2,691 research outputs found

    Iron abundance and magnetic permeability of the moon

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    A larger set of simultaneous data from the Apollo 12 lunar surface magnetometer and the Explorer 35 Ames magnetometer are used to construct a whole-moon hysteresis curve, from which a new value of global lunar permeability is determined to be mu = 1.012 + or - 0.006. The corresponding global induced dipole moment is 2.1 x 10 to the 18th power gauss-cu cm for typical inducing fields of .0001 gauss in the lunar environment. From the permeability measurement, lunar free iron abundance is determined to be 2.5 + or - 2.0 wt. %. Total iron abundance (sum of iron in the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic states) is calculated for two assumed compositional models of the lunar interior: a free iron/orthopyroxene lunar composition and a free iron/olivine composition. The overall lunar total iron abundance is determined to be 9.0 + or - 4.7 wt. %. Other lunar models with a small iron core and with a shallow iron-rich layer are discussed in light of the measured global permeability

    Magnetism and the interior of the moon

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    The application of lunar magnetic field measurements to the study of properties of the lunar crust and deep interior is reviewed. Following a brief description of lunar magnetometers and the lunar magnetic environment, measurements of lunar remanent fields and their interaction with the solar plasma are discussed. The magnetization induction mode is considered with reference to lunar magnetic permeability and iron abundance calculations. Finally, electrical conductivity and temperature calculations from analyses of poloidal induction, for data taken in both the solar wind and in the geomagnetic tail, are reviewed

    Lunar electrical conductivity, permeability,and temperature from Apollo magnetometer experiments

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    Magnetometers were deployed at four Apollo sites on the moon to measure remanent and induced lunar magnetic fields. Measurements from this network of instruments were used to calculate the electrical conductivity, temperature, magnetic permeability, and iron abundance of the lunar interior. Global lunar fields due to eddy currents, induced in the lunar interior by magnetic transients, were analyzed to calculate and electrical conductivity profile for the moon, and those profiles were used to calculate the lunar temperature for an assumed lunar material of olivine. Simultaneous measurements by magnetometers on the lunar surface and in orbit around the moon were use to construct a whole-moon hysteresis curve, from which the global lunar magnetic permeability is determined. Total iron abundance (sum of iron in the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic states) was calculated for two assumed compositional models of the lunar interior. Other lunar models with an iron core and with a shallow iron-rich layer also discussed in light of the measured global lunar permeability. Simultaneous magnetic field and solar plasma pressure measurements show that the remanent fields at the Apollo 12 and 16 sites interact with, and are compressed by, the solar wind. Velocities and thicknesses of the earth's magnetopause and bow shock were also estimated from simultaneous magnetometer measurements

    Temperature and electrical conductivity of the lunar interior from magnetic transient measurements in the geomagnetic tail

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    Magnetometers were deployed at four Apollo sites on the moon to measure remanent and induced lunar magnetic fields. Measurements from this network of instruments were used to calculate the electrical conductivity, temperature, magnetic permeability, and iron abundance of the lunar interior. Global lunar fields due to eddy currents, induced in the lunar interior by magnetic transients in the geomagnetic tail field, were analyzed to calculate an electrical conductivity profile for the moon: the conductivity increases rapidly with depth from 10 to the minus 9 power mhos/meter at the lunar surface to .0001 mhos/meter at 200 km depth, then less rapidly to .02 mhos/meter at 1000 km depth. A temperature profile is calculated from conductivity: temperature rises rapidly with depth to 1100 K at 200 km depth, then less rapidly to 1800 K at 1000 km depth. Velocities and thicknesses of the earth's magnetopause and bow shock are estimated from simultaneous magnetometer measurements. Average speeds are determined to be about 50 km/sec for the magnetopause and 70 km/sec for the bow shock, although there are large variations in the measurements for any particular boundary crossing

    Iron abundance in the moon from magnetometer measurements

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    Apollo 12 and 15 lunar surface magnetometer data with simultaneous lunar orbiting Explorer 35 data are used to plot hysteresis curves for the whole moon. From these curves a whole-moon permeability mu = 1.029 + 0.024 or - 0.019 is calculated. This result implies that the moon is not composed entirely of paramagnetic material, but that ferromagnetic material such as free iron exists in sufficient amounts to dominate the bulk lunar susceptibility. From the magnetic data the ferromagnetic free iron abundance is calculated. Then for assumed compositional models of the moon the additional paramagnetic iron is determined, yielding total lunar iron content. The calculated abundances are as follows: ferromagnetic free iron = 5 + or - 4 wt. percent, and total iron in the moon = 9 + or - 4 wt. percent

    The ABCs of the Mineral Title Opinons

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    Quiet Title Actions in Arkansas: A Primer

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    Advanced reduction processes (ARPs) that generate highly reactive solvated electrons (e-aq) are a promising method for the destruction of conventional and emerging aqueous organic contaminants. While there is a large database of contaminant reactivity with e-aq in the literature, there is little information on the detailed elementary mechanisms for reduction of multifunctional group compounds and the impact of those functional groups on reactivity. As it is difficult to determine specific mechanisms through experiments and time consuming to measure reactivity, the development of computational approaches to elucidate mechanisms and predict reactivity is becoming increasingly important. In chapter 2, I use density functional theory to calculate the aqueous-phase one electron reduction potential (E∘red,aq) of 251 diverse conventional organic compounds. I then use E∘red,aq to investigate the occurrence of three possible reduction mechanisms (association, concerted cleavage, stepwise cleavage) at all reactive sites and develop linear free energy relationships (LFERs) between E∘red,aq and the experimentally measured rate constant. Using the LFERs, I predict the reactivity of the Environmental Protection Agency per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) priority subset (EPA-75). In chapter 3, I develop group contribution methods (GCMes) for each reduction mechanism for 262 aliphatic and aromatic organic contaminants. The GCMes effectively predict compound reactivity through chemical structure fragmentation. The LFER and GCMe tools can be used to screen thousands of organic contaminants for degradability by homogeneous and heterogeneous ARPs, along with prioritizing them for further study. Although Costa Rica has established water discharge laws, a lack of enforcement and resources has resulted in greater than 95% of all greywater discharged to the environment untreated, leading to eutrophication and an increased risk to public health. The Monteverde Zone, located at the top of the Guacimal watershed, is a key player in this issue, as greywater discharged in this zone flows downstream, impacting a large number of communities. While centralized water treatment is currently not feasible in this developing country, biogardens are an affordable, decentralized, nature-based solution to Costa Rica’s greywater problem that utilize filtration techniques, plant uptake, and microbial degradation to effectively treat greywater. In chapter 4, I design and construct a horizontal sub-surface flow biogarden system for the Centro Educacion Creativa K-12 school, located in the Monteverde Zone, that effectively treats the campus’ greywater to compliance levels. In addition to engineering a natural and effective treatment system, I use the biogarden as a local pilot project to educate the Monteverde community on the greywater issue and biogarden development

    A study of ignition phenomena of bulk metals by radiant heating

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    Early research on combustion of metals was motivated by the knowledge of the large heat release and corresponding high temperatures associated with metal-oxygen reactions. The advent of space flight brought about an increased interest in the ignition and combustion of metallic particles as additives in solid rocket propellants. More recently, attention has been given to the flammability properties of bulk, structural metals due to the number of accidental explosions of metal components in high-pressure oxygen systems. The following work represents a preliminary study that is part of a broader research effort aimed at providing further insight into the phenomena of bulk metal combustion by looking at the effects of gravity on the ignition behavior of metals. The scope of this preliminary experimental study includes the use of a non-coherent, continuous radiation ignition source, the measurement of temperature profiles of a variety of metals and a qualitative observation of the ignition phenomena at normal gravity. The specific objectives of the investigation include: (1) a feasibility study of the use of a continuous radiation source for metal ignition; (2) testing and characterization of the ignition behavior of a variety of metals; and (3) building a preliminary experimental database on ignition of metals under normal gravity conditions

    Application of multispectral radar and LANDSAT imagery to geologic mapping in death valley

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    Side-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR) images, acquired by JPL and Strategic Air Command Systems, and visible and near-infrared LANDSAT imagery were applied to studies of the Quaternary alluvial and evaporite deposits in Death Valley, California. Unprocessed radar imagery revealed considerable variation in microwave backscatter, generally correlated with surface roughness. For Death Valley, LANDSAT imagery is of limited value in discriminating the Quaternary units except for alluvial units distinguishable by presence or absence of desert varnish or evaporite units whose extremely rough surfaces are strongly shadowed. In contrast, radar returns are most strongly dependent on surface roughness, a property more strongly correlated with surficial geology than is surface chemistry
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