7 research outputs found

    Kinetic analysis of thermal degradation of Cedrela odorata, Marmaroxylon racemosum and Tectona grandis from timber industry

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    Thermal analysis is a powerful tool to predict the composition and thermal stability of different materials. In this work, thermogravimetric analysis of Cedrela odorata, Marmaroxylon racemosum and Tectona grandis was carried out at four different heating rates (5 °C·min-1, 10 °C·min-1, 20 °C·min-1 and 40 °C·min-1) in a non-isothermal condition. The degradation kinetics was evaluated based on Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and Criado methods. The half-life time of wood degradation reaction was also studied. The wood thermal degradation process in an oxidizing atmosphere can be divided in dehydration, devolatilization, and combustion. The kinetic results revels apparent activation energy values of 130-240 kJ·mol-1 for Tectona grandis, 150-191 kJ·mol-1 for Marmaroxylon racemosum and 188-205 kJ·mol-1 for Cedrela odorata, when conversion values ranged from 0,1-0,5. The most probable degradation mechanism for wood species studied is a diffusion model based on a three-dimensional diffusion. Cedrela odorata presented the lowest reaction half-life time while Marmaroxylon racemosum showed the highest. On the basis of these results, it can be concluded that Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and Criado methods associated with half-life time of reaction may contribute to better understand the wood degradation before use it in polymer composite

    Preparação e caracterização de membranas assimétricas de poli (fluoreto de vinilideno) suportadas em poliéster - I: efeito do tratamento térmico nas propriedades das membranas Preparation and characterization of asymmetric membranes of poly (vinylidene fluoride) supported in polyester - I: effect of heat treatment in the properties of membranes

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    O poli(fluoreto de vinilideno) (PVDF) é um polímero semicristalino contendo uma fase amorfa e uma cristalina. Essa característica é importante para o preparo de membranas assimétricas, pois a fase cristalina tem grande influência na formação da estrutura da membrana e a fase amorfa na porosidade. Membranas de PVDF foram preparadas pelo processo de inversão de fases e avaliadas quanto à permeabilidade e morfologia, bem como o efeito do tratamento térmico. Foram comparadas as seguintes membranas: membrana sem tratamento térmico, membrana com tratamento térmico e membrana comercial. Ensaios de resistência química, fluxo permeado de água a várias pressões, difusão de íons, Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC) e Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA) foram realizados para verificar o comportamento das membranas.<br>Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) (PVDF) is a semicrystalline polymer containing an amorphous and a crystalline phase. This characteristic is important for the preparation of asymmetric membranes, because the crystalline phase has great influence on the membranes structure, while the amorphous phase affects the porosity. PVDF membranes were prepared by the phase inversion process, which were then evaluated with regard to permeability and morphology, as well as the thermal treatment effect. The following membranes were compared: without thermal treatment, with thermal treatment and commercially-available membrane. The analysis of chemical resistance, water permeability flux to different pressures and diffusion of ions, in addition to studies with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), were performed to investigate the membranes properties

    Avaliação de peptídeo natriurético em cães doentes renais crônicos

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    RESUMO: Na doença renal crônica (DRC), a hipertensão arterial é uma das complicações mais comuns, que pode estar associada a liberação dos peptídeos natriuréticos e a hipertrofia ventricular no homem. Em cães os peptídeos natriuréticos são estudados como biomarcadores cardíacos, mas ainda se desconhece sua função em cães com DRC. Desta forma, este estudo teve como objetivo relacionar a concentração sérica de peptídeo natriurético B aos achados de pressão arterial, eletrocardiográficos, eletrolíticos, hematológicos e bioquímicos séricos e urinários em cães nos distintos estágios da DRC. Foram constatadas diferenças significativas na relação de proteína creatinina urinária (UPC, p=0,006), anemia, creatinina e uréia sérica (p<0,001) nos grupos de doentes renais comparado com saudáveis. Apesar das variações de pressão arterial, amplitude e intervalo QRS e fósforo não serem significativas, foi observada tendência de alteração desses valores com o avanço da doença. Não foi observado correlação entre BNP (peptídeo natriurético cerebral) e DRC

    Relation between anaemia and bone marrow features and serum erythropoietin in dogs with chronic kidney disease

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    ABSTRACT: Chronic anaemia is one of the most severe complications of chronic kidney disease, contributing to morbidity and mortality caused by the disease; therefore, bone marrow cytological evaluation is needed to monitor the progression of anaemia. This study aimed to correlate the anaemia in dogs at different stages of chronic kidney disease with their serum biochemistry, myelogram results and serum erythropoietin findings. Sixty-three dogs were grouped according to International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) classification in stages 1, 2, 3 and 4. Haematologic, serum and urinary biochemistry and serum erythropoietin were performed for comparison with the findings of bone marrow cytology obtained by aspiration of the manubrium. Cytological findings for erythroid hypoplasia were described in 93.65% of dogs, and the anaemia was observed in 84.1% of them. The haematological findings were correlated with azotaemia (p<0.05). It was concluded that the erythroid hypoplasia has correlation with persistent anaemia in dogs at all stages of chronic kidney disease, with iron deficiency in dogs in the early stages and with peripheral destruction of erythrocytes caused by azotaemia