181 research outputs found
Total Immersion: Virtual Reality\u27s Path to Mass Adoption
With the release of devices such as the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Google Daydream in 2016, virtual reality seems poised to take over the tech and media landscape. Professional estimates of the projected popularity of these devices span extremely wide ranges, and many of these predictions fall victim to a self-serving bias. The purpose of this research is to identify the variables that affect the spread of the use of virtual reality, and to analyze how the characteristics of modern virtual reality relate to these variables. The framework used to identify and assess these variables comes from Everett Rogers’s seminal Diffusion of Innovations theory. To contextualize modern day VR, the paper include a brief history of the technology and relevant predecessors. It also compares and contrasts the diverse VR offerings on the market today. After analyzing virtual reality through the principles of the Diffusion of Innovations theory, it is clear that many factors are slowing VR’s rate of adoption, and that near-future estimates of the spread of the technology should be conservative. Despite this, the benefits of VR as seen through Rogers’s lens suggest that the long term view of the platform is much more optimistic
Semantic Document Clustering for Crime Investigation
Computers are increasingly used as tools to commit crimes such as unauthorized access (hacking), drug trafficking, and child pornography. The proliferation of crimes involving
computers has created a demand for special forensic tools that allow investigators to look for evidence on a suspect’s computer by analyzing communications and data on the computer’s storage devices. Motivated by the forensic process at Sûreté du Québec (SQ), the Québec provincial police, we propose a new subject-based semantic document clustering model that allows an investigator to cluster documents stored on a suspect’s computer by grouping them into a set of overlapping clusters, each corresponding to a subject of interest initially defined by the investigator
En Chile existe un déficit de información respecto a la vida de las trabajadoras sexuales, lo que ha implicado una barrera para la comprensión y formulación de medidas de salud que respondan de manera efectiva a sus necesidades. El objetivo de esta investigación es comprender la percepción de cuerpo de las trabajadoras sexuales en Santiago, para contribuir en la atención de salud y en la orientación de la gestión del cuidado de EnfermerÃa desde las percepciones que las trabajadoras presentan en torno a su cuerpo y a su experiencia con él. Para esto se desarrolló un estudio de tipo cualitativo, con enfoque teórico-metodológico de TeorÃa Fundamentada, utilizando entrevistas en profundidad como técnica de recolección de datos, las cuales fueron analizadas hasta la codificación abierta. Se pudo determinar que las participantes relacionan su percepción corporal asociada al cuerpo fÃsico, realizando acciones de autocuidado orientadas a la mantención, higiene y seguridad fÃsica de éste; sin embargo, la percepción se manifiesta también mediante la influencia de la construcción social en torno al cuerpo de la trabajadora sexual, generando efectos tanto en su visión del trabajo sexual como en las experiencias asociadas en torno a su práctica
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