995 research outputs found

    Combining Biophysical and Price Simulations to Assess the Economics of Long-Term Crop Rotations

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    Biophysical simulation models (e.g. APSIM) using historical rainfall data are increasingly being used to provide yield and other data on crop rotations in various regions of Australia. However, to analyse the economics of these rotations it is desirable to incorporate the other main driver of profitability, price variation. Because the context was that APSIM was being used to simulate an existing trial site being monitored by a farmer group Gross Margin output was considered most appropriate. Long-run rotational gross margins were calculated for the various rotations with yields (and other physical outputs) derived from APSIM simulations over a period of 100+ years and prices simulated in @Risk based on subjective triangular price distributions elicited from farmers in the group. Rotations included chickpeas, cotton, lucerne, sorghum, wheat and different lengths of fallow. Output presented to the farmers included mean annual gross margins and distributions of gross margins presented as probability distributions, cumulative probability distributions and box and whisker plots. Cotton rotations were the most profitable but had greater declines in soil fertility and greater drainage out of the root zone.Crop Production/Industries,

    Combining biophysical and price simulations to assess the economics of long-term crop rotations

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    Long-run rotational gross margins were calculated with yields derived from biophysical simulations in APSIM over a period of 100+ years and prices simulated in @Risk based on subjective triangular price distributions elicited from the Jimbour Plains farmer group. Rotations included chickpeas, cotton, lucerne, sorghum, wheat and different lengths of fallow. Output presented to the farmers included mean annual GMs and distributions of GMs with box and whisker plots found to be suitable. Mean-standard deviation and first and second-degree stochastic dominance efficiency measures were also calculated. Including lucerne in the rotations improved some sustainability indicators but reduced profitability.Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management,

    Climate Influences the Demography of Three Dominant Sagebrush Steppe Plants

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    Climate change could alter the population growth of dominant species, leading to profound effects on community structure and ecosystem dynamics. Understanding the links between historical variation in climate and population vital rates (survival, growth, recruitment) is one way to predict the impact of future climate change. Using a unique, long-term dataset from eastern Idaho, we parameterized Integral Projection Models for Pseudoroegneria spicata, Hesperostipa comata, and Artemisia tripartita to identify the demographic rates and climate variables most important for population growth. We described survival, growth and recruitment as a function of genet size using mixed effect regression models that incorporated climate variables. Elasticites for the survival+growth portion of the kernel were larger than the recruitment portion for all three species with survival+growth accounting for 87%-95% of the total elasticity. The genet sizes with the highest elasticity values in each species were very close to the genet size threshold where survival approached 100%. We found strong effects of climate on the population growth rate of two of our three species. In H. comata, a 1% decrease in previous year\u27s precipitation would lead to a 0.6% decrease in population growth. In A. tripartita, a 1% increase in summer temperature would result in a 1.3% increase in population growth. In both H. comata and A. tripartita, climate influenced population growth by affecting genet growth more than survival or recruitment. Late winter snow was the most important climate variable for P. spicata, but its effect on population growth was smaller than the climate effects we found in H. comata or A. tripartita. For all three species, demographic responses lagged climate by at least one year. Our analysis indicates that understanding climate effects on genet growth may be crucial for anticipating future changes in the structure and function of sagebrush steppe vegetation

    Reduction in cytokine production in colorectal cancer patients: association with stage and reversal by resection

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    The aim of this study was to assess monocyte/macrophage function, as defined by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced production of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-10 and interferon (IFN)-γ by stimulated whole blood cultures in patients with colorectal carcinoma before and after surgical resection. Forty colorectal cancer patients prior to surgery and 31 healthy controls were studied. Heparinized venous blood was taken from colorectal cancer patients prior to surgery and from healthy controls. Serial samples were obtained at least 3–6 weeks post-operatively. Blood was stimulated with LPS for 24 h and supernatants were assayed for TNF-α, IFN-γ and IL-10 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. LPS-induced production of TNF-α and of IFN-γ was reduced in patients with colorectal carcinoma compared to controls (TNF-α, 11 269 pg ml−1{12 598}; IFN-γ, 0.00 pg ml−1{226}; median {IQR}) (TNF-α, 20 576 pg ml−1{11 637}, P< 0.0001; IFN-γ, 1048 {2428}, P = 0.0051, Mann–Whitney U -test). Production in patients after surgery had increased (TNF-α: 17 620 pg ml−1{7986}; IFN-γ: 410 pg ml−1{2696}; mean {s.d.}) and were no longer significantly reduced when compared to controls (TNF-α, P = 0.28; IFN-γ, P = 0.76). Production of TNF-α and IFN-γ prior to surgery were reduced to a greater extent in patients with Dukes' stage C tumours compared to those with Dukes' stage A and B stage. There was no difference in IL-10 production between any group. Monocytes/macrophages from patients with colorectal carcinoma are refractory to LPS stimulation as reflected by reduction in TNF-α and IFN-γ production and this is more pronounced in patients with advanced stage tumours. This suppression is not mediated by IL-10 and disappears following surgical resection of the tumour. This provides evidence for tumour induced suppression of immune function in patients with colorectal cancer and identifies a potential therapeutic avenue. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Asymmetrical transfer effects of cognitive bias modification: Modifying attention to threat influences interpretation of emotional ambiguity, but not vice versa.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: It is well established that attention bias and interpretation bias each have a key role in the development and continuation of anxiety. How the biases may interact with one another in anxiety is, however, poorly understood. Using cognitive bias modification techniques, the present study examined whether training a more positive interpretation bias or attention bias resulted in transfer of effects to the untrained cognitive domain. Differences in anxiety reactivity to a real-world stressor were also assessed. METHODS: Ninety-seven first year undergraduates who had self-reported anxiety were allocated to one of four groups: attention bias training (n = 24), interpretation bias training (n = 26), control task training (n = 25) and no training (n = 22). Training was computer-based and comprised eight sessions over four weeks. Baseline and follow-up measures of attention and interpretation bias, anxiety and depression were taken. RESULTS: A significant reduction in threat-related attention bias and an increase in positive interpretation bias occurred in the attention bias training group. The interpretation bias training group did not exhibit a significant change in attention bias, only interpretation bias. The effect of attention bias training on interpretation bias was significant as compared with the two control groups. There were no effects on self-report measures. LIMITATIONS: The extent to which interpretive training can modify attentional processing remains unclear. CONCLUSIONS: Findings support the idea that attentional training might have broad cognitive consequences, impacting downstream on interpretive bias. However, they do not fully support a common mechanism hypothesis, as interpretive training did not impact on attentional bias

    Supernatants from lymphocytes stimulated with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin can modify the antigenicity of tumours and stimulate allogeneic T-cell responses

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    BACKGROUND: Reduced expression of class 1 human leucocyte antigens (HLA1) is often a mechanism by which tumours evade surveillance by the host immune system. This is often associated with an immune function that is unable to mount appropriate responses against disease, which can result in a state that favours carcinogenesis. METHODS: In the current study, we have explored the effects of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) on the cytokine output of leucocytes, which is a key determinant in generating antitumour action, and have also assessed the effect of these cytokine cocktails on HLA1 expression in solid tumour cell lines. RESULTS: BCG potently activated a broad range of leucocytes, and also enhanced the production of cytokines that were Th(1)-predominant. Supernatants from BCG-treated leucocytes significantly increased the expression of HLA1 on the surface of cancer cell lines, which correlated with increased cytolytic T-cell activity. We also showed that the increased HLA1 expression was associated with activation of intracellular signalling pathways, which was triggered by the increases in the Th(1)-cytokines interferon-γ and tumour necrosis factor-α, as counteracting their effects negated the enhancement. CONCLUSION: These studies reaffirm the role of BCG as a putative immunotherapy through their cytokine-modifying effects on leucocytes and their capacity to enhance tumour visibility

    Novel thalidomide analogues display anti-angiogenic activity independently of immunomodulatory effects

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    The anti-tumour effects of thalidomide have been associated with its anti-angiogenic properties. Second generation thalidomide analogues are distinct compounds with enhanced therapeutic potential. Although these compounds are beginning to enter trials for the treatment of cancer there is very little information regarding the anti-angiogenic activity of these clinically relevant compounds. Furthermore, it is not known how the various immunomodulatory activities of these compounds relate to anti-angiogenic activity. In this study we assessed the anti-angiogenic activity of compounds from both IMiD™ and SelCID™ classes of analogues using a novel in vitro multicellular human assay system and the established rat aorta assay. Our results show that both the IMiDs and SelCIDs tested are significantly more potent than thalidomide. The anti-angiogenic potency of the analogues was not related to inhibition of endothelial cell proliferation, nor their TNF-α/PDE type 4 inhibitory properties. However, anti-migratory effects in vitro and inhibition of tumour growth in vivo was observed with the analogue IMiD-1 (clinically known as REVIMID™). Our results show that anti-angiogenic activity spans both currently defined classes of thalidomide analogue and is not related to their previously described immunomodulatory properties. Identification of the differential effects of these compounds will enable targeting of such compounds into the appropriate clinical setting

    Dye Tracing Through Thick Unsaturated Zones

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    Using the fluorescent dye Rhodamine WT, a field fluorometer, and direct samples of water collected from springs, wells, cave drips, and pools we have conducted two successful dye traces through thick unsaturated zones in karst regions. The first dye trace was of a proposed expansion site for a landfill in Winona County, southeastern Minnesota. The site sits on top of a narrow ridge about 150 meters above the adjacent valleys. The second trace was at Jewel Cave National Monument in the southern Black Hills of South Dakota. This trace was initiated to evaluate the impact of tourist facilities on the underlying cave. A visitor center was constructed on the surface, 50 to 100 meters directly above the cave. In both traces, small, irregular pulses of dye began to appear (in springs and wells at the Winona Landfill site and in cave drips and pools at Jewel Cave) within days of the dye injection, and the pulses continued to emerge for months. The pulses were typically a day or less in duration and a very small (10s to 100s of parts per trillion, 10- 12 g/g). The pulses are more frequent after major precipitation/runoff events but appear to be moving through both unsaturated zones in a very irregular, stochastic fashion. The very low levels of dye detected in many of the pulses required so.me type of confirmation analysis. We have successfully used the large negative temperature coefficient of Rhodamine WT's fluorescence to discriminate between low levels of Rhodamine WT and fluorescence due to background materials.Winona County and the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources. The dye trace of Jewel Cave was supported by a grant (USDI-CX-1200-5-A047) from the National Park Service

    Age shall not weary us: Deleterious effects of self-regulation depletion are specific to younger adults

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    Self-regulation depletion (SRD), or ego-depletion, refers to decrements in self-regulation performance immediately following a different self-regulation-demanding activity. There are now over a hundred studies reporting SRD across a broad range of tasks and conditions. However, most studies have used young student samples. Because prefrontal brain regions thought to subserve self-regulation do not fully mature until 25 years of age, it is possible that SRD effects are confined to younger populations and are attenuated or disappear in older samples. We investigated this using the Stroop color task as an SRD induction and an autobiographical memory task as the outcome measure. We found that younger participants (<25 years) were susceptible to depletion effects, but found no support for such effects in an older group (40–65 years). This suggests that the widely-reported phenomenon of SRD has important developmental boundary conditions casting doubt on claims that it represents a general feature of human cognition
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