible way to implement a quasi-synchronous DS-CDMA reverse link using the method of “data chunking”. The basic premise is derived by making a link between TDMA and synchronous DS-CDMA. By considering some basic TDMA limitations, a proposed “data chunked” quasi-synchronous DS-CDMA system is derived from a TDMA system. The effects of such a system are compared to those of a chip interleaved system. MATLAB simulations are performed to analyze the performance of the system in the presence of small synchronization errors between users. Implementation of guard bands is explored to further reduce errors due to imperfect synchronization between users
Review of \u3ci\u3eSpanish Mustangs in the Great American West: Return of the Horse.\u3c/i\u3e By John S. Hockensmith
A combination of myth and reality, the American West evokes images that feature the mustang as a central player. By using oral histories, books, and images, Hockensmith provides meaningful insight into how the mustang weaves together history and culture. He acknowledges his book is not a regurgitation of historical facts. Rather, it seeks to captures the essence of how one animal evokes cultural values over time.
Spanish Mustangs can also be read as a cautionary tale. Throughout, there is an implied superiority of the Spanish mustang in comparison to the Others. the disparate feral horses that currently roam the Great Plains. Hockensmith comingles pictures and stories of both types of mustang whose ultimate survival will be determined by the actions of their human counterparts
Independent determinants of intention to interact with ex-convicts were investigated, including attitudes, norms, and perceived controllability. Attitude measurement incorporated implicit and explicit attitudes assessed by employing the Affect Misattribution Procedure (AMP: Payne, Cheng, Govorun, and Stewart, 2005) and self- report questionnaires, respectively. It was anticipated that the individual difference of Uncertainty Orientation would moderate the relationship between these factors and intention. Results did not support predictions. Additional analyses however did reveal a significant 4-way interaction in predicting behavioural intentions. Potential modification of implicit attitudes towards ex-convicts using Affirmation-Negation training was also investigated. It was predicted that affirmation training would lead to a reduction in stereotype activation, whereas negation training would lead to greater activation of stereotypes. This pattern did interact significantly with uncertainty orientation, but not in the expected direction. Theoretical implications of these findings and limitations of the current study are discussed
A comparative study of some community civics text books, with special considerations of Hepner "The Good Citizen", the Kansas adopted state text
Thesis (M.A. Ed.)--University of Kansas, Education, 1928
On Being Transminded: Disabling Achievement, Enabling Exchange
We write collaboratively, as a recent graduate and long-time faculty member of a small women’s liberal arts college, about the mental health costs of adhering to a feminist narrative of achievement that insists upon independence and resiliency. As we explore the destabilizing potential of an alternative feminist project, one that invites different temporalities in which dis/ability emerges and may be addressed, we work with disability less as an identity than as a generative methodology, a form of relation and exchange. Mapping our own college as a specific, local site for the disabling tradition of “challenging women,” we move to larger disciplinary and undisciplining questions about the stigma of mental disabilities, traversing the tensions between institutionalizing disability studies and the field’s promise of destabilizing the constrictions of normativity
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