17 research outputs found

    Comprehensive treatment for severe periodontitis with pathologic tooth migration−related bimaxillary protrusion : A case report with 3-year follow-up

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    Background: Patients with severe periodontitis often experience pathologic tooth migration (PTM), which impairs esthetics and leads to occlusal disharmony (e.g., premature contacts and/or traumatic occlusion) that can further exacerbate periodontitis. Here, we describe a patient who exhibited severe periodontitis with PTM-related bimaxillary protrusion. This report includes 3-year clinical outcomes following periodontal regenerative therapy, implant-anchored orthodontic therapy, and implant prosthodontics intended to achieve both functional and esthetic improvements. Case Description: A 63-year-old woman presented with the chief complaint of upper anterior tooth mobility. Clinical examination revealed excessive tooth mobility, deep periodontal pockets, and infrabony defects in all teeth. All teeth exhibited PTM; the mandibular anterior teeth exhibited marked protrusion caused by the progression of periodontitis. After initial periodontal therapy, periodontal regenerative therapy was performed in all molar regions. At 9 and 6 months postoperatively, comprehensive orthodontic treatment was initiated for the mandible and maxilla, respectively, using orthodontic anchorage devices to achieve acceptable functional occlusion. After orthodontic treatment, staged guided bone regeneration was performed and dental implants were placed in the severely resorbed maxillary anterior ridge. This comprehensive treatment yielded favorable periodontal conditions, stable occlusion, and good esthetic outcomes. Practical Implications: Favorable esthetics, stable occlusion, and highly cleansable periodontal tissues were achieved with well-planned interdisciplinary and comprehensive treatment, although the patient had severe periodontitis and PTM-related bimaxillary protrusion

    A complete dietary review of Japanese birds with special focus on molluscs

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    Birds often hold important positions in the food webs of ecosystems. As a result, interactions between birds and their prey have attracted attention not only in ecology, but also in fields like agriculture and conservation. Avian food resources are well researched in Japan, however there is no database critically reviewing molluscs as a food resource for birds. Here, we present a new database reviewing dietary information for all Japanese bird species. In addition to addressing general diet categories and specific food habits for each bird, we include detailed data on the molluscan prey observed for all species that consume them. The information within this database was collected through intense literary review to provide a complete look at bird species historically present around the country. We also include new information on snail species found in the upper digestive tract of harvested wild birds. This database is publicly available in the Zenodo repository. The information should aid research around the Japanese archipelago, especially projects involving birds or molluscs

    P2P Electricity Trading Considering User Preferences for Renewable Energy and Demand-Side Shifts

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    In the global trend towards decarbonization, peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading is garnering increasing attention. Furthermore, energy management on the demand side plays a crucial role in decarbonization efforts. The authors have previously developed an automated bidding agent that considers user preferences for renewable energy (RE), assuming users own electric vehicles (EVs). In this study, we expand upon this work by considering users who own not only EVs but also heat pump water heaters, and we develop an automated bidding agent that takes into account their preferences for RE. We propose a method to control the start time and presence of daytime operation shifts for heat pump water heaters, leveraging their daytime operation shift function. Demonstration experiments were conducted to effectively control devices such as EVs and heat pumps using the agent. The results of the experiments revealed that by controlling the daytime operation of heat pumps with our method, the RE utilization rate can be improved compared to scenarios without daytime operation shifts. Furthermore, we developed a simulator to verify the outcomes under different scenarios of demand-side resource ownership rates, demonstrating that higher ownership rates of EVs and heat pumps enable more effective utilization of renewable energy, and that this effect is further enhanced through P2P trading. Based on these findings, we recommend promoting the adoption of demand-side resources such as EVs and heat pumps and encouraging P2P energy trading to maximize the utilization of renewable energy in future energy systems

    Bidding Agents for PV and Electric Vehicle-Owning Users in the Electricity P2P Trading Market

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    As the world strives to decarbonize, the effective use of renewable energy has become an important issue, and P2P power trading is expected to unlock the value of renewable energy and encourage its adoption by enabling power trading based on user needs and user assets. In this study, we constructed a bidding agent that optimizes bids based on electricity demand and generation forecasts, user preferences for renewable energy (renewable energy-oriented or economically oriented), and owned assets in a P2P electricity trading market, and automatically performs electricity trading. The agent algorithm was used to evaluate the differences in trading content between different asset holdings and preferences by performing power sharing in a real scale environment. The demonstration experiments show that: EV-owning and economy-oriented users can trade more favorably in the market with a lower average execution price than non-EV-owning users; forecasting enables economy-enhancing moves to store nighttime electricity in batteries in advance in anticipation of future power generation and market prices; EV-owning and renewable energy-oriented users can trade more favorably in the market with other users. EV-owning and renewable energy-oriented users can achieve higher RE ratios at a cost of about +1 yen/kWh compared to other users. By actually issuing charging and discharging commands to the EV and controlling the charging and discharging, the agent can control the actual use of electricity according to the user’s preferences

    New distributional records of Platydemus manokwari in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.

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    ニューギニアヤリガタリクウズムシPlatydemus manokwari は太平洋の島々に侵入し,固有陸産貝類の減少を引き起こしていると考えられている. 琉球列島にもニューギニアヤリガタリクウズムシは侵入しているが, 近年の詳細な分布は明らかとなっていない. 筆者らはニューギニアヤリガタリクウズムシと類似した陸生プラナリア類を本種の記録のない津堅島,喜界島, 徳之島, 伊平屋島において発見した.外部形態と遺伝子を用いた同定により, これらの陸生プラナリア類はニューギニアヤリガタリクウズムシと同定された. 本種は津堅島と喜界島は定着しているか定かではないが, 徳之島では多数の個体が採集されたことから徳之島には定着している可能性が高い. 新たな侵入を未然に防ぐためにも本種の国内における生息状況を把握し, 本種に対する知見をより広く浸透させる必要がある.Platydemus manokwari is considered to have caused reductions of endemic land snails in the Pacific islands. Although P. manokwari is known to have been introduced to the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, its detailed distribution remains unclear. We found land planarians in Tsukenjima Island, Kikaijima Island, Tokunoshima and Iheyajima Island. Judging from external appearance and molecular evidence, these planarians were identified as P. manokwari. This report represents the first records of P. manokwari from these islands. It seems that P. manokwari has established populations in Tokunoshima Island, but this is still uncertain on Tsukenjima Island, Kikaijima Island and Iheyajima Island. To prevent further invasions, it is necessary to better reveal the current distribution of P. manokwari