91 research outputs found

    Evaluation of biodegradable waste quality by drying for exploring the possibilities of a potential renewable energy source in Yangon city, Myanmar

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    Biodegradable waste to fuel becomes a potential renewable energy source to gain environmental and economic benefits in the world. To explore the opportunities of a potential renewable energy source from the biodegradable wastes in Yangon city, the study collected 12 different waste samples from the four districts of Yangon and evaluated the composition of the collected wastes. Then, the study assessed their moisture contents by Halogen Moisture Analyzer and dried 23 prepared waste samples (100 grams, 300 grams and 500 grams in mass) by Binder Laboratory Heating and Drying Oven at 105 degrees C. The study also analyzed the effect of moisture reduction in volume reduction, weight reduction and heating value increase of the biodegradable waste samples after drying. The results showed that about 50% of moisture reduction could contribute approximately 25% of volume reduction, 40% of weight reduction and 200% of heating value increase (initially approximately from 3 Mega joules per kilogram to 8 Mega joules per kilogram). Therefore, if drying could be conducted with a renewable source such as solar energy and a waste heat source from industrial sectors, the dried biodegradable wastes could be beneficial in the energy and environment sector of Yangon city. The objective of the study was to estimate the biodegradable waste quality of Yangon city by drying for a future potential renewable energy source.Web of Science842034202

    Porovnání výtěžnosti produktů z pyrolýzy pneumatik v laboratorním a poloprovozním měřítku

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    The contribution deals with the pyrolysis of waste tires of passenger vehicles and trucks. During the pyrolysis pyrolytic char, oil and gas occur. Within the research a yield of individual fractions determined according to ČSN ISO 647 and a pilot scale test was performed, in order to carry out basic physical and chemical characteristics of pyrolytic char. During the test according to ČSN ISO 647 about 39 % of pyrolytic char, 44 % of tar occurred and by 16 % the gaseous phase was represented. During the pilot scale test the material was pyrolyzed up to the temperature of 600 °C, heating rate was set to 2.7 °C/min and residence time was 60 min. Under the given conditions the tire pyrolysis passes over at temperatures from 175 to 500 °C. We obtained 51.74 % of organic liquid, 39.16 % of char, 8.94 % of gas and 1.16 % of orogenic water. A problem of further use of the pyrolytic char may be a high content of zinc and other ballast inorganic substances.Příspěvek se zabývá pyrolýzou směsi odpadních pneumatik osobních a nákladních aut. Při pyrolýze pneumatik vzniká pyrolytický koks, olej a plyn. V rámci výzkumu bylo provedeno stanovení výtěžnosti jednotlivých frakcí dle ČSN ISO 647 a poloprovozní pokus za účelem provedení základní fyzikálně-chemické charakteristiky pyrolytického koksu. Při zkoušce provedené dle ČSN ISO 647 vzniklo okolo 39 % pyrolytického koksu, 44 % dehtu a 16 % byla zastoupena plynná fáze. Při poloprovozním testu byl materiál pyrolyzován až do teploty 600 °C, rychlost ohřevu byla nastavena 2.7 °C/min a doba zdržení byla 60 min. Při daných podmínkách probíhá štěpení pneumatik při teplotách od 175 do 500 °C. Bylo získáno 51.74 % organické kapaliny, 39.16 % koksu, 8.94 % plynu a 1.16 % orogenetické vody. Problémem dalšího použití pyrolýzního koksu může být vysoký obsah zinku a jiných balastních anorganických látek

    Matematički modeli izgaranja, konvekcije i prijenosa topline u eksperimentalnom toplinkom uređaju i verifikacija

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    The presented paper deals with the analysis of turbulent burning and with transport of energy and momentum. The article specificity lies in the fact that these processes are analysed in the horizontal furnace in which the screw reactor is placed. This reactor processes organic raw materials continually and thermally. Volume input of the raw materials is about 60 kg per hour. Solution of this issue comes from the measured energy responses of this device and from the principles of mathematic 3-D modelling. The main aim is to introduce a methodology of the combined modelling of the turbulence, burning and radiation for the monitored case and to verify it on the basis of experimentally obtained data.Rad se bavi analizom turbulentnog izgaranja te prijenosom energije i količinom gibanja. Rad je specifičan po činjenici da se ti procesi analiziraju u horizontalnoj visokoj peći u koju je postavljen vijčani reaktor. Taj reaktor prerađuje organske sirovine kontinuirano i termalno. Količina unosa sirovina je oko 60 kg na sat. Rješenje ovog pitanja nalazi se u izmjerenim količinama energije tog uređaja i u principima matematičkog 3-D modeliranja. Osnovni je cilj predstaviti metodologiju kombiniranog modeliranja turbulencije, izgaranja i radijacije u istraživanom slučaju i verificirati ga na osnovi eksperimentalno dobivenih podataka.Web of Science21111211

    Mathematical models of combustion, convection and heat transfer in experimental thermic device and verification

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    Rad se bavi analizom turbulentnog izgaranja te prijenosom energije i količinom gibanja. Rad je specifičan po činjenici da se ti procesi analiziraju u horizontalnoj visokoj peći u koju je postavljen vijčani reaktor. Taj reaktor prerađuje organske sirovine kontinuirano i termalno. Količina unosa sirovina je oko 60 kg na sat. Rješenje ovog pitanja nalazi se u izmjerenim količinama energije tog uređaja i u principima matematičkog 3-D modeliranja. Osnovni je cilj predstaviti metodologiju kombiniranog modeliranja turbulencije, izgaranja i radijacije u istraživanom slučaju i verificirati ga na osnovi eksperimentalno dobivenih podataka.The presented paper deals with the analysis of turbulent burning and with transport of energy and momentum. The article specificity lies in the fact that these processes are analysed in the horizontal furnace in which the screw reactor is placed. This reactor processes organic raw materials continually and thermally. Volume input of the raw materials is about 60 kg per hour. Solution of this issue comes from the measured energy responses of this device and from the principles of mathematic 3-D modelling. The main aim is to introduce a methodology of the combined modelling of the turbulence, burning and radiation for the monitored case and to verify it on the basis of experimentally obtained data

    Utilization of biodegradable wastes as a clean energy source in the developing countries: A case study in Myanmar

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    Nowadays, waste-to-energy has become a type of renewable energy utilization that can provide environmental and economic benefits in the world. In this paper, we evaluated the quality of twelve biodegradable waste samples from Myanmar by binder laboratory heating and drying oven at 105 degrees C. The calculation methods of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) were used for the greenhouse gas emission estimation from waste disposal at the open dumpsites, anaerobic digestion, and waste transportation in the current situation of Myanmar. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and fossil fuel consumption of the improved biodegrade waste utilization system were estimated and both were found to be reduced. As a result, volume and weight of the biodegradable wastes with 100% moisture reduction were estimated at approximately 5 million cubic meters per year and 2600 kilotonnes per year, respectively, in 2021. The total GHG emissions in the current situation amounted to approximately 1500 and 1800 Gigagrams of CO2-eq per year in 2019 and 2021, respectively, while the total GHG emission avoidance from a sustainable approach amounted to 3500 and 4000 Gigagrams of CO2-eq per year, respectively. The study aimed at highlighting the utilization of biodegradable wastes as a clean energy source in developing countries.Web of Science1111art. no. 318

    Pyrolýza kalů z komunálních čistíren odpadních vod

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    The contribution deals with the pyrolysis of three samples of sludge obtained from municipal wastewater treatment plants under the same process conditions: 0.2 g samples of material were pyrolysed in the nitrogen atmosphere; the final temperature of pyrolysis process was set at 850 °C, and after reaching this value it was kept for the next two hours. The carbon enrichment of pyrolytic coke was the highest in the case of non-limed sludge from the Ostrava Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (CWTP), namely 67.47%, in the case of sludge from the Sviadnov WTP it was 45.99% and in the case of limed sludge from the Ostrava CWTP it was 44.54%; carbon contents in these samples did not differ too much. Pyrolytic gases from the non-limed sludge from the Ostrava CWTP and from the sludge of Sviadnov WTP show similar compositions (H2 forms about 70% and CO2 30% of detected gases). By pyrolysis of limed sludge from the Ostrava CWTP, a gas containing, in addition to hydrogen and carbon dioxide, also carbon monoxide (7% of detected gases) and methane (2.5% of detected gases) was produced. From experiments it is evident that above all the content of volatile organic compounds in sludge and the presence of monoxide calcium, which acts as catalyst in the pyrolysis reaction, in sludge influence the production of gases.Příspěvek se zabývá pyrolýzou tří různých kalů z komunálních čistíren odpadních vod za stejných procesních podmínek: vzorky materiálu o hmotnosti 0,2 g byly pyrolyzovány v atmosféře dusíku, konečná teplota pyrolýzního procesu byla nastavena na 850 °C a byla udržována ještě dvě hodiny po dosažení této hodnoty. Nabohacení pyrolytického koksu uhlíkem bylo nejvyšší pro nevápněný kal ÚČOV Ostrava 67,47 %, pro kal ČOV Sviadnov bylo 45,99 % a pro vápněný kal ÚČOV Ostrava bylo 44,54 %, přitom obsah uhlíku v původních kalech se příliš nelišil. Podobné složení (cca 70 % detekovaných plynů tvoří H2 a 30 % CO2) vykazovaly pyrolytické plyny z nevápněného kalu ÚČOV Ostrava a z kalu ČOV Sviadnov. Pyrolýzou vápněného kalu ÚČOV Ostrava vznikl plyn obsahující kromě vodíku a oxidu uhličitého také oxid uhelnatý (7 % detekovaných plynů) a methan (2,5 % detekovaných plynů). Základní charakteristika pyrolytického koksu z kalů ÚČOV Ostrava byla obdobná, pyrolytický koks z kalu ČOV Sviadnov obsahoval subjektivně méně fosforečnanů železa a více částic na bázi Fe-S. Z experimentů je zřejmé, že vliv má především obsah těkavé organické složky v kalu a přítomnost oxidu vápenatého v kalu, která působí na průběh pyrolýzní reakce katalyticky

    Návrh a výpočet ohřívání základního modulu pyrolýzní pece jednotky Pyromatic

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    The article is focused on definition of optimum parameters of the pyrolitic unit basic module heating with respect to specified operating conditions. Suitable available fuel gases are propane and natural gas. The total capacity of torches is 200 kW. All energetic values has been calculated and reconciled for the both gases with respect to significant factors influencing the heating process course. In the conclusion the established values are summarized and evaluated.Příspěvek je zaměřen na určení optimálních parametrů ohřívání základního modulu pyrolýzní jednotky vzhledem k požadovaným podmínkám provozu. Jako vhodné topné plyny jsou k dispozici propan a zemní plyn. Celkový výkon hořáků činí 200 kW. Veškeré energetické veličiny jsou vypočteny a srovnány pro oba plyny, a to z podstatných hledisek ovlivňujících průběh spalovacího procesu. V závěru příspěvku je shrnutí a vyhodnocení zjištěných hodnot

    The influence of hygienisation of sewage sludge on the process of pyrolysis

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    The aim of this work was to determine the influence of liming on the process of pyrolysis. Three samples of sludge from two wastewater treatment plants were selected for this study on pyrolysis: sludge without liming and limed sludge from the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ostrava and sludge from the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Sviadnov. The samples had different content of calcite (CaCO3). The limed sludge contained 7% of CaCO3, sludge without liming 3.8% and sludge without liming from WWTP Sviadnov contained 0.5% of calcite. The results of laboratory pyrolysis proved that limed sludge released the maximum amount of carbon - 55.46 %, while sludge without liming from WWTP Sviadnov released only 48.92%. Calcite produces during its decomposition CaO and the product influences the pyrolysis process because it supports cracking of volatile organic compounds

    Laboratorní a poloprovozní výzkum pyrolýzního procesu

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    Pyrolysis is a suitable recycling method that leads to a creation of 3 pyrolyzed phases (gas, liquid and solid) and every phase has its possible utilisation. Pyrolysis is a complicated process and its description in the light of system analysis by means co called transport system enables its reduc-tion on a system of masses transport and a system of energy transport. A transport system consists of accumulative elements (a reservoir), transformation elements (a pyrolysis retort, a burner) and transport elements (pipes). In a system of pyrolysis, by means of transformation elements, the follow-ing actions are realised: a flow of mass and energy, transformation of input material to a pyrolyzed phase in a transformation element and storage of products in accumulative elements. Quantity and composition of pyrolyzed products are dependent on process conditions of a pyrolysis especially temperature. Pyrolysis of scrap tyres was tested in a laboratory thermic analyzer and in semi opera-tional unit of Pyromatic. Presented article presents results obtained from both devices.Pyrolýza je vhodným recyklačním procesem, při kterém z organického materiálu vznikají produkty tří fází (plyn, kapalina polokoks). Každý z těchto produktů má své využití. Systémová analýza umožňuje pomocí transportního systému popsat pyrolýzu jako transport hmoty a energie. Transportní systém je složen ze 3 druhů prvků – akumulačních (nádoby různého typu), transformačních (pyrolýzní retorta, hořák) a transportních (potrubí). V takto definovaném systému dochází k přeměně hmoty a energie vstupního materiálu v transformačních prvcích na jednotlivé pyrolýzní fáze, které jsou následně ukládány v akumulačních prvcích. Kvantita a kvalita jednotlivých pyrolýzních fází závisí na procesních podmínkách pyrolýzy, především na teplotě. Pyrolýza odpadní pryže byla testována v laboratorním termickém analyzátoru a následně v poloprovozním zařízení Pyromatic. Tento článek se v souladu se systémovou analýzou zabývá výsledky experimentálních měření na obou těchto zařízeních

    Změny energetický parametrů biomasy v závislosti na období sklizně

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    The harvested period of energy grasses can change considerably the problem parameters which influence the process of combustion (concentrations of alkalies, chlorine, nitrogen and ash). The highest losses of water-soluble potassium (> 80 %) were observed for Agrostis gigantea Roth. and Phalaris arundinacea L., the lowest losses were found for Festuca arundinacea Schreb. The losos of water-soluble sodium (36 – 57 %) were Loir than those of potassium. The concentration of chlorine remained almost constant during whole vegetation period.Doba sklizně energetických travin může výrazně ovlivnit problémové parametry ovlivňující průběh spalovacích procesů (obsah alkalických prvků, chloru, dusíku a popelovin). Nejvyšší ztráty vodorozpustného draslíku (> 80 %) vykazoval psineček veliký Rožnovský (Agrostis gigantea Roth.) a lesknice rákosovitá Chrastava (Phalaris arundinacea L.), nejnižší ztráty (<30 %) vykazovala kostřava rákosovitá KORA (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Ztráty vodorozpustného sodíku byly nižší, pouze 36 – 57 %. Obsah vodorozpustného chloru zůstal po celé vegetační období téměř konstantní