4 research outputs found

    Extracellular enzymes producing yeasts study: cost-effective production of α-amylase by a newly isolated thermophilic yeast <i>Geotrichum candidum</i> PO27

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    Enzymes are biocatalysts mainly used for their industrial potential in various applications. The present study aims to understand the enzyme production for biotechnological interest from a local yeast strain. From 100 isolates obtained from various biotopes, 78 strains were selected for their enzymatic heritage. Screening of α-amylase, lipase/esterase, and cellulase activities by rapid plate detection methods was carried out and the PO27 yeast was selected for its high capacity to produce α-amylase. In addition, this yeast strain exhibited good lipolytic and esterolytic activities, as well as low cellulase activity. A sequence analysis of the D1/D2 region of the 26S ribosomal RNA (26S rRNA) and a study of morphological characteristics identified the PO27 strain as Geotrichum candidum. The production of α-amylase has been studied in solid medium fermentation using various natural substrates without any supplementation such as olive pomace, potato peels, leftover bread, and mastic cake. G. candidum PO27 showed an improved production of α-amylase with olive pomace, thus reaching approximately 180.71 U/g. To evaluate the ability of this isolate to produce α-amylase in submerged fermentation, multiple concentrations of olive pomace substrate were tested. The best activity of submerged fermentation was statistically compared to the solid-state fermentation result in order to select the appropriate fermentation type. A high significant difference was found to rank the 6% olive pomace medium as the best substrate concentration with 34.395 U/mL of α-amylase activity. This work showed that the new isolate Geotrichum candidum PO27 has a better potential to produce α-amylase at a low cost in solid-state fermentation compared to submerged fermentation. Optimization conditions for PO27 α-amylase production through solid-state fermentation were achieved ‎ using a one factor at a time (OFAT) approach. The findings revealed that a high temperature (60 °C), an acidic pH, malt extract, and soluble starch were the highly significant medium components for enhancing α-‎amylase production. The use of olive pomace waste by Geotrichum candidum PO27 is expected to be effective in producing an industrially useful α-amylase

    An Alkalothermophilic Amylopullulanase from the Yeast Clavispora lusitaniae ABS7: Purification, Characterization and Potential Application in Laundry Detergent

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    In the present study, &alpha;-amylase and pullulanase from Clavispora lusitaniae ABS7 isolated from wheat seeds were studied. The gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography revealed the presence of &alpha;-amylase and pullulanase activities in the same fraction with yields of 23.88% and 21.11%, respectively. SDS-PAGE showed a single band (75 kDa), which had both &alpha;-amylase (independent of Ca2+) and pullulanase (a calcium metalloenzyme) activities. The products of the enzymatic reaction on pullulan were glucose, maltose, and maltotriose, whereas the conversion of starch produced glucose and maltose. The &alpha;-amylase and pullulanase had pH optima at 9 and temperature optima at 75 and 80 &deg;C, respectively. After heat treatment at 100 &deg;C for 180 min, the pullulanase retained 42% of its initial activity, while &alpha;-amylase maintained only 38.6%. The cations Zn2+, Cu2+, Na+, and Mn2+ increased the &alpha;-amylase activity. Other cations Hg2+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ were stimulators of pullulanase. Urea and Tween 80 inhibited both enzymes, whereas EDTA only inhibited pullulanase. In addition, the amylopullulanase retained its activity in the presence of various commercial laundry detergents. The performance of the alcalothermostable enzyme of Clavispora lusitaniae ABS7 qualified it for the industrial use, particularly in detergents, since it had demonstrated an excellent stability and compatibility with the commercial laundry detergents

    Production and characterization of the amylopullulanase of yeast Clavispora lusitaniae ABS7 isolated of wheat cultivated and stored in arid zone

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    Cette étude vise à produire deux enzymes amylolytiques (α-amylase et pullulanase) thermostables par des levures contaminant le blé récolté dans des zones semi arides et arides (Biskra - Sahara, Sud Algérien) et capables d’hydrolyser à la fois les liaisons α-1-4 et α-1-6 de polysaccharides comme l’amidon et le pullulane, molécules d’intérêt industriel. Après isolement et caractérisation de colonies levuriennes, la méthode de plate-test-agar permet d’isoler des souches amylolytiques et de montrer que la souche L7 est la plus performante dans la production enzymatique parmi une douzaine de souches de levures productrices d’α-amylase et de pullulanase thermostables. L’identification des souches, basée sur les caractères morphologiques, les tests biochimiques et la biologie moléculaire a permis de répartir la population comme suit : 50% Clavispora lusitaniae (forme anamorph Candida lusitaniae), 25%, Pichia guilliermondii, 8% Pichia carribbicca, 8% Meyerozyma guilliermondii et 8% Rhodotorula rubra. Par sa richesse en amidon, le biotope du blé est favorable à la survie des levures amylolytiques. La majorité de ces souches dont la souche L7 est productrice de pseudo ou vrai mycélium et est tolérante à certains paramètres comme la température, la salinité, les stress osmotique et éthanolique. La souche de levure L7, Clavispora lusitaniae ABS7, semble être la plus performante dans la production d’enzymes thermostables. Son identification moléculaire a montré deux bandes avec l’endonucléase HAE III alors que les autres souches de la même espèce de Clavispora lusitaniae (L5, L9, L10, L11 et L12) présentent une seule bande. En conditions optimales (agitation 136,56 rpm, température 54,14°C, amidon 2,66g/l, extrait de levure 0,365g/l, sels 8, 75ml/l et oligo-éléments 4,3ml/l en erlenmeyers de 250 ml), la production maximale atteint les valeurs suivantes : 13456,36±300 UI pour l’ α-amylase et 12611, 6±154 UI pour la pullulanase. Ces performances sont en accord étroit avec la prédiction du modèle statistique évaluée à 13231UI pour l’α-amylase et 12825,5 UI pour la pullulanase. La production optimisée a pratiquement doublé par rapport à la production avant l’optimisation (6639,16 UI pour l’α-amylase et 6308,5 UI pour la pullulanase). En conditions optimales et en fermenteur de 2 L, la production maximale pour les deux enzymes de la levure Clavispora lusitaniaeABS7 est obtenue au bout de 28 h avec un optimum de croissance obtenu à 40 heures. La production des deux enzymes n’est donc pas associée à la croissance. La production maximale des deux enzymes s’effectue à pH 8. pic protéique. L’élution sur DEAE-cellulose confirme la présence des deux activités dans la même fraction. Les deux enzymes sont donc présentes sur la même molécule. L’α-amylase et la pullulanase sont purifiées avec un taux de purification de 50,5 et 44,6 respectivement et des rendements respectifs de 23,9% et 21,1%. L’extrait purifié montre une seule bande sur le gel de SDS-PAGE avec un poids moléculaire estimé à 75KDa et une activité amylolytique contenant à la fois les activités α-amylasique (indépendante de Ca2+) et pullulanasique (une métalloenzyme à calcium). La souche de la levure Clavispora lusitaniae ABS7 possède donc une enzyme amylolytique avec deux sites actifs. La CCM révèle une enzyme qui hydrolyse l’amidon en maltose et glucose et le pullulane en maltotriose, maltose et glucose, ce qui montre que l’enzyme est saccharifiante et correspond à une pullulanase de type II (amylopullulase). L’optimisation de l’immobilisation de l’enzyme a permis l’amélioration de l’activité: α-amylasique à 4907,75 UI (rendement 72,3 %) et celle de la pullulanase à 4491,83 UI (rendement 70,1%) avec un pH optimum de 8,5. Il ressort de notre étude que l’amylopullulanase type II libre de Clavispora lusitaniae ABS7 est thermostable puisqu’elle résiste à un traitement thermique de 75°C pendant 3 heures d’incubation et conserve 88% de son activité initiale.This study aims to produce two amylolytic enzymes (α-amylase and pullulanase) by thermostable wheat contaminant yeast harvested in semi arid and arid zones (Biskra, Sahara, Algeria SUD) and capable of hydrolyzing both the α links 1-4 and 1-6 of polysaccharides such as starch and pullulan, molecules of industrial interest. After isolation and characterization of levuriennes colonies, the test method of agar-plate allows to isolate amylolytic strains and show, that the L7 strain is the most effective, in the enzymatic production of the 12 yeast strains producing α-amylase and pullulanase the thermostable. The identification of strains, based on morphological, biochemical tests and molecular biology has helped spread the population as follows: 50% Clavispora lusitaniae (anamorph form Candida lusitaniae), 25%, Pichia guilliermondii, 8% carribbicca Pichia, 8% Meyerozyma guilliermondii and 8% Rhodotorula rubra. By its high starch, the wheat biotope is favorable to the survival of amylolytic yeasts. Most of these strains, including the strain L7, is producer, pseudo or true mycelium and is tolerant to certain parameters such as temperature, salinity, osmotic stress and ethanolic stress. The yeast strain Clavispora lusitaniae ABS7 (L7) seems to be the most efficient in the production of thermostable enzymes. Its molecular identification showed two bands with the endonuclease HAE III while other strains of the same species Clavispora lusitaniae (L5, L9, L10, L11 and L12) have a single band. In optimal conditions (agitation 136.56 rpm, temperature 54.14 ° C, starch 2,66g / l, yeast extract 0,365g / l, salts 8 75ml / l and trace elements 4,3ml / liter Erlenmeyer flasks into 250 ml), the maximum production reached: 13456.36 ± 300 IU for the α-amylase and 12611, 6 ± 154 IU for pullulanase. This performance is in close agreement with the prediction of the statistical model 13231UI evaluated for α-amylase and 12825.5 IU for pullulanase. The optimized production almost doubled compared to production before optimization (6639.16 IU for the α-amylase and pullulanase for 6308.5 IU). In optimal conditions, and 2 L fermenter, the maximum production for the two enzymes of Clavispora lusitaniae ABS7 obtained after 28 hours, with an optimum of growth obtained at 40 hours. The production of both enzymes is thus not associated with growth. The maximum production of both enzymes is obtained at pH 8. The kinetics are characterized by an increase in carbohydrate and a substance spooning the wall of the fermenter, probably an exo-polysaccharide. The chromatographic profile on Sephacryl S200 reveals two α-amylase and pullulanase activities eluted along with the protein peak. Elution DEAE cellulose confirms the presence of both activities in the same fraction. Both enzymes are present on the same molecule. The α-amylase and pullulanase were purified with a purification rate of 50.45 and 44.59 respectively and respective yields of 23.88% and 21.11%. The purified enzyme showed a single band on SDS-PAGE gel with a molecular weight estimated at 75 KDa and an amylolytic activity containing both the α-amylase activities (independent of Ca2+) and pullulanase (a calcium metalloenzyme). The strain of the yeast Clavispora lusitaniae ABS7 therefore has an amylolytic enzyme with two active sites. TLC reveals an enzyme which hydrolyzes starch into maltose and glucose and pullulan into maltotriose, maltose and glucose, which shows that the saccharifying enzyme, and corresponds to a pullulanase type II (amylopullulase). The optimization of the immobilization of the enzyme enabled the improvement of the activity: α-amylase to 4907.75 IU (yield 72.3%) and pullulanase to 4491.83 IU (yield 70, 1%) with a pH optimum of 8.5. It appears from our study that amylopullulanase type II free is thermostable to heat treatment of 75 ° C for 3 hours of incubation, and retains 88% of its original activity

    An Alkalothermophilic Amylopullulanase from the Yeast <i>Clavispora lusitaniae</i> ABS7: Purification, Characterization and Potential Application in Laundry Detergent

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    In the present study, α-amylase and pullulanase from Clavispora lusitaniae ABS7 isolated from wheat seeds were studied. The gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography revealed the presence of α-amylase and pullulanase activities in the same fraction with yields of 23.88% and 21.11%, respectively. SDS-PAGE showed a single band (75 kDa), which had both α-amylase (independent of Ca2+) and pullulanase (a calcium metalloenzyme) activities. The products of the enzymatic reaction on pullulan were glucose, maltose, and maltotriose, whereas the conversion of starch produced glucose and maltose. The α-amylase and pullulanase had pH optima at 9 and temperature optima at 75 and 80 °C, respectively. After heat treatment at 100 °C for 180 min, the pullulanase retained 42% of its initial activity, while α-amylase maintained only 38.6%. The cations Zn2+, Cu2+, Na+, and Mn2+ increased the α-amylase activity. Other cations Hg2+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ were stimulators of pullulanase. Urea and Tween 80 inhibited both enzymes, whereas EDTA only inhibited pullulanase. In addition, the amylopullulanase retained its activity in the presence of various commercial laundry detergents. The performance of the alcalothermostable enzyme of Clavispora lusitaniae ABS7 qualified it for the industrial use, particularly in detergents, since it had demonstrated an excellent stability and compatibility with the commercial laundry detergents