72 research outputs found

    Wetting Induced Oxidation of Pt-based Nano Catalysts Revealed by In Situ High Energy Resolution X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

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    In situ high energy resolution fluorescence detection X-ray absorption spectroscopy (HERFD-XAS) was used to systematically evaluate interactions of H2O and O2 adsorbed on Pt and Pt3Co nanoparticle catalysts in different particle sizes. The systematic increase in oxidation due to adsorption of different species (H2O adsorption <O2 adsorption <O2 + H2O coadsorption) suggests that cooperative behavior between O2 and H2O adsorptions is responsible for the overpotential induced by hydrated species in fuel cells. From the alloying and particle size effects, it is found that both strength of O2/H2O adsorption and their cooperative effect upon coadsorption are responsible for the specific activity of Pt catalysts

    英語前置詞 on の迷惑・不利益を表す用法に関する意味論的・語用論的分析

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    Integrating economic measures of adaptation effectiveness into climate change interventions: A case study of irrigation development in Mwea, Kenya.

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    As climate change adaptation is becoming a recognized policy issue, the need is growing for quantitative economic evaluation of adaptation-related public investment, particularly in the context of climate finance. Funds are meant to be allocated not to any types of beneficial investments with or without climate change but to projects regarded as effective for climate change adaptation based on some metrics. But attempts at such project-specific evaluation of adaptation effects are few, in part because such assessments require an integration of various types of simulation analyses. Against this background, we conduct a case study of a Kenyan irrigation development project using a combination of downscaled climate data, runoff simulations, yield forecasting, and local socioeconomic projections to examine the effects of interventions specifically attributable to climate change adaptation, i.e., how much irrigation development can reduce the negative effects of climate change in the future. The results show that despite the uncertainties in precipitation trends, increased temperatures due to climate change have a general tendency to reduce rice yields, and that irrigation development will mitigate income impacts from the yield loss-for example, for the median scenario, the household income loss of 6% in 2050 due to climate change without irrigation development is flipped to become positive with the project. This means that the irrigation development project will likely be effective as a means for climate change adaptation

    Electrochemical Adsorption on Pt Nanoparticles in Alkaline Solution Observed Using In Situ High Energy Resolution X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

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    The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on Pt/C in alkaline solution was studied by in situ high energy resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy. To discuss the X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES), this paper introduced the rate of change of the &#916;&#956; (RCD), which is an analysis method that is sensitive to surface adsorption. The surface adsorptions as hydrogen (below 0.34 V), superoxide anion (from 0.34 V to 0.74 V), hydroxyl species (from 0.44 V to 0.74 V), atomic oxygen (above 0.74 V), and &#945;-PtO2 (above 0.94 V) were distinguished. It is clarified that the catalytic activity in an alkaline solution is enhanced by the stability of atomic oxygen and the low stability of superoxide anion/peroxide adsorption on the platinum surface

    Electrochemical Adsorption on Pt Nanoparticles in Alkaline Solution Observed Using In Situ High Energy Resolution X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

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    The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on Pt/C in alkaline solution was studied by in situ high energy resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy. To discuss the X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES), this paper introduced the rate of change of the ∆μ (RCD), which is an analysis method that is sensitive to surface adsorption. The surface adsorptions as hydrogen (below 0.34 V), superoxide anion (from 0.34 V to 0.74 V), hydroxyl species (from 0.44 V to 0.74 V), atomic oxygen (above 0.74 V), and α-PtO2 (above 0.94 V) were distinguished. It is clarified that the catalytic activity in an alkaline solution is enhanced by the stability of atomic oxygen and the low stability of superoxide anion/peroxide adsorption on the platinum surface

    Changes of oxygen adsorption state of Pt nanoparticle catalyst on the carbon support by the ion irradiation

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    燃料電池の普及に向けて炭素担持Ptナノ粒子触媒の酸素還元反応(ORR)活性向上が求められているが,我々のグループでは炭素担体を模擬したグラッシーカーボン(GC)基板へのArイオン照射によってORR活性が,未照射試料に比べて2.5倍に向上することを見いだした。イオン照射を用いたGC担体への欠陥導入によるORR活性向上メカニズムを解明するために,本研究ではORR初期過程の酸素吸着に着目し,ORRで電子のやり取りをするPt 5d状態を観測できるPt L3吸収端XAFSの酸素雰囲気でのin situ測定を行った。水素還元直後の純粋Pt状態と酸素暴露状態を観測し,酸素暴露前後のXAFSスペクトルの差分からPtナノ粒子の酸素吸着状態のみを導出し,照射試料と未照射試料を比較した。先行研究からPtへの酸素吸着(Pt-O)に起因するピークを同定し,そのピーク位置を比較すると,照射試料の方が0.7 eV低エネルギーシフトしていることが分かった。これはPt-O反結合性準位の低下を意味するため,反結合準位への電子充填が起こりやすくなることでPt-Oが弱結合化して酸素離脱が容易に変化していることが分かった。240th ECS Meetin