89 research outputs found

    Degenerate ground state in the classical pyrochlore antiferromagnet Na3_3Mn(CO3_3)2_2Cl

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    In an ideal classical pyrochlore antiferromagnet without perturbations, an infinite degeneracy at a ground state leads to absence of a magnetic order and spin-glass transition. Here we present Na3_3Mn(CO3_3)2_2Cl as a new candidate compound where classical spins are coupled antiferromagnetically on the pyrochlore lattice, and report its structural and magnetic properties.The temperature dependences of the magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity, and the magnetization curve are consistent with those of an SS = 5/2 pyrochlore lattice antiferromagnet with nearest-neighbor interactions of 2 K. Neither an apparent signature of a spin-glass transition nor a magnetic order is detected in magnetization and heat capacity measurements, or powder neutron diffraction experiments. On the other hand, an antiferromagnetic short-range order from the nearest neighbors is evidenced by the QQ-dependence of the diffuse scattering which develops around 0.85 \AAβˆ’1^{-1}. A high degeneracy near the ground state in Na3_3Mn(CO3_3)2_2Cl is supported by the magnetic entropy estimated as almost 4 J Kβˆ’2^{-2} molβˆ’1^{-1} at 0.5 K.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted to PR

    X-ray Anomalous Scattering of Diluted Magnetic Oxide Semiconductors: Possible Evidence of Lattice Deformation for High Temperature Ferromagnetism

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    We have examined whether the Co ions crystallographically substitute on the Ti sites in rutile and anatase Ti_{1-x}CoCo_{x}OO_{2-delta}thinfilmsthatexhibitroomβˆ’temperatureferromagnetism.Intensitiesofthexβˆ’rayBraggreflectionfromthefilmsweremeasuredaroundthe thin films that exhibit room-temperature ferromagnetism. Intensities of the x-ray Bragg reflection from the films were measured around the Kβˆ’absorptionβˆ’edgeofCo.IftheCoionsrandomlysubstituteontheTisites,theintensityshouldexhibitananomalyduetotheanomalousdispersionoftheatomicscatteringfactorofCo.However,noneoftheanataseandrutilesamplesdidexhibitananomaly,unambiguouslyshowingthattheCoionsinTi-absorption-edge of Co. If the Co ions randomly substitute on the Ti sites, the intensity should exhibit an anomaly due to the anomalous dispersion of the atomic scattering factor of Co. However, none of the anatase and rutile samples did exhibit an anomaly, unambiguously showing that the Co ions in Ti_{1-x}CoCo_{x}OO_{2-delta}arenotexactlylocatedattheTisitesofTiO are not exactly located at the Ti sites of TiO_2.TheabsenceoftheanomalyisprobablycausedbyasignificantdeformationofthelocalstructurearoundCoduetotheoxygenvacancy.WehaveappliedthesamemethodtoparamagneticZn. The absence of the anomaly is probably caused by a significant deformation of the local structure around Co due to the oxygen vacancy. We have applied the same method to paramagnetic Zn_{1-x}CoCo_{x}$O thin films and obtained direct evidence that the Co ions are indeed substituted on the Zn sites.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in PR

    Unraveling the magnetic structure of YbNiSn single crystal via crystal growth and neutron diffraction

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    Neutron and x-ray diffraction experiments were performed on the ternary intermetallic compound YbNiSn, formerly categorized as a ferromagnetic Kondo compound. At zero field, an increase in scattering intensity was observed on top of allowed and forbidden nuclear reflections below Tc, breaking the reflection condition of the crystal symmetry Pnma. This indicates that the magnetic structure of YbNiSn is antiferromagnetic-type, rather than the previously proposed simple collinear ferromagnetic structure. Temperature dependence of the scattering intensity of the 011 reflection confirmed the magnetic ordering at 5.77(2) K. No incommensurate satellite reflection was observed at 2.5 K. By applying external magnetic field of 1 T along the a axis, the magnetic intensity at the nuclear-forbidden 001 position was suppressed, while a slight enhancement at the nuclear-allowed 002 position was observed. This suggests a spin-flip transition under the external magnetic field along the a axis in YbNiSn. The proposed magnetic structures at zero field and 1 T correspond to the magnetic space groups of Pn'm'a and Pnm'a', respectively. The piezomagnetic effect and the switch between the two magnetic space groups by the external stress, which could be detected by the anomalous Hall effect, are proposed

    Successive Magnetic Phase Transitions of Component Orderings in DyB4

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    The successive magnetic phase transitions in DyB4 have been studied in detail by microscopic measurements using resonant X-ray diffraction and neutron scattering. It is shown that the ab-plane component of the magnetic moment is short-range-ordered in the intermediate phase where the c-axis component is long-range-ordered. It is estimated that this short-range order is dynamically fluctuating with a time scale between ~ 10βˆ’8 to ~ 10βˆ’11s. Crystal field excitation has also been investigated by inelastic neutron scattering. To qualitatively understand the phase-transition phenomenon, we have studied a simple two-sublattice model with an antiferromagnetic interaction by mean-field calculation. The calculation, though without a quadrupolar interaction, successfully explains the occurrence of double phase transition, magnetic specific heat and entropy, magnetic susceptibility, and the huge elastic softening in the intermediate phase. The general success of the mean-field calculation, except for the shortrange order, suggests that there is little effect of geometrical frustration on the macroscopic properties at zero magnetic field.This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and also by the 21st century COE program of Tohoku University
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