452 research outputs found

    Going both ways: Immune regulation via CD1d-dependent NKT cells

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    The Effect of Antigen Stimulation on the Migration of Mature T Cells from the Peripheral Lymphoid Tissues to the Thymus

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    Although the maturation and export of T cells from the thymus has been extensively studied, the movement of cells in the opposite direction has been less well documented. In particular, the question of whether T cells which have been activated by antigen in the periphery are more likely to return to the thymus had been raised but not clearly answered. We examined this issue by activating T cells present in the periphery with their cognate antigen, and assessing migration to the thymus. TCR-transgenic cells from OT-I mice (Thy1.2+), which recognise the ovalbumin peptide OVA257–264 in the context of H-2Kb, were transferred into otherwise unmanipulated Thy1.1+ C57BL/6 mice. Recipient mice were injected i.v. with 5 μg peptide (SIINFEKL) approximately 24 hours later. The numbers of donor-derived (Thy1.2+) cells in the thymus and peripheral lymphoid tissue were determined. The results clearly show increased numbers of transgenic cells in the thymus 3 days after antigenic stimulation. However, since numbers of transgenic cells increased in the spleen and LN in about the same proportion, the data do not support the notion that there is highly increased selective migration of activated T cells to the thymus. Rather, they suggest that a sample of peripheral cells enters the thymus each day, and that the mature immigrants detected in the thymus merely reflect the contents of the peripheral T cell pool

    A Critical Role for Natural Killer T Cells in Immunosurveillance of Methylcholanthrene-induced Sarcomas

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    Natural killer (NK) T cells initiate potent antitumor responses when stimulated by exogenous factors such as interleukin (IL)-12 or α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer), however, it is not clear whether this reflects a physiological role for these cells in tumor immunity. Through adoptive transfer of NK T cells from wild-type to NK T cell–deficient (T cell receptor [TCR] Jα281−/−) mice, we demonstrate a critical role for NK T cells in immunosurveillance of methylcholanthrene (MCA)-induced fibrosarcomas, in the absence of exogenous stimulatory factors. Using the same approach with gene-targeted and/or antibody-depleted donor or recipient mice, we have shown that this effect depends on CD1d recognition and requires the additional involvement of both NK and CD8+ T cells. Interferon-γ production by both NK T cells and downstream, non-NK T cells, is essential for protection, and perforin production by effector cells, but not NK T cells, is also critical. The protective mechanisms in this more physiologically relevant system are distinct from those associated with α-GalCer–induced, NK T cell–mediated, tumor rejection. This study demonstrates that, in addition to their importance in tumor immunotherapy induced by IL-12 or α-GalCer, NK T cells can play a critical role in tumor immunosurveillance, at least against MCA-induced sarcomas, in the absence of exogenous stimulation

    Chewing the fat on natural killer T cell development

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    Natural killer T cells (NKT cells) are selected in the thymus by self-glycolipid antigens presented by CD1d molecules. It is currently thought that one specific component of the lysosomal processing pathway, which leads to the production of isoglobotrihexosylceramide (iGb3), is essential for normal NKT cell development. New evidence now shows that NKT cell development can be disrupted by a diverse range of mutations that interfere with different elements of the lysosomal processing and degradation of glycolipids. This suggests that lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) in general, rather than one specific defect, can disrupt CD1d antigen presentation, leading to impaired development of NKT cells

    Differential Requirement for the CD45 Splicing Regulator hnRNPLL for Accumulation of NKT and Conventional T Cells

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    Natural killer T (NKT) cells represent an important regulatory T cell subset that develops in the thymus and contains immature (NK1.1lo) and mature (NK1.1hi) cell subsets. Here we show in mice that an inherited mutation in heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein L-like protein (hnRNPLLthunder), that shortens the survival of conventional T cells, has no discernible effect on NKT cell development, homeostasis or effector function. Thus, Hnrpll deficiency effectively increases the NKT∶T cell ratio in the periphery. However, Hnrpll mutation disrupts CD45RA, RB and RC exon silencing of the Ptprc mRNA in both NKT and conventional T cells, and leads to a comparably dramatic shift to high molecular weight CD45 isoforms. In addition, Hnrpll mutation has a cell intrinsic effect on the expression of the developmentally regulated cell surface marker NK1.1 on NKT cells in the thymus and periphery but does not affect cell numbers. Therefore our results highlight both overlapping and divergent roles for hnRNPLL between conventional T cells and NKT cells. In both cell subsets it is required as a trans-acting factor to regulate alternative splicing of the Ptprc mRNA, but it is only required for survival of conventional T cells

    Sequential activation of NKT cells and NK cells provides effective innate immunotherapy of cancer

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    The CD1d reactive glycolipid, α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer), potently activates T cell receptor-α type I invariant NKT cells that secondarily stimulate the proliferation and activation of other leukocytes, including NK cells. Here we report a rational approach to improving the antitumor activity of α-GalCer by using delayed interleukin (IL)-21 treatment to mature the α-GalCer–expanded pool of NK cells into highly cytotoxic effector cells. In a series of experimental and spontaneous metastases models in mice, we demonstrate far superior antitumor activity of the α-GalCer/IL-21 combination above either agent alone. Superior antitumor activity was critically dependent upon the increased perforin-mediated cytolytic activity of NK cells. Transfer of α-GalCer–pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) followed by systemic IL-21 caused an even more significant reduction in established (day 8) metastatic burden and prolonged survival. In addition, this combination prevented chemical carcinogenesis more effectively. Combinations of IL-21 with other NK cell–activating cytokines, such as IL-2 and IL-12, were much less effective in the same experimental metastases models, and these cytokines did not substitute effectively for IL-21 in combination with α-GalCer. Overall, the data suggest that NK cell antitumor function can be enhanced greatly by strategies that are designed to expand and differentiate NK cells via DC activation of NKT cells

    Increased Thymic B Cells but Maintenance of Thymic Structure, T Cell Differentiation and Negative Selection in Lymphotoxin-α and TNF Gene-Targeted Mice

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    TNF, lymphotoxin (LT) and their receptors are expressed constitutively in the thymus. It remains unclear whether these cytokines play a role in normal thymic structure or function. We have investigated thymocyte differentiation, selection and thymic organogenesis in gene targeted mice lacking LTα, TNF, or both (TNF/LTα-/-). The thymus was normal in TNF/LTα-/- mice with regard to cell yields and stromal architecture. Detailed analysis of αβ and γδ T cell-lineage thymocyte subsets revealed no abnormalities, implying that neither TNF nor LT play an essential role in T cell differentiation or positive selection. The number and distribution of thymic CD11c+ dendritic cells was also normal in the absence of both TNF and LTα. A three-fold increase in B cell numbers was observed consistently in the TNF/LTα-/- thymus. This phenotype was due entirely to the LTα deficiency and associated with changes in the hemopoietic compartment, rather than the thymic stromal compartment of LTα-/- mice. Finally, specific Vβ8+ T cell deletion within the thymus following intrathymic injection of staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) was TNF/LT independent. Thus, despite the presence of these cytokines and their receptors in the normal thymus, there appears no essential role for either TNF or LT in development of organ structure or for those processes associated with T cell repertoire selection

    CD1d-restricted NKT cells: an interstrain comparison

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    CD1d-restricted Va14-Ja281 invariant abTCR1 (NKT) cells are well defined in the C57BL/6 mouse strain, but they remain poorly characterized in non-NK1.1-expressing strains. Surrogate markers for NKT cells such as abTCR1CD42CD82 and DX51CD31 have been used in many studies, although their effectiveness in defining this lineage remains to be verified. Here, we compare NKT cells among C57BL/6, NK1.1-congenic BALB/c, and NK1.1-congenic nonobese diabetic mice. NKT cells were identified and compared using a range of approaches: NK1.1 expression, surrogate phenotypes used in previous studies, labeling with CD1d/a-galactosylceramide tetramers, and cytokine production. Our results demonstrate that NKT cells and their CD4/CD8-defined subsets are present in all three strains, and confirm that nonobese diabetic mice have a numerical and functional deficiency in these cells. We also highlight the hazards of using surrogate phenotypes, none of which accurately identify NKT cells,and one in particular (DX51CD31) actually excludes these cells. Finally, our results support the concept that NK1.1 expression may not be an ideal marker for CD1d-restricted NKT cells, many of which are NK1.1-negative, especially within the CD41 subset and particularly in NK1.1-congenic BALB/c mice
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