5 research outputs found

    Optimasi Pengolahan Bijih Kromit Secara Gravity Dengan Meja Goyang (Optimization of Gravity Chromite Processing with Shaking Table)

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    Peningkatan kadar unsur atau mineral dari bijih/ ore hasil penambangan biasanya selalu dilakukan dalam industri pertambangan, bagaimana menggoperasian peralatan secara optimal diperlukan kajian yang mendalam. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan mengamati parameter-parameter mempengaruhi peningkatan kadar dengan mengunakan alat meja goyang (shaking table) yang merupakan alat yang mengunakan prinsip metoda grafitasi, bijih yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah bijih kromit yang berasal dari Kabupaten Morowali - Sulawesi Tengah. Percobaan dilakukan dengan memvariasikan ukuran feed/ umpan dengan rentang 106 - 900 µm (mikron) hasil crushing dan grinding yang sudah dilakukan pengayakan, kemiringan deck/meja dengan rentang 5 O -15 O dan frekuensi stroke 35 rpm - 50 rpm. Hasil percobaan memperlihatkan bahwa makin kecil ukuran umpan, kadar Cr (%) makin meningkat nilai optimal pada ukuran -150 + 106 µm, hal ini disebabkan makin bebasnya mineral kromit terpisah dari gangue mineral juga meningkatnya derajad liberasi. Kemiringan meja antara 5O-10O meningkatkan kadar konsentrat Cr (%) namun mengalami penurunan 10O-15O nilai optimal dicapai pada kemiringan 10O. Frekuensi stroke rentang 35 rpm -50 rpm memberikan hasil optimal pada kadar Cr (%) pada stroke 35 rpm. Perhitungan recovery pada hasil optimal /kadar Cr (%) paling tinggi memberikan hasil 44,92 % masih tergolong rendah, memungkinkan diperbaiki dengan peningkatan homogenitas ataupun pengaturan persen solid umpan yakni dengan penambahan conditioning tank


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    This article aims to present the application of acetic acid and sulfuric acid for lead (Pb) extraction from galena concentrate applying roasting (600oC and 60 min.) and peroxide oxidant (0.5 M) for 60 min. leaching process. Nowadays, lead has been broadly applied for batteries, besides for PVC tubes, chemicals, paint color, and alloys for joint.  The peroxide increases the percentage of Pb extraction. This study shows the effect of acid concentrations (1.0 M, 1.5 M, and 2.0 M), temperatures (30, 50, and 70oC), and stirring speed (200, 400, and 600 rpm) on Pb extraction from galena. A particle size of galena ≤ 200 mesh after roasting has been used for leaching process. AAS has been used to determine Pb concentration in solution after leaching process. This study shows that acetic acid is a better leaching agent rather than sulfuric acid due to lead sulfate precipitation. Optimization result shows leaching with acetic acid achieved 35.64 ppm Pb extraction using 2.0 M acetic acid, 50oC, and stirring speed of 200 rpm. The beneficiation of low cost acids as leaching agent is a potential technique for Pb leaching that will be developed for industrial purpose due to its economic reason, simplicity, and fast process. 

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Eco-Enzyme Sebagai Alternatif Hand Sanitizer pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Bagi Masyarakat Desa Mekarsari

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    Covid-19 health protocol regulations cause limited space for people to move, which has an impact on the social and economic life of the community. This condition gives rise to new habits, people must always maintain cleanliness which causes an increasing people's consumption of cleaners such as hand sanitizers, soaps, disinfectants, and others. In addition, people also often consume nutritious foods such as vegetables and fruit, thereby increasing the amount of household waste. However, housing conditions with limited yards and far from Final Disposal Sites (TPA) create a new problem, namely the accumulation of household waste. This condition is also experienced by the people of Mekarsari Village. The technique of converting organic waste into eco-enzymes plays an important role in reducing the amount of organic waste that ends up in landfill. Through community service activities, the team held an Eco-enzyme Making Training as an Alternative Hand Sanitizer during the Covid-19 Pandemic for the people of Mekarsari Village. Community service activities have been carried out and have been able to educate the public in processing household waste, especially organic waste, into eco-enzymes. Furthermore, the eco-enzyme can be used as a hand sanitizer.Covid-19 health protocol regulations cause limited space for people to move, which has an impact on the social and economic life of the community. This condition gives rise to new habits, people must always maintain cleanliness which causes an increasing people's consumption of cleaners such as hand sanitizers, soaps, disinfectants, and others. In addition, people also often consume nutritious foods such as vegetables and fruit, thereby increasing the amount of household waste. However, housing conditions with limited yards and far from Final Disposal Sites (TPA) create a new problem, namely the accumulation of household waste. This condition is also experienced by the people of Mekarsari Village. The technique of converting organic waste into eco-enzymes plays an important role in reducing the amount of organic waste that ends up in landfill. Through community service activities, the team held an Eco-enzyme Making Training as an Alternative Hand Sanitizer during the Covid-19 Pandemic for the people of Mekarsari Village. Community service activities have been carried out and have been able to educate the public in processing household waste, especially organic waste, into eco-enzymes. Furthermore, the eco-enzyme can be used as a hand sanitizer

    Induced roll magnetic separator applied for high grade ilmenite separation from mining tailing

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    This article aimed to separate ilmenite (FeTiO3) mineral from tin tailing applying a single splitter IRMS (Induced Roll Magnetic Separator). Ilmenite mineral is the substantial main source for TiO2. This work used air table middling for feeding. The mineral components of middling feeding from air table using grain counting analysis were found as follows: cassiterite (48.61%), ilmenite (21.36%), monazite (18.56%), pyrite (4.60%), zircon (5.85%), quartz (0.71%), anatase (0.27%), and tourmaline (0.02%), It was found that electrical current and opening of single splitter affected the degree of separation addressing to ilmenite recovery and ilmenite grade. The finding showed that current of 15 Ampere and single splitter with opening 4.25 cm yielded ilmenite recovery more than 74%. The high grade ilmenite (90.46 %) and recovery of 29.38% was obtained using 5 Ampere  with single splitter opening of 1.0 cm. Up to date, the study on ilmenite separation from tailing only focused on the effect of current, however, the effect of single splitter magnetic separator  to enhance ilmenite recovery from other paramagnetic minerals such as monazite, siderite, xenotime and tourmaline has not yet been reported.

    Pemanfaatan Briket Arang Tempurung Kelapa sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif di Desa Banjar Wangi, Pandeglang, Provinsi Banten

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara tropis yang memiliki tanaman kelapa yang berlimpah. Tanaman kelapa memiliki banyak manfaat mulai dari akar, pohon hingga buahnya. Saat ini, pohon kelapa sudah banyak dimanfaatkan namun belum optimal, khususnya limbah padat kelapa. Limbah padat kelapa dapat diubah menjadi briket yang dapat dimanfaatkan lebih lanjut sebagai bahan bakar alternatif yang ramah lingkungan. Briket adalah sebuah blok bahan yang dapat menjadi bahan bakar untuk memulai dan mempertahankan api. Desa Banjar Wangi, Kecamatan Polosari, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Provinsi Banten merupakan salah satu desa yang sebagian besar masyarakatnya memasak dengan kayu bakar. Kayu bakar merupakan bahan bakar yang murah dan mudah didapatkan dibandingkan gas elpiji. Selain itu, Desa Banjar Wangi dikenal sebagai salah satu daerah penghasil tempurung kelapa, namun tidak dimanfaatkan dengan optimal. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan peningkatan pemahaman dan kesadaran dalam pengolahan tempurung kelapa menjadi briket melalui pelatihan kepada masyarakat agar meningkatkan nilai tambah dari limbah dan menambah penghasilan masyarakat. Pelatihan diikuti dengan 30 peserta yang melibatkan mahasiswa. Pelatihan ini meliputi tahap pembersihan tempurung kelapa, pembakaran, penggilingan, pencetakan dan pengeringan sehingga didapatkan briket arang tempurung kelapa