16 research outputs found

    The Effect of Specific Soil Microorganisms on Soil Quality Parameters and Organic Matter Content for Cereal Production

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    Soil chemical, biological and physical properties play important roles in soil quality and are related with increasing organic matter content, soil microbiological activity, plant nutrient content and availability. A new generation of soil amendments, containing specific soil microorganisms, are of great interest worldwide. Field experiments were carried out in 2018–2019 at the Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. The aim was to determine the impact of bio-products containing Trichoderma reesei, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus or Bacillus megaterium, and their mixtures on changes of soil organic carbon (SOC), soil respiration, and microbial biodiversity in loamy Cambisol. Under dry meteorological conditions, Trichoderma reesei, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Bacillus megaterium bio-products resulted an increase in SOC content, C/N ratio, humic to fulvic acid ratio, soil respiration, and microbial biodiversity. It is concluded that the use of a mixture of three microorganisms (Trichoderma reesei + Acinetobacter calcoaceticus + Bacillus megaterium) is the most promising bio-amendment under climate change. Future research is needed on different soil types and textures

    The Combined Effect of Biochar and Mineral Fertilizer on Triticale Yield, Soil Properties under Different Tillage Systems

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    This study examined the effect of study time, biochar dose, and fertilization-tillage system on the improvement of sandy loam physical-chemical properties and triticale grain yield. The soil properties (water holding capacity (WHC), wettability, moisture content (MC), organic matter content (SOM), pH, and electrical conductivity (EC) were monitored in short time intervals (after 3, 6, 12, and 24 months). Soil was tilled in two methods (shallow ploughless tillage and direct drilling), fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) fertilizers, and amended with three hydrophobic pine wood biochar doses (0 t/ha; 5 t/ha; 15 t/ha). It was found that 15 t/ha biochar dose had the highest effect on the soil’s physical-chemical properties improvement (SOM increased by 33.7%, pH—by 6.84%, EC—by 23.4%, WHC—by 8.48%, and MC—by 21.8%) compared to the variants without biochar. Direct drilling, fertilization with NPK fertilizers and 15 t/ha biochar dose significantly influenced the rise of soil’s physical-chemical properties and triticale yield (3.51 t/ha)

    Trend for Soil CO<sub>2</sub> Efflux in Grassland and Forest Land in Relation with Meteorological Conditions and Root Parameters

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    The key process in understanding carbon dynamics under different ecosystems is quantifying soil CO2 efflux. However, this process can change annually as it depends on environmental variables. The results of this paper present the effects of root network, soil temperature, and volumetric water content on soil CO2 efflux, which were investigated on Retisol of two types of land uses in Western Lithuania in 2017–2019: forest and grassland. It was determined that the average soil CO2 efflux in the grassland was 32% higher than in the forest land. The CO2 efflux, average across land uses, tended to increase in the following order: 2017 2 efflux increase by 14%. Soil temperature (up to 20 °C) and volumetric water content (up to 23–25%) had a positive effect on the soil CO2 efflux increase on Retisol. We established that the root’s activity plays one of the main roles in the CO2 production rate—in both land uses, the soil CO2 efflux was influenced by the root length density and the root volume

    Dirvožemio fizikinių savybių ir drėgmės įtaka vasarinių miežių ir žirnių produktyvumui skirtingai dirbant žemę

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    Du lauko bandymai 2004-2005 m. vykdyti Lietuvos žemdirbystės institute, lengvo priemolio rudžemyje (Endocalcari-Epihypogleyic Cambisol). Tyrimų tikslas - įvertinti skirtingų žemės dirbimo metodų įtaką dirvožemio fizikinėms savybėms ir drėgmės įtaką miežių bei žirnių derlingumui. Auginti vasariniai miežiai (Hordeum vulgare L.), 'Luokė' ir sėjamieji žirniai (Pisum sativum L.), 'Profi'. Trys tirtos žemės dirbimo sistemos - tradicinė (gilus rudeninis arimas 23-25 cm gyliu) (T), minimalizuota (seklus rudeninis arimas 14-16 cm gyliu) (S) ir beariminė (tiesioginė sėja) (M). Nustatyta, kad tiesioginė sėja drėgnais metais laidavo mažesnį, o sausais metais-didesnį drėdmės kiekį 0-20 cm dirvožemio sluoksnyje. Po vasarinių miežių sėjos visame armens sluoksnyje (0-20 cm) dirvožemio tankis M žemės dirvimo sistemoje buvo 13,0% didesnis negu T žemės dirbimo sistemoje ir 5,0% didesnis negu S žemės dirbimo sistemoje. Po žirnių sėjos visame armens sluoksnyje (0-20 cm) dirvožemio tankis M žemės dirbimo sistemoje buvo 12,0% didesnis negu T žemės dirbimo sistemoje ir 70% didesnis nei žemės dirbimo sistemoje S. Po vasarinių miežių sėjos, visame armens sluoksnyje (0-20 cm), dirvožemio kietumas žemės dirbimo sistemoje M buvo 73,0%didesnis negu T žemės dirbimo sistemoje ir 51,0% didesnis negu S žemės dirbimo sistemoje. Po žirnių sėjos visame armens sluoksnyje (0-20cm) dirvožemio kietumas M žemės dirbimo sistemoje buvo 78,0%didesnis negu T žemės dirbimo sistemoje ir 41,0% didesnis negu S žemės dirbimo sistemoje. Vasarinių miežių grūdų derlingumas giliai ariant dirvą siekė 6,38 t ha-¹ ir buvo 5,1% didesnis negu sekliai ariant dirvą, ir 15,6% didesnis negu sėjant miežius tiesiai į ražieną. Žirnių grūdų derlingumas giliai ariant dirvą siekė 3,38 t ha-¹ ir buvo 34,7% didesnis negu sekliai ariant dirvą, ir 11,9% didesnis negu sėjant žirnius tiesiai į ražienąTwo field trials were set upat the Lthuanian Institute of Agriculture in 2004-2005 on loam Endocalcari-Epihypogleyic Cambisol. The goal of this experiment was to investigate the influence of different reduced tillage methods on soil physical properties and moisture content on yield of spring barley and peas. Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cv. 'Luokė' and peas (Pisum sativum L.) cv. 'Profi' were grown in a crop rotation. Three tillage systems : traditional (deep ploughing to 23-25 cm depth), minimized (shallow ploughingh to 14-16 cm depth) and no-tillage (direct drilling) have been investigated. It was revealed that during the wet period of the year dir ect drilling ensures a lower amount of water in plough soil layer, while in dry year it preserves soil water. After barley sowing, in treatment M in the whole arable layer (0-20cm) bulk density was by 13,0% greater than in the treatment T and by 5.0% greather than in the treatments S. After peas sowinf in direct drilled treatment M in the whole arable layer (0-20cm) bulk density was by 12,0% greater than in the treatment T and by 7.0% greather than in the treatments S. After barley sowing in direct drilled treatment M in the whole arable layer (0-20cm) penetration resistance was by 73.0% greater than in the treatment T and by 51.0% greater than in the treatments S. In direct drilled treatment M in the whole arable layer (0-20cm) after peas sowing penetration resistance was by 78.0% greater than in the treatment T and by 41.0% greater than in the treatments S. Spring barley grain yield in deep ploughed treatment amounted to 6.38 t ha-¹ and was by 5.1% greater than in the treatments S and by 15.6% greater than in the treatments M. The peas yield in deep ploughed treatment amounted to 3.38 t ha-¹ and was by 34.7% greater than in the treatments S and by 11.9% greater than in the treatments MVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Bioanglies įtaka dirvožemio vandens sulaikymui ir augalams

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    Leidinys: https://www.lmt.lt/lt/doclib/2aa2wt4rkd9g4zep1nuxhw9e9a197v7sKlimato kaita ir dirvožemio kokybės blogėjimas yra viena iš svarbiausių šių dienų aplinkos problemų, todėl reikia ieškoti sprendimų. Norint išvengti katastrofiško poveikio globaliai visuomenei, reikėtų dėti visas pastangas, kad temperatūra nepakistų daugiau kaip 1,5 ° C pasaulio mastu. Todėl šalia greito antropogeninių šiltnamio efektą sukeliančių dujų išmetimo mažinimo būtina ieškoti ir alternatyvių būdų anglies kaupimui dirvožemyje. Bet ne tik klimato pokyčiai kelia grėsmę planetų ekosistemų pusiausvyrai. Pavyzdžiui, dirvožemio degradacija, be kita ko, atsirado dėl netvarių ūkininkavimo metodų ir vėlesnio miškų naikinimo ieškant naujų dirbamų žemių, o tai kelia tiesioginę grėsmę ir pasaulio biologinei įvairovei. Tikėtina, kad bioanglis (angl. Biochar) gali būti viena iš priemonių, padedančių pasaulinei visuomenei priartėti prie anglies atžvilgiu neutralios ekonomikos, taip pat kovoti su dirvožemio blogėjimu. Bioanglis yra kietos anglies turinčios medžiagos, susidarančios termofiziškai konvertuojant biomasę bedeguonėje aplinkoje. Bioanglis gali būti gaminama iš įvairių biomasės žaliavų: medienos, žemės ūkio atliekų produktų, tokių kaip ryžių lukštai, aliejinių palmių atliekų, šiaudų arba iš nuotekų dumblo [1]. Tyrimų tikslas - įvertinti bioanglies įtaką dirvožemio cheminėms savybėms, augalų cheminiai sudėčiai bei produktyvumui auginant augalus skirtingomis drėgmės sąlygomisLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro žemdirbystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Impact of reduced land tillage on soil humidity and leaching of nitrate nitrogen

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    Straipsnyje aptarti dirvožemio vandens atsargų, nuotėkio, nitratų azoto išplovimo iš plotų, kuriuose taikomos sumažinto žemės dirbimo sistemos, tyrimų duomenys. Tyrimai atlikti Pikelių objekte, įrengtame Kėdainių r., LŽŪU VŪI Bandymų skyriaus laukuose, ir Dotnuvos objekte, įrengtame LŽI bandymų sklypuose. Lygintos tradicinė, sumažinto dirbimo, vėlyvojo arimo ir tiesioginės sėjos (vagutės, į kurias beriamos sėklos, purenamos sėjant) žemės dirbimo sistemos. Abiejuose objektuose buvo nustatomos dirvožemio vandens atsargos (svorio metodu). Pikelių objekte buvo matuojamas drenažo nuotėkis, gruntinio vandens lygis ir nustatoma nitratų azoto išplova. Abiejuose tyrimų objektuose ekstensyvesnėse žemės dirbimo sistemose paviršiniame (0–20 cm) dirvožemio sluoksnyje vandens atsargos buvo mažesnės. Sumažinto žemės dirbimo laukuose rudenį pakankamo ir nepakankamo drėgnumo metais vandens atsargos buvo 12,2 ir 5,7 % mažesnės negu tradicinio žemės dirbimo laukuose. Pakankamo drėgnumo metais nustatytas dirvožemio vandens atsargų skirtumas tarp variantų statistiškai patikimas (Ff >Ft). Dirvožemio vandens atsargų skirtumai pavasarį tarp variantų nedideli (2,0–2,7 mm) ir statistiškai nepatikimi (Ff Ft) pakankamo drėgnumo metais statistiškai patikimas. Dirvožemio vandens atsargos sumažinto žemės dirbimo variante 15,1 % mažesnės negu tradicinio žemės dirbimo variante. Pakankamo drėgnumo metais visais metų laikotarpiais didesnis drenažo nuotėkis buvo sumažinto žemės dirbimo laukuose. Rudens ir žiemos laikotarpiais drenažo nuotėkis pakankamo drėgnumo metais sudarė 64,5–66,2 %, nepakankamo – 82,9– 86 % metinio drenažo nuotėkioThe article discusses the research data of soil humidity, runoff and leaching of nitrate nitrogen from the areas in which the systems of reduced land tillage are used. The experiments were carried out in Pikeliai site established in the fields of the Field Experiment Department of WMI of LUA, Kėdainiai district and in Dotnuva site, established in the plots of LIA. The traditional, reduced tillage, late ploughing and direct drilling (rows into which seeds are incorporated are loosened during drilling) systems were investigated. In both sites soil humidity was determined (by weight method). Drainage runoff was measured and nitrate nitrogen leaching was determined in Pikeliai site. In the majority of cases of changing the traditional soil tillage system with more extensive land tillage systems the soil humidity was lower. In the surface (0–20 cm) layer of Dotnuva site statistically reliable difference (Ff >Ft) was established in autumn and in Pikeliai site the same was established in summer and autumn. The nitrate runoff during the year of insufficient humidity was slightly higher compared with the year of sufficient humidity – 10,6–20,3 and 8,1–18,1 kg ha-1 respectively. The mean runoff reduction in the year of insufficient humidity during the research period was 33 % (p-0,05) (traditional and reduced land tillage variants compared)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Relationship between spring barley productivity and growing management in Lithuania’s lowland

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    Purpose: The current study was aimed to analyse the occurrence of water and nitrogen stress in spring barley and estimate their effects on the crop performance under low-input and conventional management. Materials and methods: Field experiments were conducted during 2007–2009 at the Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry on a sandy-loam soil. The management systems were: (a) conventional, with the application of fertilizers and pesticides adjusted to target 5 t ha−1 grain yield; and (b) low-input, without fertilizers and pesticides. Biomass and nitrogen concentration, leaf area index, soil moisture, drainage water runoff and ground water table were measured periodically during the growing season. Results: In all three experimental years, the annual precipitation was close or above the climate normal, but a large part of the rainfall (up to 310 mm) was lost through drainage contributing to the occurrence of temporary moisture deficit in late spring or summer. Water stress resulted in a lower spring barley biomass accumulation rate and lower biomass yield in the years characterized by sub-optimal rainfall distribution. Direct measurements of water retention in the soil and DSSAT model simulations gave relatively good indication of water stress occurrence. Under the low-input management, nitrogen nutrition level was a major constraint for spring barley biomass and grain yield formation. Conclusions: Under Central Lithuania’s conditions, spring barley frequently experiences temporary water stress, because a relatively high proportion of annual precipitation is lost during the non-growing period. This crop can benefit from anticipated increased precipitation and carbon dioxide levels if adequately provided with nitrogen

    Biochar Role in the Sustainability of Agriculture and Environment

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    The exercise of biochar in agribusiness has increased proportionally in recent years. It has been indicated that biochar application could strengthen soil fertility benefits, such as improvement in soil microbial activity, abatement of bulk density, amelioration of nutrient and water-holding capacity and immutability of soil organic matter. Additionally, biochar amendment could also improve nutrient availability such as phosphorus and nitrogen in different types of soil. Most interestingly, the locally available wastes are pyrolyzed to biochar to improve the relationship among plants, soil and the environment. This can also be of higher importance to small-scale farming, and the biochar produced can be utilized in farms for the improvement of crop productivity. Thus, biochar could be a potential amendment to a soil that could help in achieving sustainable agriculture and environment. However, before mainstream formulation and renowned biochar use, several challenges must be taken into consideration, as the beneficial impacts and potential use of biochar seem highly appealing. This review is based on confined knowledge taken from different field-, laboratory- and greenhouse-based studies. It is well known that the properties of biochar vary with feedstock, pyrolysis temperature (300, 350, 400, 500, and 600 &deg;C) and methodology of preparation. It is of high concern to further investigate the negative consequences: hydrophobicity; large scale application in farmland; production cost, primarily energy demand; and environmental threat, as well as affordability of feedstock. Nonetheless, the current literature reflects that biochar could be a significant amendment to the agroecosystem in order to tackle the challenges and threats observed in sustainable agriculture (crop production and soil fertility) and the environment (reducing greenhouse gas emission)

    Transformation of Retisols properties in the Lithuania due to agrogenization

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    Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Žemdirbystės institutasLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Žemdirbystės institutasVilniaus universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    After-effect of long-term soil management on soil respiration and other qualitative parameters under prolonged dry soil conditions

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    Climatic conditions of environmental zone Nemoral 2 of Europe are favorable for agricultural development. However, more frequent events of hot air-waves and prolonged droughts occurring as a consequence of climate change lead to soil moisture content reduction down to the plant wilting point. Dry soil conditions may have negative consequences for soil as a habitat. The goal of this study was to evaluate the cumulative after-effect of long-term conventional (CT) and no-tillage (NT) application in combination with or without crop residues on soil physicochemical properties, microbiological activity, and soil respiration (SR) under prolonged dry soil conditions. Long-term CT with residue returning created a soil environment that was more resistant to dry conditions than NT. Longterm CT with residue returning created a qualitative soil environment in which the main direct determinants for SR were fungal (F) and bacterial (B) community and carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N). Slightly weaker contributors for SR were available phosphorus (PAL), plant wilting point (PWP), plant available water (PAW), and urease activity (UR); however, they acted as indirect factors. Long-term spreading of residues on soil surface under NT determined the decrease in water capacity in mesopores and micropores. Significant reduction in field capacity and PWP was revealed, while PAW remained unchanged compared to NT with residues removed. Main direct determinants for SR were F and PAL. Slightly weaker indirect contributors for SR were B, dehydrogenase, UR, and PAWLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Žemdirbystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij