6 research outputs found

    Peran UMKM dalam Penerapan SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) di Yayasan Bina Umat Kelapa Dua

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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are targets agreed upon by members of the United Nations in 2015. Indonesia is a member of the United Nations committed to making SDGs a priority in National Development. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia are one of the economic heroes which are the government's priority in national economic development. The government is making various efforts to develop MSMEs because technology and capital support are one of the keys to the success of MSMEs. The Bina Umat Kelapa Dua Foundation (YBUK) Association is a collection of several MSMEs in the Kelapa Dua area who want to continue developing MSMEs in their area. However, they experienced several obstacles, including the problem of limited knowledge of technology and business capital. The Master of Industrial Engineering at Trisakati University and the management of the YBUK Association jointly held SDGs socialization activities in Community Service (PKM) activities as the first step in helping MSMEs develop their businesses. The theme taken is socio-economic, business and energy in MSME scale sdgs. The enthusiasm of the PKM participants was quite high, and they hoped that similar activities would be held with wider participants.Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) merupakan target yang telah disepakati anggota Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) pada tahun 2015. Indonesia merupakan salah satu anggota PBB yang berkomitmen untuk menjadikan SDGs sebagai salah satu prioritas dalam Pembangunan Nasional. Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia merupakan salah satu pahlawan ekonomi yang menjadi prioritas pemerintah dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional. Pemerintah melakukan berbagai upaya dalam mengembangkan UMKM sebab dukungan teknologi dan modal merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan UMKM. Paguyuban Yayasan Bina Umat Kelapa Dua (YBUK) merupakan kumpulan beberapa UMKM di daerah Kelapa Dua yang bersama-sama ingin terus mengembangkan UMKM di daerahnya. Namun beberapa kendala dialami oleh mereka, diantaranya adalah masalah keterbatasan pengetahuan teknologi dan modal usaha. Magister Teknik Industri Universitas Trisakati dengan pengurus Paguyuban YBUK bersama-sama mengadakan kegiatan sosialisasi SDGs dalam bentuk kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) sebagai langkah awal membantu UMKM dalam mengembangkan usahanya. Tema yang diambil adalah sosial ekonomi, bisnis, dan energi dalam SDGs skala UMKM. Antusiasme peserta PKM cukup tinggi dan mengharapkan adanya kegiatan serupa dengan peserta lebih luas

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    vi, 174 p. : ill. ; 26 cm

    The Effect of Strategic Leadership, Organizational Identification, Perceived Organizational Support, Communication on Readiness of Changes and the Impact on Commitment to Change

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze how the influence of leadership, organizational identification, perceived organizational support and communication adequacy on readiness for change and commitment to change and also examine how the influence of readiness for change on commitment to change. This research uses a quantitative approach. The sample of this study are employees of commercial banks who have digitized their services. The sample of this study consisted of 345 respondents. The data itself is collected online and offline directly to the respondents in this study. Data analysis was carried out using SEM with the Lisrel . program the results show that leadership, perceived organizational support and communication adequacy are factors that can affect readiness for change, while organizational identification cannot affect readiness for change. The results also show that readiness for change, leadership and communication adequacy are factors that can affect commitment to change, while organizational identification and perceived organizational support have no effect on commitment to change

    The effect of sukuk financing and capital structure on financial performance and corporate value: A study of sukuk issuer listed in Indonesian stock exchange

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    This research aims to understand what factors will actually affect the corporate to increased profitability and corporate value, especially for the corporate which issuing syariah bonds or sukuk. In particular, the influence of Sukuk bonds funding integrated with the capital structure to the corporate financial performance and value. This research used panel data that processed by Partial Least Square (PLS) method to see the influence of Sukuk funding and capital structure on liquidity, financial performance, and corporate value. Based on this research, it found that there are significant and negative influences of Sukuk funding, to the corporate value, which leads to the conclusion that especially for investors in Indonesia, has a negative opinion and avoided investing in sukuk issuer, which is most likely due to the investor avoiding Negative impact on the corporate dividend distribution. The results of this research are expected to give a new point of view about sukuk funding in Indonesia especially for academics, investors, and government. Practically, the result of this research show that corporate need to make different action and decision between sukuk bonds and conventional financing

    Jurnal Pengadaan

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    Jurnal ini membahas tentang :- Sistem Pengadaan Berkelanjutan- Posisi Anggaran Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa pada APBN- The Imperative for a National Public Procurement that is Credible- Mengapa Korupsi (Tetap) Ada- Optimalisasi Peran Aturan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah dalam Reformasi Birokrasi- Report : Comliance Performance Indicatoriii+123hlm.;17x24c