22 research outputs found


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    Tujuan Pengabdian ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan kelompok peternak peternak dalam penanganan usaha ternak burung puyuh bagi peternak pemula. DOQ burung puyuh sejumlah 200 ekor, yang di tempatkan  Kandang burung puyuh. Burung puyuh (DOQ) sebanyak 200 ekor, Alat yang digunakan kandang, Brooding, pakan dan vitamin untuk ternak. Pengabdian dilaksanakan bersama peternak melalui pembuatan kandang dan Brooding; Pembuatan subtitusi pakan dengan daun pandan, di kelompok peternak; Penerapan program vaksinasi burung puyuh serta memberika motivasi dalam beternak burung puyuh menggunakan model PRA. Pengelolaan brooding, terutama suhu brooding dikontrol secara konvensional. Burung puyuh berumur 1-7 hari merupakan masa kritis dalam brooding, dimana suhu harus stabil sehingga puyuh tidak mengalami cekama panas atu dingin. Kandang yang dibuat untuk ternak puyuh dalam kegiatan pengadian merupakan kandang contoh, kandang adalah kandang baterai, ukuran utama ukuran kandang 60 cm x 400 cm, bentuknya bersusun, sengayak 20 flok, berukuran 40 cm  x 30 cm dengan kapasitas tampung kseluran flok sebanyak 200 ekor. Vaksinasi pertama pada burung puyuh setelah berumur 4 hari berada didalam brooding. Vaksinasi kedua dilakukan setelah burung puyuh berumur 10 hari di kandang, dan Vaksinasi ketiga setelah burung puyuh berumur 23 hari. Program pemberdayaan peternak pemula burung puyuh memberikan pemahaman dan peningkatan kompoyensi dalam pengelolaan usaha ternaknya secara berkesinambunga


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    Fish innards are waste from fish smoking areas and fish shelters that can be used as alternative feed ingredients in quail rations. This study aims to analyze the effect of feeding skipjack viscera in the ration to the appearance of quail in the grower phase. The research material used 160 quails aged 2 weeks. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 trials and 4 replications. The treatments in this study were P0 (12% without skipjack viscera meal), P1 (3% skipjack viscera meal). P2 (6% of skipjack offal flour). P3 (9% skipjack offal flour). P4 (12% skipjack offal flour). Based on the results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) it showed that the provision of steamed skipjack innards flour did not have a significant effect (P0.05) on egg production, ration consumption, ration conversion, shell thickness and index of width and length of quail eggs, but had a very significant effect. significantly (P0.05) on egg weight. The use of skipjack viscera flour can be used in quail rations up to 12% Keywords: Egg Production, Quail, Skipjack Offa

    Guano Dan Pupuk Organik Cair Bagi Masyarakat Desa Olibu

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    AbstractThe purpose of this service is to provide knowledge and competence for the Bat Utilization Group in the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer made from bat guano. This activity has been carried out in Olibu Village, Gorontalo Province. The implementation method is through PRA and field practice. The partner group is the Bat Utilization Group. The application of knowledge and competence on the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer resulted in an increase in group knowledge and competence. As many as 78.95% of group members do not know the benefits of guano or dried bat droppings, while as many as 21.05% of members know information from other people, but have never done it. At the end of the activity, a final test was conducted on the group and all members. There was an increase in the knowledge and skills of group members in making POC by 63.16%. Application of POC Making helps Bat Utilization Groups to improve their knowledge and skills. The added value obtained is that the contribution of organic fertilizer to agricultural land can be done alone    Keywords: Bat Utilization Group, Bat Conservation, Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC), Knowledg


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    The purpose of this service is to provide student assistance in submitting and publishing articles in online journals and induction of the Mendeley application. The dedication method uses the Active Participant Participation (PRA) model. Submitting articles in scientific journals generally uses 5 steps to submit (according to the rules of the intended journal and depending on the OJS application used in the journal). After logging in to scientific journals (journals using OJS 2): Click new submission (1), Submit a draft article (Uploading the submission) (2), Fill in the metadata for each Author (Enter Metadata Submission) (3), Upload Supplementary Files namely uploading data related to the contents of the article for revision, generally there are separate instructions from the journal editor (4). Confirming Submission, The inside is the final step and saving your article file can be submitted. Organizing mentoring for submitting articles in online journals, induction of Mendeley applications, and providing expertise that makes it easier for students to write scientific articlesKata Kunci: Jurnal online; Artikel Ilmiah; Aplikasi mendele


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    The research objective was to determine the phenotypic diversity of the qualitative characteristics of Kampung chickens. This research uses a descriptive statistic method. A total of 300 adult (unsex) chickens aged 6 months were used for this study. Qualitative characteristics include: color feather, color pattern, comb shape, fliker, and color variations. The results showed that the gene frequencies of colored feathers and colorless feathers from Kampung chickens were 0.96% and 0,04. The gene frequencies for the color feather pattern were 0.61, 0.43, and 0,03 for the columbian, wild and black color patterns. The gene frequencies for striated and plain hair were: 0.29 and 0.71. The gene frequencies for silver and gold feathers are 0.30, and 0.71%. The Gene Frequencies for Single Comb and Pae are 0.60 and 0.40. The phenotypic frequency of the color pattern of the Kampung chickens was 43.33%, 38.00%, and 12.00%, for wild, Columbia and black pattern. Phenotypic frequency of lurik and plan were: 81.34% and 18.66%. The phenotypic frequency of silver and gold feather were 31,89%, and 68.11%.  The phenotypic frequencies of the comb shape single, pea, rose, and walnuts were 36%, 27,82%, 18,51% dan 17,67%. The population of Paguyaman chickens has a phenotype of colored feathers, the color feather pattern are wild, single comb, yellow shank color, and these characteristics are dominant compared to other characteristics


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    The aim was to determine the heritability of egg weight, hatch weight, age of a week body weight in crossbred chickens. This research was conducted from August-November 2017, in Tumbihe Village, Kabila District, Bone Bolango District, Gorontalo province. The research material was eggs and DOC originating from a cross between male Kampung chicken and female Leghorn chicken, Isa Brown strain, these eggs were weighed and hatched in a hatchery machine. The parameters measured were egg weight heritability, hatch weight, 1 week body weight in crossbred chickens. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results of this study are the heritability of egg weight in the population is 0.533 ± 0.03 and the variance coefficient is 6.16%. The heritability of hatch weight in the population is 0.532 ± 0.02 and the variance coefficient is 4.33%. While the heritability value of 1 week age weight in the population is 0.530 ± 0.02 and the variance coefficient is 3.26%

    Pengaruh Luas Permukaan Telur Terhadap Fertilitas, Daya Tetas, Bobot Tetas dan Mortalitas Ayam Kampung Unggul

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    This research was aimedto determine the effect of egg index on fertility, hatchability, hatching weight and mortality of KUB chicken embryos (Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan). This research method used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 6 replications where each experimental unit consisted of 9 KUB eggs. The three treatments were differentiated based on the egg index value, namely, P1 (72); P2 (72-76) and P3 (76). The results showed that the egg shape index of KUB chickens had no significant effect (P0.05) on fertility, hatchability, hatching weight and embryo mortality


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    The Etawa Crossbreed (PE) goat is a cross between an Etawa goat and a peanut goat which has the potential to produce milk. This study aims to determine the fat and protein content of Etawa goat's milk. The type of research used is experimental research with the treatment of taking milk in the morning. This study uses a T test with 3 treatments and 3 replications and the data from the calculation of the Analysis of Variance if it shows a significant difference then is further tested with the BNT and BNJ tests of 5%. Parameters in this study were fat and protein content. The results showed that the fat content of Etawa goat's milk was not significantly different. In the results of statistical analysis, it can be seen that the highest average fat content is at parity 3, which is 7.92%, from parity 2, which is 7.46% and parity 1, which is 6.03%. In the protein content of the highest average, the protein content in parity 2 is 5.46% compared to parity 3 which is 5.03% and parity 1 which is 5.0%. The conclusion is that Etawa goat's milk will have an effect on fat and protein levels, this can be seen at parity 3