17,278 research outputs found

    Neutrino emission from a GRB afterglow shock during an inner supernova shock breakout

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    The observations of a nearby low-luminosity gamma-ray burst (GRB) 060218 associated with supernova SN 2006aj may imply an interesting astronomical picture where a supernova shock breakout locates behind a relativistic GRB jet. Based on this picture, we study neutrino emission for early afterglows of GRB 060218-like GRBs, where neutrinos are expected to be produced from photopion interactions in a GRB blast wave that propagates into a dense wind. Relativistic protons for the interactions are accelerated by an external shock, while target photons are basically provided by the incoming thermal emission from the shock breakout and its inverse-Compton scattered component. Because of a high estimated event rate of low-luminosity GRBs, we would have more opportunities to detect afterglow neutrinos from a single nearby GRB event of this type by IceCube. Such a possible detection could provide evidence for the picture described above.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Can the Bump be Observed in the Early Afterglow of GRBS with X-Ray Line Emission Features?

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    Extremely powerful emission lines are observed in the X-ray afterglow of several GRBs. The energy contained in the illuminating continuum which is responsible for the line production exceeds 1051^{51} erg, much higher than that of the collimated GRBs. It constrains the models which explain the production of X-ray emission lines. In this paper, We argue that this energy can come from a continuous postburst outflow. Focusing on a central engine of highly magnetized millisecond pulsar or magnetar we find that afterglow can be affected by the illuminating continuum, and therefore a distinct achromatic bump may be observed in the early afterglow lightcurves. With the luminosity of the continuous outflow which produces the line emission, we define the upper limit of the time when the bump feature appears. We argue that the reason why the achromatic bumps have not been detected so far is that the bumps should appear at the time too early to be observed.Comment: 13 pags, 2 tables, appear in v603 n1 pt1 ApJ March 1, 2004 issu

    Radio Emission from Pulsar Wind Nebulae without Surrounding Supernova Ejecta: Application to FRB 121102

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    In this paper, we propose a new scenario in which a rapidly-rotating strongly-magnetized pulsar without any surrounding supernova ejecta produces fast radio bursts (FRBs) repeatedly via some mechanisms, and meanwhile, an ultra-relativistic electron/positron pair wind from the pulsar sweeps up its ambient dense interstellar medium, giving rise to a non-relativistic pulsar wind nebula (PWN). We show that the synchrotron radio emission from such a PWN is bright enough to account for the recently-discovered persistent radio source associated with the repeating FRB 121102 in reasonable ranges of the model parameters. In addition, our PWN scenario is consistent with the non-evolution of the dispersion measure inferred from all the repeating bursts observed in four years.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, ApJ Letters in pres

    Structured compressive sensing-based spatio-temporal joint channel estimation for FDD massive MIMO

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    Massive MIMO is a promising technique for future 5G communications due to its high spectrum and energy efficiency. To realize its potential performance gain, accurate channel estimation is essential. However, due to massive number of antennas at the base station (BS), the pilot overhead required by conventional channel estimation schemes will be unaffordable, especially for frequency division duplex (FDD) massive MIMO. To overcome this problem, we propose a structured compressive sensing (SCS)-based spatio-temporal joint channel estimation scheme to reduce the required pilot overhead, whereby the spatio-temporal common sparsity of delay-domain MIMO channels is leveraged. Particularly, we first propose the nonorthogonal pilots at the BS under the framework of CS theory to reduce the required pilot overhead. Then, an adaptive structured subspace pursuit (ASSP) algorithm at the user is proposed to jointly estimate channels associated with multiple OFDM symbols from the limited number of pilots, whereby the spatio-temporal common sparsity of MIMO channels is exploited to improve the channel estimation accuracy. Moreover, by exploiting the temporal channel correlation, we propose a space-time adaptive pilot scheme to further reduce the pilot overhead. Additionally, we discuss the proposed channel estimation scheme in multicell scenario. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can accurately estimate channels with the reduced pilot overhead, and it is capable of approaching the optimal oracle least squares estimator

    Abductive knowledge induction from raw data

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    For many reasoning-heavy tasks with raw inputs, it is challenging to design an appropriate end-to-end pipeline to formulate the problem-solving process. Some modern AI systems, e.g., Neuro-Symbolic Learning, divide the pipeline into sub-symbolic perception and symbolic reasoning, trying to utilise data-driven machine learning and knowledge-driven problem-solving simultaneously. However, these systems suffer from the exponential computational complexity caused by the interface between the two components, where the sub-symbolic learning model lacks direct supervision, and the symbolic model lacks accurate input facts. Hence, they usually focus on learning the sub-symbolic model with a complete symbolic knowledge base while avoiding a crucial problem: where does the knowledge come from? In this paper, we present Abductive Meta-Interpretive Learning (MetaAbd) that unites abduction and induction to learn neural networks and logic theories jointly from raw data. Experimental results demonstrate that MetaAbd not only outperforms the compared systems in predictive accuracy and data efficiency but also induces logic programs that can be re-used as background knowledge in subsequent learning tasks. To the best of our knowledge, MetaAbd is the first system that can jointly learn neural networks from scratch and induce recursive first-order logic theories with predicate invention

    The Luminosity - E_p Relation within Gamma--Ray Bursts and Implications for Fireball Models

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    Using a sample of 2408 time-resolved spectra for 91 BATSE gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) presented by Preece et al., we show that the relation between the isotropic-equivalent luminosity (L_iso) and the spectral peak energy (E_p) in the cosmological rest frame, L_iso \propto E_p^2, not only holds within these bursts, but also holds among these GRBs, assuming that the burst rate as a function of redshift is proportional to the star formation rate. The possible implications of this relation for the emission models of GRBs are discussed. We suggest that both the kinetic-energy-dominated internal shock model and the magnetic-dissipation-dominated external shock model can well interpret this relation. We constrain the parameters for these two models, and find that they are in a good agreement with the parameters from the fittings to the afterglow data (abridged).Comment: 3 pages plus 5 figures, emulateapj style, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter