7 research outputs found

    Abundance and relative dominance of lianas.

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    <p>The (a) abundance, (b) relative dominance of liana saplings to tree saplings, and (c) relative dominance of mature lianas to trees ≥10 cm DBH, as a function of the amount of neighbouring forest cover. Plot-level data are plotted as circles, scaled in size by island area. In each case a binary Fire variable was used, where low-moderate burn severity (scores 1 and 2; orange circles) were collapsed into a single level and compared to severe burning (score 3; red circles). Lines are predicted values, with grey shading indicating 95% confidence intervals. Data for mainland continuous forest plots (CF; open circles) were not included in model fits but are shown here for comparison.</p

    Location of permanent census plots within the Balbina Hydroelectric Dam (Amazonas, Brazil).

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    <p>The 89 permanent plots are nested within 36 spatially-independent islands and in three continuous mainland forest sites. The percentage of forest cover (‘Cover’) within each 500 m buffer was used as one of seven ecologically-relevant variables used within analyses of liana assemblages.</p

    NMDS ordination of liana sapling communities.

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    <p>NMDS ordination of all island and mainland continuous forest plots using (a) the abundance-based Morisita-Horn dissimilarity index, and (b) the incidence-based Jaccard dissimilarity index. Plotted circles are scaled by island area. Points are colour-coded by burn severity: 0 = no burn, 1 = light burn, 2 = moderate burn, and 3 = severe burn. The proximity of plotted points indicates the degree of similarity between communities.</p

    Model selection table.

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    <p>Model selection table of the most parsimonious model for different attributes of woody liana communities across 77 island plots, based on LMMs or GLMMs. Coefficient estimates for significant fixed effects within ‘best models’, with ‘site’ and ‘sampling area’ as random effects, are presented; <i>t</i>-values >2 or <-2 were treated as significant. AICc values and AICc weights of final models are presented. Dashes indicate lack of any significant predictors.</p

    Standardised effect sizes of environmental variables associated with sapling and mature liana communities on forest islands.

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    <p>Coefficient estimates from maximal models are plotted with 95% confidence intervals. Points in red indicate that coefficient estimates and confidence intervals do not overlap zero.</p

    Abundance of mature lianas within island and mainland forest plots.

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    <p>Circles represent total numbers of mature lianas within each surveyed plot.</p

    Above-ground biomass of Neotropical secondary forests database

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    This database is the product of the 2ndFOR collaborative research network on secondary forests. The database contains aboveground biomass data (in Mg/ha) for 1334 secondary forest plots differing in time since abandonment. The plots belong to different chonosequence studies in the Neotropics. For a description of the database, see Poorter et al. 2016. Biomass resilience of Neotropical secondary forests. Nature doi:10.1038/nature16512