1,596 research outputs found

    A study of ignition phenomena of bulk metals by radiant heating

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    Early research on combustion of metals was motivated by the knowledge of the large heat release and corresponding high temperatures associated with metal-oxygen reactions. The advent of space flight brought about an increased interest in the ignition and combustion of metallic particles as additives in solid rocket propellants. More recently, attention has been given to the flammability properties of bulk, structural metals due to the number of accidental explosions of metal components in high-pressure oxygen systems. The following work represents a preliminary study that is part of a broader research effort aimed at providing further insight into the phenomena of bulk metal combustion by looking at the effects of gravity on the ignition behavior of metals. The scope of this preliminary experimental study includes the use of a non-coherent, continuous radiation ignition source, the measurement of temperature profiles of a variety of metals and a qualitative observation of the ignition phenomena at normal gravity. The specific objectives of the investigation include: (1) a feasibility study of the use of a continuous radiation source for metal ignition; (2) testing and characterization of the ignition behavior of a variety of metals; and (3) building a preliminary experimental database on ignition of metals under normal gravity conditions

    Approximate analysis and stability of pressure oscillations in ramjets

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    This paper summarizes work accomplished during the past five years on analysis of stability related to recent experimental results on combustion instabilities in dump combustors. The primary purpose is to provide the information in a form useful to those concerned with design and development of operational systems. Thus most substantial details are omitted; the material is presented in a qualitative fashion

    Direct Detection of Products from the Pyrolysis of 2-Phenethyl Phenyl Ether

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    The pyrolysis of 2-phenethyl phenyl ether (PPE, C_6H_5C_2H_4OC_6H_5) in a hyperthermal nozzle (300-1350 °C) was studied to determine the importance of concerted and homolytic unimolecular decomposition pathways. Short residence times (<100 μs) and low concentrations in this reactor allowed the direct detection of the initial reaction products from thermolysis. Reactants, radicals, and most products were detected with photoionization (10.5 eV) time-of-flight mass spectrometry (PIMS). Detection of phenoxy radical, cyclopentadienyl radical, benzyl radical, and benzene suggest the formation of product by the homolytic scission of the C_6H_5C_2H_4-OC_6H_5 and C_6H_5CH_2-CH_2OC_6H_5 bonds. The detection of phenol and styrene suggests decomposition by a concerted reaction mechanism. Phenyl ethyl ether (PEE, C_6H_5OC_2H_5) pyrolysis was also studied using PIMS and using cryogenic matrix-isolated infrared spectroscopy (matrix-IR). The results for PEE also indicate the presence of both homolytic bond breaking and concerted decomposition reactions. Quantum mechanical calculations using CBS-QB3 were conducted, and the results were used with transition state theory (TST) to estimate the rate constants for the different reaction pathways. The results are consistent with the experimental measurements and suggest that the concerted retro-ene and Maccoll reactions are dominant at low temperatures (below 1000 °C), whereas the contribution of the C_6H_5C_2H_4-OC_6H_5 homolytic bond scission reaction increases at higher temperatures (above 1000 °C)

    Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Pure Bulk Metals: Normal-Gravity Test Results

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    An experimental apparatus has been designed for the study of bulk metal ignition under elevated, normal and reduced gravity environments. The present work describes the technical characteristics of the system, the analytical techniques employed, the results obtained from the ignition of a variety of metals subjected to normal gravity conditions and the first results obtained from experiments under elevated gravity. A 1000 W xenon short-arc lamp is used to irradiate the top surface of a cylindrical metal specimen 4 mm in diameter and 4 mm high in a quiescent pure-oxygen environment at 0.1 MPa. Iron, titanium, zirconium, magnesium, zinc, tin, and copper specimens are investigated. All these metals exhibit ignition and combustion behavior varying in strength and speed. Values of ignition temperatures below, above or in the range of the metal melting point are obtained from the temperature records. The emission spectra from the magnesium-oxygen gas-phase reaction reveals the dynamic evolution of the ignition event. Scanning electron microscope and x-ray spectroscopic analysis provide the sequence of oxide formation on the burning of copper samples. Preliminary results on the effect of higher-than-normal gravity levels on the ignition of titanium specimens is presented

    Ignition and Combustion of Bulk Metals in a Microgravity Environment

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    This annual report summarizes the latest results obtained in a NASA-supported project to investigate the effect of gravity on the ignition and combustion of bulk metals. The experimental arrangement used for this purpose consists of a 1000-W xenon lamp that irradiates the top surface of cylindrical titanium and magnesium specimens, 4 mm in diameter and 4 mm in height, in a quiescent, pure-oxygen environment at 1 atm. Reduced gravity is obtained from the NASA LeRC DC-9 aircraft flying parabolic trajectories. Values of critical and ignition temperatures are obtained from thermocouple records. Qualitative observations and propagation rates are extracted from high-speed cinematography. Emission spectra of gas-phase reactions are obtained with an imaging spectrograph/diode array system. It was found that high applied heating rates and large internal conduction losses generate critical and ignition temperatures that are several hundred degrees above the values obtained from isothermal experiments. Because of high conduction and radiation heat losses, no appreciable effect on ignition temperatures with reduced convection in low gravity is detected. Lower propagation rates of the molten interface on titanium and of ignition waves on magnesium are obtained at reduced gravity. These rates are compared to theoretical results from heat conduction analyses with a diffusion/convection controlled reaction. The close agreement found between experimental and theoretical values indicates the importance of the influence of natural convection-enhanced oxygen transport on combustion rates. Lower oxygen flux and lack of oxide product removal in the absence of convective currents appear to be responsible for longer burning times of magnesium diffusion flames at reduced gravity. The accumulation of condensed oxide particles in the flame front at low gravity produces a previously unreported unsteady explosion phenomenon in bulk magnesium flames. This spherically symmetric explosion phenomenon seems to be driven by increased radiation heat transfer from the flame front to an evaporating metal core covered by a porous, flexible oxide coating. These important results have revealed the significant role of gravity on the burning of metals, and are now being used as the database for future experiments to be conducted with different metals at various pressures, oxygen concentrations and gravity levels

    Stabilization of premixed combustors

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    In order to attain a sufficiently good insight into the fluid mechanical processes taking place in combustors operating on premixed, prevaporized, and preheated gases, an experimental facility was developed where the flow field is tractable both experimentally and analytically. The configuration adopted for the initial stage of the study is based on the use of a step to stabilized the combustion zone. The primary purpose of the experimental apparatus is to provide a facility for studying the effects of the elementary fluid mechanical processes on the stability of a model combustion system in order to further the understanding of the intrinsic mechanism of nonsteady phenomena, rather than to provide criteria for unstable operation of combustors, as expressed by overall performance parameters, such as the blowout and flashback limits

    Ignition and combustion of bulk metals in a microgravity environment

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    Knowledge of the oxidation, ignition, and combustion of bulk metals is important for fire safety in the production, management, and utilization of liquid and gaseous oxygen for ground based and space applications. This report summarizes research under NASA support to investigate the ignition and combustion characteristics of bulk metals under varying gravity conditions. Metal ignition and combustion have not been studied previously under these conditions and the results are important not only for improved fire safety but also to increase knowledge of basic ignition and combustion mechanisms. The studies completed to date have led to the development of a clean and reproducible ignition source and diagnostic techniques for combustion measurements and have provided normal gravity combustion data on ten different pure metals. Metal specimens were ignited using a xenon short-arc lamp and measurements were made of the radiant energy flux, surface temperature history, spectroscopy of surface and gas products, and surface morphology and chemistry. Elevated gravity was provided by the University of Colorado Geotechnical Centrifuge

    Laboratory studies of lean combustion

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    The fundamental processes controlling lean combustion were observed for better understanding, with particular emphasis on the formation and measurement of gas-phase pollutants, the stability of the combustion process (blowout limits), methods of improving stability, and the application of probe and optical diagnostics for flow field characterization, temperature mapping, and composition measurements. The following areas of investigation are described in detail: (1) axisymmetric, opposed-reacting-jet-stabilized combustor studies; (2) stabilization through heat recirculation; (3) two dimensional combustor studies; and (4) spectroscopic methods. A departure from conventional combustor design to a premixed/prevaporized, lean combustion configuration is attractive for the control of oxides of nitrogen and smoke emissions, the promotion of uniform turbine inlet temperatures, and, possibly, the reduction of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons at idle

    Preservation of Some Algal Cultures by Lyophilization

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    Lyophilization has come to be widely used as a means of maintaining viable cultures of microorganisms in a desiccated state. Experimental application of this method of preservation in the algal group was therefore undertaken