116 research outputs found

    Over de integratie van migranten in Nederland en de actualiteit van het integratieconcept

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    Professor Jaco Dagevos is benoemd als bijzonder hoogleraar Integratie en Migratie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. De leerstoel is gevestigd bij de afdeling Sociologie van de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen (FSW) en is ingesteld door het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP). Jaco Dagevos houdt zich bezig met vraagstukken over integratie en migratie. Zijn wetenschappelijk onderzoek richt zich onder andere op de integratie van migranten van Turkse, Marokkaanse, Surinaamse en Antilliaanse origine. Daarnaast onderzoekt hij de achtergronden van huwelijksmigratie, de oorzaken van arbeidsmigratie vanuit Midden- en Oost-Europa en discriminatie van migranten op de arbeidsmarkt. Resultaten van het onderzoek van de leerstoel moeten bijdragen aan wetenschappelijke en beleidsdiscussies over het verloop en achtergronden van integratie en migratie. Jaco Dagevos (1965) is als hoofd van de sector Onderwijs, Minderheden en Methodologie werkzaam bij het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. Hij studeerde sociologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit waar hij in 1998 ook promoveerde op een studie over de beroepsloopbanen van migranten. Hij is sinds 2000 verbonden aan het SCP, daarvoor werkte hij bij het IVA in Tilburg en het Instituut voor Sociologisch-Economisch Onderzoek van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

    ‘We do things together':exploring a household perspective on early integration processes of recent refugees

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    People are not isolated, but embedded in ongoing social networks of which the household is a crucial one. Yet, integration trajectories and outcomes are often measured and evaluated on the individual level. To nuance previous research’ preoccupation with a somewhat disconnected individual, we explore a household perspective to better understand early integration trajectories. We depart from the idea that refugees regard their direct families extremely important in early settlement times and employ the notion of embeddedness and the Family Investment Model to guide this investigation. Based on qualitative work among recent Syrian refugees to the Netherlands, we showcase four particular stories that reveal that individual integration trajectories are (also) the product of the households in which these are embedded as individuals exchange integration goals among each other and view integration as a joint venture of all household members. A household perspective succeeds to uncover important mechanisms in integration processes, most notably the fact that the expectations and ambitions that refugees set for themselves and their families is an important driver of individual integration trajectories. We conclude that the integration of individuals needs to be considered more often in the context of households in order to better understand and support them.</p

    Explaining recently arrived refugees' labor market participation: The role of policy characteristics among Syrians in the Netherlands

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    Various studies have indicated the disadvantaged positions of refugees on the labor market and studied various characteristics explaining this. Yet, little is known about the impact of settlement policy characteristics on recent arrivals' labor market participation, despite them being heavily subject to such policies. We argue such policies, next to individual characteristics, can serve as a means to gather resources relevant to the host country and consequently labor market positions, but can also serve as a post-migration stressor obstructing this. Using the Netherlands as an example, we contribute to studies on the refugee gap and provide insight into key policy characteristics explaining recently arrived refugees' (finding) employment. We use two-wave panel data of 2,379 recently arrived Syrian refugees in the Netherlands, including data on key policy and individual characteristics combined with administrative data. Employing a hybrid model, we show both within- and between-person variation. Results indicate policy matters: short and active stays in reception, complying with the civic integration obligation and a lower unemployment rate in the region refugees are randomly assigned to are beneficial for Syrians' (finding) employment. Like for other migrants, various forms of individual human capital also play a role

    Discriminatiemonitor niet-westerse allochtonen op de arbeidsmarkt 2007

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    De conclusies samengevat – Diverse onderzoeksbevindingen wijzen erop dat discriminatie van niet-westerse allochtonen op de arbeidsmarkt met name de toetreding tot de arbeidsmarkt (instroom) en het verkrijgen van vast werk belemmert. – Discriminatie lijkt minder invloed te hebben op de positie van allochtone werkenden. Allochtonen en autochtonen met vergelijkbare, voor de arbeidsmarkt relevante kenmerken als opleiding, ervaring en kennis van de Nederlandse taal, hebben vergelijkbare beroepsposities en inkomens. – De Marokkaanse groep lijkt het meest met discriminatie te worden geconfronteerd. – De tweedegeneratie-Antillianen laten het gunstigste beeld zien: zij hebben nagenoeg dezelfde kansen op (vast) werk als autochtonen. – De verschillen in arbeidsmarktpositie tussen autochtone en allochtone vrouwen worden beter verklaard door de in het model opgenomen variabelen, dan de verschillen tussen autochtone en allochtone mannen. Wellicht treft etnische discriminatie allochtone vrouwen minder dan allochtone mannen. Nader onderzoek moet hierover echter meer duidelijkheid geven. Surinaamse vrouwen nemen een bijzondere positie in: (goed geïntegreerde) Surinaamse vrouwen verschillen in arbeidsmarktpositie niet van vergelijkbare autochtone vrouwen. – Circa 20% van de niet-werkende Turken, Marokkanen, Surinamers en Antillianen is van mening dat zij vanwege discriminatie minder kansen hebben op een baan dan autochtonen. De andere 80% vindt dat er sprake is van gelijke kansen op de arbeidsmarkt of noemt andere factoren. – In de periode 2004-2006 werden bij antidiscriminatiebureaus (ADB’s) per jaar gemiddeld 400 klachten en meldingen ingediend over arbeidsmarktdiscriminatie van niet-westerse allochtonen. De meeste van deze klachten betreffen discriminatie op de werkvloer (43%), gevolgd door werving en selectie (24%) en (dreigende) beëindiging van het dienstverband (12%). De meeste klachten worden ingediend door Marokkanen. Veel klachten hebben betrekking op het dragen van een hoofddoek. – De CGB sprak in de periode 2004-2006 93 oordelen uit over ervaren discriminatie van niet-westerse allochtonen op de arbeidsmarkt. In meer dan de helft van de gevallen werd de klacht door de CGB gegrond verklaard. De meeste oordelen (40%) betreffen werving, selectie en arbeidsbemiddeling. In 30% van de oordelen spelen verhoudingen op de werkvloer – discriminerende bejegening, waaronder pesterijen en belediging – een rol. – Niet-westerse allochtonen ervaren dat zij zich meer moeten inspannen dan autochtonen om dezelfde arbeidsmarktpositie te bereiken. Zij hebben vaak het gevoel dat ze zich extra moeten bewijzen en dat er extra op hen wordt gelet. Zij ervaren dat zij voortdurend moeten laten zien dat zij niet beantwoorden aan het – ongunstige – beeld van hun groep. – Allochtone werkzoekenden houden rekening met discriminatie door onder andere specifieke bedrijven en sectoren te mijden, geen geboortelandgegevens op te nemen in de sollicitatiebrief en de hoofddoek af te doen op het werk.

    The pains and gains of reception centres:How length of stay in reception centres is associated with Syrian refugees' mental health during early resettlement

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    In European countries, refugees await the approval of their asylum claim in reception centres. Scholars have repeatedly expressed concern about the consequences of a long reception period for refugees' mental health but the mechanisms that drive this negative relationship remain not fully understood. Using survey data from 481 Syrian refugees in the Netherlands, we show that the length of stay in reception centres was associated with an increasing number of forced relocations between reception centres, which weakened refugees' mental health during their resettlement up to 2 years later. In an attempt to improve refugees' mental health, reception centres now offer day-time activities. However, while we find that length of stay in reception centres was associated with more frequent participation in day-time activities, it did not substantially improve refugees' mental health. We call for policy makers to reduce the detrimental effects of a frequent forced relocations between reception centres.</p

    The Importance of Resources and Security in the Socio-Economic Integration of Refugees. A Study on the Impact of Length of Stay in Asylum Accommodation and Residence Status on Socio-Economic Integration for the Four Largest Refugee Groups in the Netherlands

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    In many European countries, including the Netherlands, refugees stay in asylum accommodation pending a decision on their asylum request. While it seems evident that the lack of resources and insecurity about the future experienced during this stay will impact refugees' subsequent ability to integrate with the host society, so far this has hardly been studied in an extensive way. Also, the type of residence status granted can be a source of insecurity that impacts their integration. Previous studies on refugee integration have already shown the impact of pre-migration stressors such as traumatic experiences on mental health and integration. In this study, we use a large-scale dataset containing detailed information on about 4,000 refugees to show that also post-migration stressors affect mental health and hinder the socio-economic integration of the four largest refugee groups in the Netherlands: Afghan, Iraqi, Iranian and Somali

    Should I stay or should I go? What we can learn from working patterns of Central and Eastern European labour migrants about the nature of present-day migration.

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    In this paper, we examine the extent to which the employment histories of Central and Eastern EU (CEE) labour migrants exhibit patterns of temporary, circular or settlement migration. We expect to find these diverse and changeable patterns following the phenomenon of ‘New European Migration’. By distinguishing between working patterns we are able to describe actual migration behaviour to the destination country more accurately. We use wage data to track a cohort of all employees who worked in the Netherlands in June 2010, for a period of five years. Our findings show that the majority of CEE labour migrants stopped working as employees in the Netherlands within five years, mostly after an uninterrupted single period of employment. In addition, a third of CEE labour migrants engage in settlement migration, working continuously in the Netherlands for a long period. Only a very small proportion can be considered as circular migrants. This contradicts our expectations regarding New European Migration, that there would be fewer labour migrants with uninterrupted periods of work and more labour migrants working for shorter periods
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