16 research outputs found

    Putting context to numbers : a geotechnical risk trajectory to cost overrun extremism

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    The study investigates the cause of the unusually high cost overruns experienced in highway project delivery in the tropical wetland setting of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. This is in view of the extensive literature supporting the link between geology, the lack of geotechnical best practices and cost overruns. An empirical profiling of cost overrun research further reveals the predominance of mono-method studies based on survey methods, correlative analysis and archival data modelling techniques, all of which are underlain by positivism. The study argues that such positivist philosophies, although methodologically valid, cannot adequately explain and provide in-depth understanding of the contextual cost overrun drivers in highway organisations., Using a robust and thoughtfully designed mix of methods, the paper examines the contribution of geotechnical risks to cost overruns experienced in highway project, and demonstrates the relevance of context in cost overrun research. Cost overrun data from documentary sources for 61 completed highway projects in the Niger Delta are gathered and analysed, revealing an average value of 216%, with extreme cases, ranging up to 1925% of budgeted cost. To uncover the intrinsic contextual drivers, 16 interviews were conducted with participants from the three highway agencies in the region, responsible for the execution of the sampled highway projects. Adopting a geotechnical narrative, the data is thematically analysed, deductively and inductively. The results of the analysis identified that poor project governance, management and procurement practices, have inhibited the competent management of geotechnical risk, creating a propensity for extreme cost overruns on the highway projects. The study submits the phenomenon of cost overruns in public infrastructure projects is underlain by a complexity of contextual social constructs, which would have been overlooked in positivists studies. Cost overrun research therefore, needs to be contextually and numerically anchored. Keywords: Context, Cost overruns, Highway projects, Mixed methods, Social Construct

    Exploring gender differences in construction research: A European perspective

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    Research suggests that women in academia face problematic career paths as a result of masculine cultures and horizontal segregation. At the same time, research in the construction sector has documented the barriers women face in entering and remaining in construction careers. Construction academia is investigating in this exploratory study to determine whether gender disparities found in academic research generally are valid in this field. As there is a lack of data on women in academia, particularly by sub-disciplines, scientific publication is used to explore gender differences and similarities. Publication is a significant area where gender disparities have been found in other fields and an area that can have substantial consequences for career progression in academia. The data are from a wider European study exploring women's participation in construction research and are based on secondary analysis of statistics from the ISI Web of Knowledge. Gender differences in publication are found to exist, suggesting that women are under-represented in construction research at a similar rate to women in engineering and technology academia. However, there are important differences between the different areas of construction research, which indicate that women may not face the same barriers and difficulties in all areas of construction academia. It also highlights the need for further research to investigate horizontal segregation and the gendered nature of publication, citation and collaboration in construction research. © 2009 Taylor & Francis

    Coping in construction: Female students' perspectives

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    All parts of the construction industry are quantitatively and hierarchically male-dominated. In response to widespread calls for greater diversity within the sector, a number of government initiatives have been introduced to encourage women to pursue engineering degree courses, including construction programmes. Women represent the most significant group of untapped potential for the UK construction sector and so their recruitment and retention in the industry is vital for its future prosperity. This paper reports on part of an ESRC funded study exploring the impact of women construction students' workplace experiences on their career intentions. Workplace experiences are examined in the form of the year long industrial placement, as this is usually women's first major contact with the construction industry. The industrial placement also represents a key transitional stage in each student's process of becoming a construction professional (or not). Specifically, the research presented uses qualitative interviews with female construction students on industrial placement to analyse how women manage their integration into the industry, and the coping strategies women adopt. The paper concludes by explaining how the findings will be built upon in future stages of the research, in which a practical guidance document identifying initiatives to improve women's careers in construction will be developed for industry employers